The only words I want, for now, say about the game yesterday, is that for the compliment Maddaloni. Great game, as I said in another place, made with heart, that we had defections of Pairone comparison is a joke, but were able to compact at a difficult time, with the desire to end a dark period.
Tomorrow is a holiday. By a strange coicidenza tomorrow is a day of awards.
A Power is a celebration of basketball, the third "Landi Memorial", the annual celebration of basketball Lucan.
Last year, in category "C" series of regional best player was awarded Rocco Palace, our play. To succeed this year again a player who wears the jersey of CTR La Bastide Senise, Stephen Marino.
As I said, it is not the only award of the day. It 's a different prize, because dedicated to all sports and Senisese Lagonegrese, and is in its fourth edition. This year is dedicated to the memory of Luigi Viola, who left us too early.
addition to many awards for the best teams in our area, like every year there is a section dedicated to football and basketball, of course.
Two prizes, one for the best under the area, which has seen all three previous editions win Rosario Sassano. This year, the trio will vote to choose the winner is made by Valerio D'Aranno, Salvatore Pernice e Gianmaria Le Rose.
Poi c'è la premiazione per il miglior giocatore di basket senior. Nelle precedenti edizioni sono stati premiati in ordine Edgardo Sesma. Lino Durante e lo scorso anno Rocco Palazzo. Palazzo ha la possibilità di vincere anche quest'anno perché fà parte della triade insieme a Christian Femmini e Nicolas Pairone. Sarà una bella serata, di seguito la descrizione del premio così come riportata dal sito www.lasiritide.it
Premio La Siritide , iniziativa dedicata allo sport del Senisese-Pollino, che la provincia di Potenza assegna annualmente agli atleti e alle società che si sono distinte durante i dodici months preceding the event. The event is organized by "Agoraut" the province of Potenza and Ente Parco del Pollino and information portal sponsored by lasiritide.it.
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