Laurence Sterne ( V )
I knowing how to write a chapter on sleep. (...) Oh, the words of Sancho Panza! "The blessing of God descended on the man who first invented this thing called sleep states: it covers the whole man with his coat."
(Laurence Sterne, Tristram Shandy: Volume IV, Chapter fifteen)
For my part, being just a beginner in this matter, I know little, but, in my opinion, writing a book is in all and all sing a song as it does not matter, ma'am, that your tone is high or low, provided you manage to keep in tune. E 'for this reason, I grant your reverence, that some the poorer and more flat compositions are binding on the public (as Yorick said one evening to my uncle Tobias) "siege." I remember my uncle Tobias strained his eyes to the sound of the word "siege" but I did not understand what sense could have.
(Laurence Sterne, Tristram Shandy: Volume IV, Chapter twenty-sixth)
From this moment I have to be considered heir-apparent of the Shandy family, from this point begins the true story of my life and my views . (...) And now that you've reached the end of these four volumes, here's the question I wanted to make: how do you feel your head? My makes me terribly sick.
(Laurence Sterne, Tristram Shandy: Volume IV, Chapter thirty)
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