Advisory bureau of Ostia - 13 Town Hall / District 2.
the President Lazio Region
Hon Renata Polverini
The General AUSL Roma D
Prof. Ferdinando Romano
The Director of Health District XIII Municipio
Dr Daniel Sgroi
the Director of Health Protection UOC
of Women and Child
Dr. Patricia Musacchio
The manager UOC Prevention and Protection
Dr. Vittorio Chinni
and PC to professional / / Family Counseling for the bulls Ostia
Assembly of Women
XIII Municipio Ms Ada Codecà
to the Committee in Defense of the House of childbirth and
Services Maternal - Child
The Council of the s Delegate / MSW
Writer OS, has already reported in the past, specifically with a note of 15/12/2008 Prot No. 103823, and a note / warning of 23/06/2009 Prot AUSL RM / D No. 57806 sent, even to the then President Regione Lazio, Piero Marrazzo Hon, issues relating to Family Clinics, 13 Town Hall / District 2, with particular reference to the situation came to be determined, after closing for renovations of St. Augustine, with the transfer of Counseling Ostia at a local privately owned, Via Capitan Box, No. 3 / A, for which the Company ASL RM / A signed a lease.
Premises, as already indicated, through a complaint by the Women's Hall of 13 and by the same writer OS, have proved inadequate from the start, incapable, and dell'agibilità the limit that can not guarantee ' together work done previously in the St. Augustine garrison, both in terms of quantity and quality and, despite having been requested, it was not possible to know even if they were made, enabling the transfer of the Family Counseling, the necessary feasibility studies and fitness premises located in Via Capitan Box No. 3 / A.
To date, no one knows whether the time has been requested and given the necessary approvals and clearances and, therefore, if any, within the existing premises of the Family Counseling, those essential conditions for meeting these requirements and criteria appropriateness (LR No. 4 / 2003) and standards of safety and practicability to protect the health of male and female workers and of those citizens / members (Legislative Decree no. 81/08).
E ', worth mentioning that, following a series of recommendations and initiatives, the same company management came, on 07/03/2009, the signing of a Record of Understanding with the Assembly of Women and the MSW Management, in which he stated, and claiming to want "... .. The adequacy of services consultoriali of Ostia, for which there is an ongoing negotiation (without, however, never indicate which) for the local opening acts Advice for a second .... "
that intention is not corresponding to reality and the commitments made were, in fact, completely disregarded so far as to "impede" the flow of work to address this issue, the table of comparison, established under the same Management.
A comparison table he saw, in fact, beyond the intention, commitment and availability of staff who had been called upon to represent the company, the most total absence of any real will and a business strategy if not that, obviously, to try to buy time and avoid giving answers and solutions to existing problems and critical issues.
Today, two years after the transfer of the Family Counseling in the premises of Via Capitan Box, No. 3 / A, also consider the suspension of the renovation of St. Augustine, indicated by this OS on 14/01/2011, Prot ASL RM / D No. 3329, which in fact undermines the original relocation, is strong concern for the fate of what is rightly considered an important and indispensable service to the policies regarding the Protection of Women's Health and the Child.
Concern is also expressed by operators and workers in a memo dated 01/02/2011 sent to business executives and for information to trade unions in which they are repeated difficulties, hardships and the weaknesses within the premises of Via Capitan Box is for professional / / bulls in the performance of multiple functions and activities, for the reception of large numbers of citizens / users who go to the family.
difficulties, hardships and problems that the news about the interruption of the renovation of St. Augustine are making it increasingly unsustainable and unacceptable.
The situation in detail and widely reported and denounced at the time of this OS and the Assembly Hall of the Women's Advisory bureau XIII beyond occasional "technical assistance" is still as follows:
1. In what should be the main entrance to the steps, and especially asymmetric close, creating difficulties for representing, however, a real risk for women with babies in their arms and does not, in fact, the normal and regular access, and flow passage for more than one person at a time, with obvious difficulties for strollers and wheelchairs, so much so that the access of disabled people is used communal entrance which opens in the storeroom of the same clinic;
2. The spaces within the structure, are incredibly inadequate, non-functional and very uncomfortable for both the professional / / golds that, especially for people who access;
3. The front door opening, prende tutto lo spazio antistante lo sportello per il filtro e l’accoglienza, dove sostano le persone in attesa di indicazione e informazioni;
4. Il corridoio risulta strettissimo anche per il normale transito delle persone che vi accedono ( una alla volta ) e rimane particolarmente difficoltoso per il passaggio di mamme e/o papà muniti di carrozzine e passeggini;
5. La stanza adibita ad accoglienza è quella relativa allo spazio “ ritagliato “ nel corridoio ed è situata subito a ridosso della porta d’entrata, ed è priva di finestre.
6. Cosa particolarmente grave è l’impossibilità, in queste condizioni, di poter garantire la riservatezza e la tutela della privacy delle persone, also considered a special delicacy of the issues addressed.
7. In reality there is no real room for the reception and to make appropriate and functional manner in the first interview, secretarial work and all the organizational and practical / administrative
8. The waiting room is very small, there are only six chairs and is uncomfortable, if not impossible, to stop and stay in an adequate and comfortable users within the room, often with children, who access the service and who frequently are thus forced to stand outside with the hardships and difficulties that this may result in the presence of weather conditions particularly conditions (temperature too high or too low, etc.).
9. The door of the bathroom (one bathroom for the disabled and otherwise) is facing you and then invades the opening, the space of "waiting room" going so far as to impede the entry el ' exit of persons entering or leaving the room of the gynecologist;
10. The gynecologist's room for the small size, seems even more inadequate and narrow view of the large, yet necessary, the presence of furniture (desks No. 2), a wardrobe and health equipment (steriliser, cot visits, shopping cart, computer, etc. .)
11. The room used for preparation for childbirth can ensure an appropriate work for groups of up to eight women rather than 15 as was previously the St. Augustine and, therefore, can not be guaranteed the same number of users (currently takes place over a month with the result can not respond to numerous requests even remotely enough to think that only GB Grassi Hospital take place annually around 1600 shares);
12. Groups after the birth, as there is also children with baby strollers, in these conditions have many difficulties in entering and remaining in the structure;
13. The operators and the operators are frequently forced to alternate in the rooms - see psychology (No. 2) Midwives (n ° 2 -) Nursing (No. 5);
14. Please note that prior to St. Augustine's activity specialist (pediatric, gynecological) was 15 shifts per week, while at present is reduced to only 9 rounds and that the openings were 4 pm and now have been reduced to two,
15. It appears that the emergency exit is not usable because the adjacent space is necessarily used for warehouse use (copier, stock shelves, closet storage medical supplies, clothes, lamp gynecological boxes with medical supplies and secretarial staff, etc.).
16. The room used for pediatric visits is used twice a week to make Screening Pap - Test; the room, however, is particularly narrow and uncomfortable for the presence within it of equipment and furniture necessary to both activities at the same time raises many perplexities that the alternation in an area of \u200b\u200bactivity would require, because of their specificity, independent spaces for the due observance of the essential hygienic - sanitary conditions;
17. During the sessions there is a screening of overcrowding in the tiny waiting room because of the overlap between the activities consultoriali;
18. On the same day running of screening, the room used to Gruppi pre e post parto viene utilizzata, in assenza di altre stanze, per l’accoglienza dello Screening.
Appare evidente come questa situazione sia fortemente lontana da quei requisiti anche minimi Strutturali, Tecnologici ed Organizzativi previsti tra l’altro dal Decreto della Regione Lazio n° 90 del 10/11/2010, ridimensionando di fatto l’attività ed il ruolo dei consultori all’interno del Territorio.
E’altresì necessario ricordare che in un Territorio come il 13 Municipio ed il Comune di Fiumicino ci sono solo quattro Consultori Familiari mentre la legge ne prevede uno ogni ventimila abitanti e, quindi, ne sarebbero necessari almeno altri dieci, se si considera anche la forte espansione edilizio/abitativa still ongoing.
We think it is worth remembering that the Family Clinics carry out the tasks referred to in Law No. 405/75 and 194/78 with their skills and play also an important and irreplaceable social function., And we can not repeat what about that already stated, this OS in the note of 23/06/2009:
... ... CF, born as the family support services and education for responsible parenthood, have the primary task of establishing and expanding fundamental and all those activities necessary ... ... "information, education and social assistance, health, psychological and individual-level and group for the problems of sexuality, procreation free and conscious, for responsible parenthood, the harmonious physical and mental development of children and the achievement of family life with particular emphasis on social and environmental conditions ... .. "(Article 2 LR 15/76).
These activities must be conducted in a multidisciplinary and in close coordination with the various socio - medical and social, cultural and educational activities in the area.
It should also be remembered and emphasized that the birth of the CF was a real anticipation of that culture promotion salutes understood as psycho - fisico delle persone e, nello specifico, della donna e del bambino. In questo senso, i C. F. hanno rappresentato una svolta, un segnale di cambiamento dell’intervento sanitario poi recepito dalla L.833/78 di Riforma Sanitaria. Un cambiamento, una trasformazione culturale, persino di costume, che invertiva il concetto di salute intesa come assenza di malattia, fino ad allora prevalente, e nello stesso tempo rompeva il dominio ed il Potere esercitato sull’autonomia e autodeterminazione delle donne….”
Per tali ragioni, pensiamo, che il ritardo nell’ultimazione dei lavori del Sant’Agostino e la mancata originaria ricollocazione al suo interno di questo Servizio rappresenterebbe un’ulteriore limitazione e mortificazione activity as fundamental as the one carried out by Family Clinics. This reiterates
OS, therefore, as represented by note dated 14/01/2011, the need to be activated as soon as possible all the procedures and institutional initiatives, political, administrative and technical to remove any obstacle that constitutes and causes hindrance to completion of the renovation of St. Augustine.
I also ask, in the event of further delays, the date previously indicated (March 2011) in the delivery of the property, which are identified with the space requirements in the above-mentioned Decree of the Lazio Region No. 90 of 10/11/2010, for a different, more dignified and appropriate placement of the Family Counseling of Ostia, to ensure that, in the short term, a more correct, proper and effective conduct of the role and functions of the same institutional . This will protect the terms and conditions of human dignity, work and professional operations and operators, as well as the demands, needs, rights and dignity of the same people / users.
Pending an early reply, we send cordial greetings.
Prot ASL No. 12268 of 09/02/2011
p. the COBAS ASL RM / D
Delegates RSU.
Laura Mazzarella - Cesare Morra - Antonio Nocera
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