The first "cutting" the extraordinary plan for employment confirms the effectiveness of measures adopted last June by the Piedmont Region, to boost the production system and help to revitalize the economy of the Piedmont. He supported the president Roberto Cota, who stressed: "We on track." The figures speak for themselves: just to name a few, have been presented 1609 applications to enter and stabilize the unemployed who have a temporary or contract of apprenticeship, 466 for the creation of new enterprises (including 35 already admitted to the funds), 867 (of which 116 to under 35) for the development of innovative micro 50 the strengthening of the productive system , 273 for innovation in SMEs, small and medium enterprises, 261 for equity loans, 431 for the promotion abroad , 18 for energy efficiency, 154 for energy saving. Have also been initiated 7 master involving 29 companies with the recruitment of 104 apprentices recruited 428 precarious in the school, the provinces are proceeding with the redevelopment of 943 people and is being prepared by the invitations to select reintegration assistance recipients to employment, the incumbent are 8 3 companies and research organizations. " The regional government has pledged to give the Piedmont tools to climb the slope caused by the economic crisis - Cota noted during the presentation of data, Wednesday, Feb. 16 in the region, with the Councillor for Economic Development, Massimo Giordano , and the president of Finpiemonte, Massimo Feira -. We promised that in the first hundred days we prepared a special plan to support the work. We did it in fifty, just to ensure that action was effective and fast, effective and easy to implement. The data hours that we read tell us that we are on track . But the president has called for " not claim victory, because common sense and feet planted firmly on the ground, we realize that the crisis is not entirely defeated, and competition in international markets is increasingly tight. Piedmont companies have, however, workers and entrepreneurs capable of meeting this challenge . Councilor Jordan said that " the results are overwhelmingly positive, but there is still room for improvement. I think we can be happy with how it is developing the evolution of the whole system of support .
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