Friday, February 25, 2011

Right Side Pain More Condition_symptoms

Pubblicità 9

Da quando ha cominciato a fare pubblicità in tv, il concentrato di pomodoro Xxxxx è diventato meno buono: la pubblicità in tv costa moltissimo, non si possono alzare i prezzi più di quel tanto, da qualche parte bisogna pur risparmiare – e allora si risparmia sulla qualità, tanto chi vuoi che se ne accorga. In pubblicità si ragiona così: conta il marchio, il consumatore va fidelizzato, si compera il nome del prodotto, non il prodotto. Magari funziona con l’abbigliamento, con gli alimentari proprio no.
I always bought them, the sauce and the tomato paste Xxxxx Xxxxx, when they were a small unknown brand to most, my mother is very demanding but he was fine. Then, I do not know what happened, if the mark Xxxxx has been bought by a corporation, or simply there was a change in the family, from father to son, who knows. The fact is that the sauce Xxxxx is no longer as good as before, and we have changed brands. Even a relative of mine, a few weeks ago, I unwittingly spoke: "I bought the sauce Xxxxx, but he was not good." And so, from that account, was born a little chat about the brands and branded products. Once

c’erano slogan famosi: «Galbani vuol dire fiducia», «Su De Rica non si può (sottinteso: non si può scherzare)», eccetera: ma la Galbani era del signor Galbani, la Molteni era del signor Molteni, la Buitoni del signor Buitoni, la Ariston del signor Ariston, la Fiat del signor Fiat, la Ignis del signor Ignis, la Ford e la Chrysler erano americane, la Rolls Royce e la Mini Minor erano inglesi, la Grundig e la Deutsche Grammophon erano tedesche, e via elencando.
Ma, oggi, di chi è la Galbani? Di chi è la Chrysler? Dove le fanno le Fiat, le Ariston, le scarpe, i mobili? Quand’ero piccolo, qui c’era la tradizione dei biscotti Lazzaroni: li facevano a Saronno (provincia di Varese) da cent’anni, dall’Ottocento, forse da sempre, ed erano buonissimi. Oggi li compero ancora, sono ancora abbastanza buoni, in qualche negozio li trovate, ma li fanno in Abruzzo e sono diventati uno dei tanti marchi di non so più quale grande biscottificio. Anche la pasta, gli spaghetti, anche il latte: provate un po’ a fare caso a dove li producono, sui pacchetti è indicato lo stabilimento di provenienza e quasi mai corrispondono alla sede “storica” di quel marchio.

Altri marchi storici su cui ragionare: Rizzoli, Einaudi, Mondadori, Bompiani, Longanesi, la rivista Linus...Non sono “marchi” né “logo”, sono cognomi di persone realmente esistite, and that are no longer with us a long time. The founder of Linus, Giovanni Gandini, there is no more, no longer even Oreste del Buono, who has continued the work, and Schulz is gone, there's more ... Crepax In short, the "Linus" you see today is just a newsstands newspaper noted that the head (the mark, the logo) to one which was there before, but that the newspaper has nothing in common. And the movies and music: the Medusa, MGM, Paramount, Columbia and CBS, Deutsche Grammophon and Decca, all prestigious brands and historical past, but went out of hand again and again. The founders are gone, closed or sold out for some time, and even when the family has maintained the property is not always direct descendants have been up to. Who to trust? I do: the historical brands put them on par with the new ones in the sense that you should always first try, browse, touch, test.
I do not trust anyone anymore, not buy anything sight unseen, and mostly I refuse to be "loyal" come and go as I please and how best to think, if you want me to continue to buy your products make sure that the quality remains high, as did our old, and maybe - if you need to save and optimization - Cut the cost of advertising, rather than relocate of insecurity and employees (the employees are the ones who make the product, if you'll never precarious workforce competent in this area).

I recently saw massive advertising campaigns in favor of historical marks, the "choose the parts of trust," but I no longer trust would be nice if it were true, but I got too many rip-off. Until a few years ago I would have trusted, today marks the historical - for me - just good memories of the past.


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