When the chickens are coming home to roost ... if you find the comb!
This OS has repeatedly been able to report and denounce, suffering retaliation and threats of legal action, in the press, through notes, flyers and press the issues of policy on the use and management of human and professional resources in the ASL RM / D, emphasizing the use and management of Human Resources (recruitment, mobility, transfers, commands, etc.. ,) richiedessero interventi e politiche adeguate in grado di garantire, in modo oculato ed appropriato, un’equa distribuzione e razionalizzazione delle stesse in rapporto ai ruoli, alle qualifiche, alle competenze e alle professionalità nelle rispettive assegnazioni e collocazioni, partendo dalle priorità delle attività dei singoli servizi nel rispetto, soprattutto, di quei criteri e quei principi di correttezza e trasparenza ( graduatorie, avvisi e bandi di mobilità, ecc. ) necessari per assicurare certezza e tutela del diritto, nonché dignità umana, professionale/lavorativa a tutte le lavoratrici e a tutti i lavoratori.
Purtroppo così non è stato!!!
Ad un modello reso, anche dalle nuove normative general, more and more deregulated, it was accompanied and introduced, especially in the past management, within the ASL RM / D, a system and an autocratic and authoritarian climate of choices, decisions, attitudes dictated only by criteria arbitrary and discretionary mere logic, outside of any rule of comparison, also in violation of those agreements on labor mobility in the repeated verbal agreement with the trade unions of 12/02/2008, and those standards of transparency and control acts and choices that would be due to a Public Administration.
attitudes, behaviors, decisions on the character of "please" and / or punitive damages, unfair which eventually generate between and within the employees who, under uncertainty, subordination and submission, with the logical consequence of forcing the / the same / i, the search for "strategies" personal, "prisoners" perhaps, of zealous exponents and managers (see Management Company SAI) in the hope and the expectation of having those needs and recognize and affirm those rights otherwise denied.
A logic and an authoritarian system that sought to affirm the "absolute power" in life, in conditions and human destinies, business / professional people.
We think that this has made it more acute than those critical issues and the shortage of staff in the various social services - health and those in technical / administrative, and even more obvious and dramatic today, because of the inability to achieve in the short term acquisition of new human resources through recruitment and professional, taking also into account the limitations imposed by the blockade of the turn - over to those regions, such as Lazio, subject to the repayment plan.
This situation can only lead to further difficulties for the same functionality and efficiency of services with a heavy impact on the quantity and quality of operations and performance also determines the loads and untenable consequences for the pace of work of People active with a significant risk to health and their own psycho - physical conditions and the difficulty of ensuring the necessary quality of care.
In this reality, because of an economic / financial crisis, now you try to run for cover through a survey of staff, also based on the Operational Programmes 2011 - 2012 the Region, especially that of nurses, all this' internal departments and departments of the ASL RM / D, with the intention, presumably, to explore the possibility of "recovering", optimize the professional resources to try to address the most critical situations in the present themselves. In this context
have felt fluttering and spurious instrumental positions, maybe even tending to mask and conceal the real responsibility not only political, but management of those who acted in recent years has contributed to this state of affairs, with actual behaviors "owners" (eg Director SAI) in the "Human Resource Management and Professional" by exercising, in our view, its role outside of any notion of planning and organization of services and activities necessary and unavoidable in the interests of transparency , rational and equitable distribution of location and human and professional resources within the company.
A question naturally arises: can continue to hold the same office who was responsible for this ...?!
We understand the concerns of women workers and workers who are now facing the possibility of a transfer and a relocation, perhaps without any prior notice and involvement, and for this we regard as necessary, about the use of personal choices that correspond to priority services, activities and services, geared towards a more equitable distribution and rationalization of personnel in relation to the roles, qualifications, skills, and professionalism to their respective assignments and locations. This, starting only examine, study and planning activities in individual departments, including those where these resources may be withheld by promoting and adopting criteria and principles of participation, transparency, fairness and rationality, avoiding (that " 'murderess "returns to the scene of the crime) attitude and behavior of any arbitrary, vexatious and purely discretionary, detrimental not only rights, but of the same human and professional dignity of every worker and employee.
This, of course, in full compliance with regulations and procedures, in particular, those relating to medical examinations prior to job change, as per Legislative Decree No. 81/2008 Art. 41 comma 2 lett. D, as also indicated in note 31.1 of the RSU of us.
During these years of Human Resource Management policies have always been an idea of \u200b\u200bthe power tool that has helped, even with the political economic / financial pursued by the various governments of the Centre Left and Centre Right, resources dispel in fact creating a network of small / large business interests, idiosyncrasies and clientele, stifling energy, skills, knowledge, sensitivity and logic in owning and feudal idea of \u200b\u200b"public affairs".
Consider, finally, it will be useful, once again, confirm the meaning of our feelings and our actions and the belief that only through active participation, a constant comparison, a social practice and human "Other" in the workplace, in the Territory in which they live and try to be and to become community, which may pave the way and conditions from which to depart, to determine real changes in the conditions of life and work of each and every one of us the same opportunity to challenge, to rethink and reshape not only the organization of work, but the entire system of human and social relationships, when and how these people's lives, for a different quality of life.
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