Last week, around 11 February, the newspapers reported a resounding declaration of Giulio Tremonti: Minister for Economy stated that the North trains have squashed flies on the windows, the South did not. It follows that the South trains go so slow, but so slow that the flies are able to surpass them.
Waiting for someone to remind Tremonti that he is the cause of delay and of inefficiency (he and his party, and even the Northern League), as it is in government for a decade, and in an important position, below (copy and paste from the site http://dariodangelo. / ) the amount of new taxes that were approved this week, just by Tremonti.
Then I read that Tremonti, in the opinion polls, is highly respected and quoted in place of Berlusconi, there are many who would just Tremonti. What can I say? Will be those who pay € 450 per month to send their children to school, whereas before the school was free? Will be those who have been to move the retirement age of seventy and hoped to go to 50-55? Well, I know ...
Decree extensions one thousand, one thousand tax decree (from the blog of Francesco white lead) while Berlusconi has undertaken not to say concerned about the investigation that involves him, and for trying to figure out how to make a party, such as trouble do to be able to further divide to be with all, while the PD is just another fool (meaning the have dropped his pants with boxwoods and then be told with a sharp 'no'), while this country speaks exclusively to San Remo and the whores of Berlusconi, the government approved the decree milleproroghe.
said it was the government tax cuts, economic growth.
Well, let's see what this actually entails decree milleproroghe:
1) Introduced fee of 30 euro plus a stamp duty of 8 for each appeal to the magistrate.
2) Eliminating the deduction of 19% for purchases of subscriptions to local public transport;
3) Eliminating the deduction of 19% for expenditure on education of teachers.
4) Cancelled credit 'tax, introduced by Prodi, 10% of businesses doing research and innovation.
5) No refund fiscal drag to workers and businesses.
6) Introduction of the so-called tax on technology (lettori multimediali, telef. cellulari, computer)
7) Aumento tariffe dell’ acqua (grazie alla privatizzazione fatta da Tremonti, art. 23 bis decreto legge 133/2008)
8 ) Aumento delle tariffe postali
9) Aumento pedaggi austostrade Anas
10) Aumento di 3 euro sui biglietti aerei per chi parte da Roma e Milano, per qualsiasi destinazione e su qualunque compagnia, low cost incluse.
11) Aumento biglietti dei treni, sia regionali che a lunga percorrenza.
12) Raddoppio dell’ IVA sugli abbonamenti alle pay tv
13) Tabacchi: aumentano sigarette low cost e tabacchi
14) Increase fees Rai
15) confirmed the application of VAT tax on waste, despite contrary court ruling Cosituzionale.
16) Close tax on insurance companies
17) Set a goal (the municipalities may establish new taxes, for example. Local tax for tourists), to encourage investments in the municipal area.
18) allocated to the regions the possibility of increasing to 3% 's additional personal income tax.
19) on the Establishment of toll motorways (eg. Florence, Siena, Rome-Fiumicino, Salerno-Avellino, Bologna ring road)
20) Increase aliquota contributiva, dal 25 al 26%, per iscritti a gestione separata INPS (professionisti senza previdenza di categoria, venditori a domicilio e lavoratori autonomi occasionali)
21) Aumenta al 10% (dal 7-8) l’ “aggio” per la riscossione dei tributi concesso alla Riscossione spa. La nuova norma implica un aggravio per il contribuente pari al 2.5% circa in caso di pagamento dopo il sessantesimo giorno.
22) Aumento di 1 euro per i biglietti del cinema (ad eccezione delle sale parrocchiali)
Certamente รจ presente la sospensione del pagamento delle tasse per i terremotati d’abruzzo fino al 30 giugno 2011, e sono anche presenti i 100 milioni (sottratti fas fund) for the Ligurian and Venetian ...
is, ultimately it is better to talk back to whores
(from )
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