Another brick in the wall. For old people nostalgic for a unique rock like Pink Floyd, il titolo del post ha un significato molto piu' pregnante di quello della mera traduzione.
Un rock che non ha età, o almeno mi illudo che sia così.
La partita di domenica contro il Cala Moresca di Marano di Napoli è stata bella e vibrante.
Il risultato è stato davvero un altro mattone nel muro. Un mattone non di bellezza, decorativo, ma un mattone solido inserito in muro portante.
Guardando la classifica poteva sembrare facile, ma lo sapevamo che così non era. Il Cala Moresca veniva da un bel girone di qualificazione, aveva perso i primi due incontri, ma contro il Benevento fuori casa, ed in casa contro il Marigliano, un Marigliano ferito dalla sconfitta casalinga contro la nostra squadra, un Marigliano therefore, must necessarily make his own game.
A brick in the wall, despite the emergency nurse. We must bite the bullet at this time. Pairone lacking in the team missing its flexibility, it lacks his natural explosiveness, missing his athleticism. If we add also the precarious condition of Antonio Marquez, grit your teeth becomes an obligation.
Sunday's game saw again the small package, especially during and Palazzo, have a little more. Marino also was decisive, he had started this lily, but then recovered great. Cala Bella
proof of Moorish, Fletcher is a very good, he scored 31 points, took rebounds, has always been the heart of the game. Well done all his companions, the Moroccan Nelson (in the post presentation I said that he was an American, sorry for the error) in Pedemonte, Altamura, De Simone.
Less than a minute from the end of the meeting are passed forward, only the determination of not wanting to deface the front of their audience, building a determinant in the final minute for his intensity, even so small a pinch of luck, allowed the take us forward again and finish the match victorious.
Another brick in the wall.
PS of 2 February. Like a fool I fell into a joke fattomi a joker playing as a team. Nelson is an American, as was well said in the post-show not Moroccan.
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