Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tech Deck Birthday Invitations

St. Augustine garrison suspension renovations - Ostia - request clarification.

Rome, February 22, 2011

the President of the Lazio Region
Hon Renata Polverini
The General AUSL Roma D
Prof. Ferdinando Romano
and pc to the Committee in Defense of the House of childbirth and
Services Maternal - Infant The Council of
s Delegate / MSW

Writer OS, following the note of 09 February this year regarding the suspension of the renovation of the St. Augustine garrison in November 2010 in relation to some news appeared on the bodies of print and some positions taken about the allocation of necessary funds for these renovations, demands to know if this is true and what may be the reasons, the news that only one third of the funds allocated, and committed for the tender, would have been paid, and already granted to Firm, as stated in the contract.

Given that funding and appropriations (€ 4,000,000.00) by the Lazio Region should, as announced, to allow completion of work by the company that has been awarded the contract by March 2011, is responsible for knowing whether, when, and what further action, not foreseen at the time of the tender, have been included, while the "state of play" and, where these and to what extent, led to a further increase in costs compared to the initial financing.

Writer OS calls Finally, to know which initiatives and measures are being seriously and taking in order to allow the immediate resumption of work on building the "House of Women's Health and Child" and, above all, to ensure rapidly moving el 'original relocation of those services and activities that operate today from many difficulties such as the Family Counseling of Ostia, the TSMREE of Ostia, the immunoprophylaxis / Vaccinations, etc. .., giving back to the Territory a structure is needed to conduct a qualitative growth and quantitative analysis of social and health services.
Waiting for a reminder, my best regards.
Prot ASL RM / D No. 17209 of
p. the COBAS AUSL RM / D
Delegates MSW
Laura Mazzarella - Cesare Morra - Antonio Nocera


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