Monday, February 28, 2011
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Your bottle, the one you used for your child, was outlawed last year. No, it was made of asbestos: it was done with a type of plastic that was thought inert and harmless, and yet recent studies have shown that there was some reasonable doubt. The news was all over the papers and TV, but perhaps in a somewhat 'too hasty, and I can not remember the exact name of that type of plastic, but I'm not there to seek him, so this news of this bottle, I just wanted to introduce the discussion on asbestos. Even as asbestos, in fact, it was considered harmless and inert, and for decades, and it is certainly not an isolated case, because of new materials in the twentieth century have been discovered and used a lot.
E 'speech not only the materials but also technologies in use: the question of time, for example, on satellite phones. The only thing certain in the matter is that, at present, there is no evidence of their harmfulness: this does not mean that there are risks, it is possible that a few years they are. In which case, I think nothing will happen and will continue as now to mobile phones we are too fond of, now and then there are the surfers, the smart phone with their apps, how could we ever give it up. In the case of antennas, the antennas of all, to be charged are the magnetic fields that the magnetic fields is shown to be harmful, everything remains to be seen to what extent. After all, our whole body is functioning on the basis of tiny electrical impulses and magnetic fields that may well come from outside interference, there would be nothing unusual.
All this does not apply to asbestos, which in nature is really a mineral in itself inert and harmless. Asbestos is not toxic and even radioactive: the problem is that it breaks into smaller and smaller fragments, like little sharp needles, even dimensions of infinitesimal, invisible to the naked eye. These tiny needles, once inseritisi in our tissues (eg lungs) do not go away anymore, in the long run can cause serious illness. It 's a problem that affects first and foremost those who worked with asbestos: miners and workers, and who lived near to asbestos quarries. Of these people, many are sick and even more were dead. It 's a disease that we see now: it takes time because the disease occurs, and is also for this reason that the danger of asbestos has been undervalued for most of the twentieth century.
The asbestos problem has now become everyone's problem because, being an inert material, was very much used in industry: the suits worn by firefighters (asbestos can be spun, almost like silk and wool, and make tissue: it seems strange but true) thermal insulation of buildings, to cover the roofs. The material that is visible and recognizable is the asbestos cement, concrete and asbestos, which for over twenty years has been used everywhere, especially in construction. The asbestos and asbestos were replaced by other materials, special synthetic fiber for body armor and flame retardant coveralls, fire trucks, and polyurethane foam, or polystyrene panels and building construction. But still, I think that nobody can be totally sure of these new materials: what will happen when the polyurethane, in time, will end up breaking apart? Were full of asbestos, the Twin Towers in New York, and all those who were present in New York in those days, after 11 settembre 2001, hanno certamente respirato amianto. Cosa succederà, lo vedremo.
Che cos’è di preciso l’amianto lo lascio spiegare alla Garzantina della Chimica: facendo clic sull’immagine si dovrebbe poter leggere tutto (non trascrivo perché ci sono le formule chimiche, e Blogger mi cancellerebbe tutte le formattazioni necessarie). Aggiungo solo che, essendo un silicato, l’amianto è un po’ parente del vetro (anche il vetro si può filare, in particolari condizioni); inoltre, per il percorso TAV, il treno ad alta velocità, in Piemonte una delle questioni più dibattute fu proprio questa, l’andare a perforare una zona dove ci sono giacimenti di amianto.
Autism Facts More Condition_symptoms
was held Saturday, February 26 "summon" in the Nomads yet another initiative to support unnecessary and expensive (the cost of funds Province - that is also our - € 60,000.00 per month). Everything seems to put a decent remedy a situation that just gli stessi zingari hanno dimostrato in 30 anni di non voler appianare. Per questi motivi, la Lega Nord con il suo Gruppo consiliare di Collegno, NON si è recata all’appuntamento squisitamente mediatico. Non sarà certo la presenza del Sindaco, dei pompieri e di qualche “volenteroso” consigliere comunale che farà cambiare ai Rom di Collegno l’atteggiamento di spregio verso le regole di convivenza civile e di rispetto della – fin troppa – solidarietà, anche economica, ricevuta dai collegnesi!
Con queste ragioni, la Lega Nord non si è recata "a dare una mano" ideologicamente e concretamente al campo nomadi, sottraendosi così all'ennesima sterile iniziativa atta a sostenere la favola dell'integrazione degli zingari, nonché a plaudire indirettamente all'ulteriore sperpero di soldi pubblici.
Tuttavia, il Gruppo della Lega Nord di Collegno, lo stesso giorno dell’operazione di immagine al campo nomadi del Sindaco e consiglieri vari, ha pensato al problema del campo chiedendo conto, mezzo interrogazione, all’Assessore competente sui 48.000,00 € stanziati dal Comune per abbattere due baracche abusive nello stesso campo.
Alprazolam 1 Mg Notense

The only words I want, for now, say about the game yesterday, is that for the compliment Maddaloni. Great game, as I said in another place, made with heart, that we had defections of Pairone comparison is a joke, but were able to compact at a difficult time, with the desire to end a dark period.
Tomorrow is a holiday. By a strange coicidenza tomorrow is a day of awards.
A Power is a celebration of basketball, the third "Landi Memorial", the annual celebration of basketball Lucan.
Last year, in category "C" series of regional best player was awarded Rocco Palace, our play. To succeed this year again a player who wears the jersey of CTR La Bastide Senise, Stephen Marino.
As I said, it is not the only award of the day. It 's a different prize, because dedicated to all sports and Senisese Lagonegrese, and is in its fourth edition. This year is dedicated to the memory of Luigi Viola, who left us too early.
addition to many awards for the best teams in our area, like every year there is a section dedicated to football and basketball, of course.
Two prizes, one for the best under the area, which has seen all three previous editions win Rosario Sassano. This year, the trio will vote to choose the winner is made by Valerio D'Aranno, Salvatore Pernice e Gianmaria Le Rose.
Poi c'è la premiazione per il miglior giocatore di basket senior. Nelle precedenti edizioni sono stati premiati in ordine Edgardo Sesma. Lino Durante e lo scorso anno Rocco Palazzo. Palazzo ha la possibilità di vincere anche quest'anno perché fà parte della triade insieme a Christian Femmini e Nicolas Pairone. Sarà una bella serata, di seguito la descrizione del premio così come riportata dal sito
Premio La Siritide , iniziativa dedicata allo sport del Senisese-Pollino, che la provincia di Potenza assegna annualmente agli atleti e alle società che si sono distinte durante i dodici months preceding the event. The event is organized by "Agoraut" the province of Potenza and Ente Parco del Pollino and information portal sponsored by
Sunday, February 27, 2011
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CTR La Bastide 73
Pernice 0, At 11, Marquis 8, Building 6, 10 Bartoli, Boys 0, Marino 24, 14 feminine, D'Aranno it, The Rose it. Coach De Angelis, vice Di Monte.
Maddaloni 82
Carangelo it, Lettieri 15, 24 Piscitelli, 11 D'Orta, Schiavone 2, Garofalo 10, Old 9, Corbo 8, Stone 2, Linnet it. Coach Porfidia
Partial : 25-18, 47-42 (22-24), 59-67 (12-25), 73-82 (14-15)
Referees: Ascione and Fisherman of Naples
Note: two technicians to the bench of Senise. Marquis went out for 5 fouls (Senise) Vetch (Maddaloni).
Signs Of Colon Cancer More Condition_symptoms
Immune System Diseases More Condition_symptoms
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Bladder Infections More Condition_symptoms

The summer is ending / and a year goes / I'm getting great / know that I'm not going. /
In beach umbrellas / there are no more / is the usual ritual / but now I miss you. (Righeira)
It is completing the first leg of the promotion group. Tomorrow we host the Maddaloni, a favorite of the five initial (Euroservice Benevento and Monte di Procida for the first two places, Senise, Maddaloni Marigliano and just for third place). Perhaps one of the five is that a misstep in addition, having only four points, losing at home with Montediprocida (we too have lost more at home), home of the Moorish Cala (sixth uncomfortable) just two points, at home The Benevento and the Marigliano. After the two early victories and then a period of blackout.
We hope that some of the electricity operator has not made any intervention, and then the blackout continued. Hopes, just hopes.
It 's a good team, though (not just a coach De Angelis missing key players) lost two pieces to be ninety, as Forino, left for employment reasons, Bove injured for some time. Reading the rumors even had to leave the team Simeoli Casertana, I do not believe it.
players available to coach, however, are always lots of Porphyry and high-level, from Lettieri, Bisaccia (physically looks like the big sister of Valerie D'Aranno), Corbo, Piscitelli, old (I remember with the Benevento Meomartini 3 championships gets win, almost alone, in the last 120 seconds gà lost a game against our team), Garofalo, Schiavoe and a promising young as D'Orta.
At our home we hope for a recovery of primarily Pairone but hopefully in a performance to forget the result of Benevento.
Tay-sachs Disease More Condition_symptoms
The influence of advertising on politics has become huge, and heavy, in the 90s here. Not only because the candidates are increasingly being chosen according to the photogenic and the ability to speak and not for their quality (in the U.S. there was the sensational case of Ronald Reagan): This is now a really profound change, and that is going to directly affect our lives. From us, just a couple of years ago, a prominent politician has made a long speech (there is video recording) does not like talking politics or values \u200b\u200bas ideas but in terms of market share of advertising, of investments must have a return. Needless to name a name: he is from advertising.
With this political class, especially in Lombardy and the Lombard policy, the words have become more frequent loyalty, smart cards, target, discount, and so on. The other day I requested a PIN for the smart health card (sorry, "Card Services"), which is mandatory if you want to have medical care, and on the printed page, as the first word I found says "Thank you for chosen ", which is really - how to say? - Curious, paradoxical, but if those rules you will be from advertising and marketing, we can expect this and more. Another
operazione tipica dei pubblicitari è quella di cambiare il nome a qualcosa che già c’era, spacciandolo per novità: cambiare nome ai ministeri, ai vigili urbani, ai partiti stessi. Il servizio di riscossione tributi è diventato “Equitalia” (che bel nome: peccato che le funzioni siano esattamente le stesse, se non pagate vi pignorano la casa), la tessera di abbonamento al tram è diventata “Itinero” (parola sdrucciola: si pronuncia “itìnero”, e non “itiñero do Brazil”).
Un altro esempio: in giurisprudenza è stato introdotto il reato di “stalking”, che prima era alla voce “molestie”, e anche “molestie aggravate”. Suddenly, "harassment" It seemed like a harmless word, springs, ineffective: we had to do something new, to show that you were working hard, and broke into the English terms "stalking" and "stalker." Words difficult to pronounce, words whose meaning you do not know (I know since 1979: is a term of hunters, is to follow a path and follow that path through the game, the stalker is a guide, a scout). In short, everything remains as before but with a new term seems to have done God knows what. To stiffen penalties, just add a line to the crime of harassment, but the newspapers would not even talk (and already hear the little voices indignantly: but no, no, not the same thing - and instead, provided this is harassment, aggravated harassment, and if something more goes to another type of crime more serious. These rules have always existed, in the Codes).
So this is purely external operations, then tap more of the same work, do physical labor, to take risks. Changing the words, and make the starting spot, but meanwhile they cut the funds, you reduce staff, and ensure that these are things that go straight to hit the mark. If a police officer who retires is not replaced, then who is to arrest the offenders, pardon "stalkers"? Another
rule of marketing, as opposed to above and very unfair, is to ridicule and make unpleasant "competition." For example, the effective work done on word co-operative: that "working together" is the past, with the Biagi Law and appurtenances, to be synonymous with exploitation. By now, especially among the young and those who are seeking employment, the only known means for "cooperative" is a company that gives you a job for two weeks. Cooper, Cooper, in its true meaning, it means working together, work together: farmers grow vegetables, milk milk, gather together to sell and then share the profits, but without a master. But now, who remembers the most?
These techniques work. One could write an essay, make a movie, a TV series, even making a video game, but publishing, television, videogames, music, everything is now in the hands of advertisers and marketers. This is a dictatorship, it would be nice if you return to freedom.
- Do you think the audience ever?
- No, how could I? What they mean for me? I have to teach them something? I have some means of knowing what to think about John Smith in London and Vasil Ivanov in Moscow? I should really be a hypocrite to claim to know the thoughts, the inner world of another persona. Se voglio creare qualcosa posso farlo solo col mio linguaggio, trattando il pubblico come un partner a pari livello. Se ho qualche problema penso che anche il pubblico lo abbia e cerco di usare il mio film per fare chiarezza per me e per gli spettatori. Non sono né piú intelligente, né piú stupido, la mia dignità è ugualmente vulnerabile. Niente di piú facile che fare un film con lo sguardo rivolto alle tasche degli spettatori, ma non è la mia vocazione...
(ANDREJ TARKOVSKIJ, intervista raccolta a Londra da Irena Brežnà (pubblicata a suo tempo dal mensile “Frigidaire”, circa 1982)
(i fotogrammi qui sopra vengono dal film “Stalker” di Andrej Tarkovskij, anno 1979)
Friday, February 25, 2011
Stomach Pain More Condition_symptoms
Borgarello: «Troppi dubbi sul Darwin di Rivoli, gli studenti del Regina Margherita manifestano perché mancherebbero addirittura le sedie. E la Provincia trova 2 milioni per i premi di produzione ai dirigenti. L’assessore D’Ottavio si guardi allo specchio e capisca la sua inadeguatezza al ruolo»
"For some weeks we are waiting for the Provincial Government will deign to let us know if what is published in the media regarding the debate on the tragedy occurred in the process of Darwin's true. Namely that in the face of economic demands made by technicians to ensure safety in schools, the Province has handed out a small part. From today we are waiting to see why this morning's high school students via Regina Margherita di Calumet Valperga have experienced in the offices of, exposing poor hygiene, asbestos and even lack of chairs. What still needs to happen before you decide to remove the councilor D'Ottavio, clearly not suited to the position he has held? ".
It 's the position of the parent company in the Province of Turin, the Northern League, Patrick Borgarello
"It 's just a shame that the commissioner in the past has boasted a work of" economic optimization, but at the same time the leaders of the province have received € 2 million in reward. Some executives have pocketed around € 40 thousand in surplus while schools have no chairs to sit. We place strong doubts that the commissioner D'Ottavio has slammed his fists on the table asking that some of this money went to schools. As we place strong doubts that were lost the night to find the money for the benefit of the agreement with the SUISM. Why does not the Councillor D'Ottavio an act of political dignity, his resignation? What must still endure the high school students in Turin? To the center left the school falls apart only because of the government, but how does compliance with the shortcomings of its majority? Putting it all in silence as usual? Simply ridiculous. "
Right Side Pain More Condition_symptoms
Da quando ha cominciato a fare pubblicità in tv, il concentrato di pomodoro Xxxxx è diventato meno buono: la pubblicità in tv costa moltissimo, non si possono alzare i prezzi più di quel tanto, da qualche parte bisogna pur risparmiare – e allora si risparmia sulla qualità, tanto chi vuoi che se ne accorga. In pubblicità si ragiona così: conta il marchio, il consumatore va fidelizzato, si compera il nome del prodotto, non il prodotto. Magari funziona con l’abbigliamento, con gli alimentari proprio no.
I always bought them, the sauce and the tomato paste Xxxxx Xxxxx, when they were a small unknown brand to most, my mother is very demanding but he was fine. Then, I do not know what happened, if the mark Xxxxx has been bought by a corporation, or simply there was a change in the family, from father to son, who knows. The fact is that the sauce Xxxxx is no longer as good as before, and we have changed brands. Even a relative of mine, a few weeks ago, I unwittingly spoke: "I bought the sauce Xxxxx, but he was not good." And so, from that account, was born a little chat about the brands and branded products. Once
c’erano slogan famosi: «Galbani vuol dire fiducia», «Su De Rica non si può (sottinteso: non si può scherzare)», eccetera: ma la Galbani era del signor Galbani, la Molteni era del signor Molteni, la Buitoni del signor Buitoni, la Ariston del signor Ariston, la Fiat del signor Fiat, la Ignis del signor Ignis, la Ford e la Chrysler erano americane, la Rolls Royce e la Mini Minor erano inglesi, la Grundig e la Deutsche Grammophon erano tedesche, e via elencando.
Ma, oggi, di chi è la Galbani? Di chi è la Chrysler? Dove le fanno le Fiat, le Ariston, le scarpe, i mobili? Quand’ero piccolo, qui c’era la tradizione dei biscotti Lazzaroni: li facevano a Saronno (provincia di Varese) da cent’anni, dall’Ottocento, forse da sempre, ed erano buonissimi. Oggi li compero ancora, sono ancora abbastanza buoni, in qualche negozio li trovate, ma li fanno in Abruzzo e sono diventati uno dei tanti marchi di non so più quale grande biscottificio. Anche la pasta, gli spaghetti, anche il latte: provate un po’ a fare caso a dove li producono, sui pacchetti è indicato lo stabilimento di provenienza e quasi mai corrispondono alla sede “storica” di quel marchio.
Altri marchi storici su cui ragionare: Rizzoli, Einaudi, Mondadori, Bompiani, Longanesi, la rivista Linus...Non sono “marchi” né “logo”, sono cognomi di persone realmente esistite, and that are no longer with us a long time. The founder of Linus, Giovanni Gandini, there is no more, no longer even Oreste del Buono, who has continued the work, and Schulz is gone, there's more ... Crepax In short, the "Linus" you see today is just a newsstands newspaper noted that the head (the mark, the logo) to one which was there before, but that the newspaper has nothing in common. And the movies and music: the Medusa, MGM, Paramount, Columbia and CBS, Deutsche Grammophon and Decca, all prestigious brands and historical past, but went out of hand again and again. The founders are gone, closed or sold out for some time, and even when the family has maintained the property is not always direct descendants have been up to. Who to trust? I do: the historical brands put them on par with the new ones in the sense that you should always first try, browse, touch, test.
I do not trust anyone anymore, not buy anything sight unseen, and mostly I refuse to be "loyal" come and go as I please and how best to think, if you want me to continue to buy your products make sure that the quality remains high, as did our old, and maybe - if you need to save and optimization - Cut the cost of advertising, rather than relocate of insecurity and employees (the employees are the ones who make the product, if you'll never precarious workforce competent in this area).
I recently saw massive advertising campaigns in favor of historical marks, the "choose the parts of trust," but I no longer trust would be nice if it were true, but I got too many rip-off. Until a few years ago I would have trusted, today marks the historical - for me - just good memories of the past.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
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Borgarello " Saitta has admitted that they confirm the contributions to SUISM - ex Isef - was a political choice. The Government cut € 75 thousand to a school that produces professionals in the sports sector, and then future jobs. "
"We find at least curious that the majority of the center has trovato i fondi per l’università della terza età di Sant’Antonino di Susa, il cui sindaco è il consigliere provinciale di maggioranza Antonio Ferrentino e per realtà scolastiche di Cuorgnè, dove il primo cittadino è Vacca Cavalot, vice presidente del Consiglio Provinciale, ma trovare 75mila euro per aiutare il Suism – ex Isef -, non sia stato davvero possibile. Lo troviamo ancora più curioso a fronte della pioggia di euro arrivati ai dirigenti tramite i premi di produzione, oltre 2milioni di euro. Non c’è forse da vergognarsi presidente Saitta? Meno male che il Pd e il centro sinistra erano i paladini eretti a difesa della scuola».
E’ la posizione della capogruppo in consiglio provinciale Patrizia Borgarello
Signs Of Strep Throat More Condition_symptoms
Yesterday afternoon I did: I said "wait in line for a moment, then I approached the loudspeaker from which I was listening to Vivaldi. A beautiful Vivaldi, and a nice interpretation: Concerto in A minor for Two Violins and Strings Op.3 No.8 from the collection "L'Estro Armonico", catalog number RV 522, run by the Academy directed by Byzantine Dantone (for those who have seen the movie, was the in the opening track "Fata Morgana" by Werner Herzog). He put down sin, after so many crippling Vivaldi on telephone answering machines across the world, for once one does things right ...
I know it does not make much sense to do these things, that in these cases from the unit there is almost always some desperate / hopeless trying to put together a few cents working in a call center, but the invasion of privacy by advertising is becoming unbearable. It is not just a phone call at home: Have you ever tried to go underground, or in a station? Giant screens everywhere, which broadcast advertisements to which you can not subtract. If your train is late, even insult to injury to be inundated with twenty, thirty, forty times since then and damn jingle mephitic. At home with the TV, we can try to defend ourselves, there is always the remote, but if you're in the bathroom and call you to sell a fetecchia, what to do? If you are in the station and wait, and touches you put up with spots, what to do?
The thing that bothers me, though, is that it is past the idea that if I have the same phone number twenty years it is not just about me and my friends and relatives, but that it has become a commodity: I have the same phone number from twenty to thirty years, and has always been published in the telephone, but you what do you care? At least, if you want to call home to sell me something, here are my rates: between 8 am and 18 pm, five euro per phone call, between the hours of 18 and 20 hours, twenty euro per phone call (is the time when I cook and eat, I would not be disturbed), and so on. The full list, with the VAT and the need to make the payments, is available by clicking on my Blogger user profile, right below.
However, the Bossi-Berlusconi government, and your reminder to my complaints, took on diligent action. What? Here they are:
Casicci of Paul, Republic of Friday 26.11.2010
This time the patch is worse than the hole . For the past week is in force the law that would protect us
intrusion of telemarketing. How? With the Register of opposition "means a list which must register those who will not be disturbed by the call center. The first objection to common sense suggests: it was more logical for it to join those who want to become detectable? Not only that: "the entry in the register does not apply to cell phones," explains Nadia Martini law firm Nunziante Magrone. You will also continue to use the numbers collected from sources other than directory services (for example, the pieces of the supermarket) and can be contacted via fax, email, SMS or MMS also who is registered. Who will manage the list (an individual) will be authorized to retain well on the website the list of users, without which the law demands high standards of safety. "The risk, therefore, is that the register of communications ailments that wants to prevent."
(the strip is from Settimana Enigmistica, )
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
E Coli Treatment More Condition_symptoms
Dopo un attento e meticoloso lavoro per scoprire la verità su questa vicenda, il Consigliere Comunale della Lega Nord Collegno Fabrizio Bardella, ha ricevuto queste informazioni direttamente dagli uffici ministeriali mentre il comune di Collegno, ancora all’oscuro di tutto, brancolava nel buio.
Ebbene, la prescrizione richiesta dal comune di Collegno di interrare i cavi in uscita non è stata portata avanti dalla Regione Piemonte guidata dalla Giunta Bresso ( 2009 ) e quindi non è stata nemmeno inserita nel processo di via ministeriale.
I lavori per la costruzione della centrale termoelettrica, designed in 2004, will begin in March but it is a central and Savonera so far has not brought anything by not even had great reflexes and workers in the area. To be sure, however, in addition Barricalla, quarries, CIDIU, inert landfill and tangential ... the power plant will bring a new source of pollution in the territory more!
Now they are all concerned about including representatives of the Democratic Party who have always in defending the construction of what many years ago, back in the previous administration, the Northern League judged - unheard - as a monster. It 'was a motion signed by the directors of the Northern League Broglio, Bardella Ceretto and where calls for at least asked for compensation in respect of the citizens' bill of Savonera. We'll see how the champions of progress targati PD will move on this latest proposal from the Lega Nord Padania Piemont.
Pain In Breast More Condition_symptoms
Negli anni ’60 fu vietato uno spot di un detersivo che si basava su questo slogan: « ... lava così bianco che più bianco non si può, nemmeno col candeggio!». La motivazione della bocciatura fu questa: che “candeggiare” significa proprio lavare bianco, si tratta di un sinonimo: quindi non è possibile “lavare bianco più del lavare bianco”. Una bocciatura che a molti parve esagerata, lo slogan piaceva ed era diventato proverbiale, penso che ci sia qualcuno che lo ripete ancora oggi. Ma era una bocciatura inevitabile, e pretty hard to hit because it was one of the key points of advertising: shoot nonsense but it seems sensible and strike the imagination. It was the '60s, precisely, and advertising had not yet become master of information and culture, it would have become since the '80s, with the advent of commercial television.
The slogan of the '60s, things almost always funny, even if nonsense, often had as an author Marcello Marchesi, great author and great humorist, one who used to write lyrics for Totò, Walter Chiari, for himself, for many others actors. A person of great culture: For those interested, and I know it will be difficult to recover it, Marcello Marchesi there is a beautiful book published in 1970, "the loot" (publisher Bompiani), where he imagines himself in therapy, clinic, intent to "purge" too many words said and propagated in many year career. Not everything that is written in the "swag" (subtitle: "The words have their revenge") is first class, and many bars have become incomprehensible because they were topical, and we know that the current aging quickly; however there are things like these:
- Only four out of ten become peeled tomatoes Girio the others are good.
- Scarafex, lucida gli scarafaggi: casa pulita, scarafaggi risplendenti.
- Vorrei che qualcuno mangiasse una banana e me la raccontasse
- Non esistono innocenti, tutti abbiamo passato un raffreddore a qualcuno.
- Super-Supergnomo fa il bucato bianco ma così bianco che la neve si vergogna e il giglio va a cagare.
- Avanti Fòppolo, alla riscossa, Bormio è più grossa, Bormio è più grossa...
- ...quanto a me, era un modo di vivere che non mi faceva soffrire. Forse ero un cretino. Non ho mai avuto un mal di testa. Al primo ruttino mi passava. Non volevo soffrire. Non che fossi sordo al dolore o ai dispiaceri ma, come per gli schiaffi my father, I tended to forget them. To flood the massacre, the disaster, opposed to the death distraction. I was a precursor. Today everyone is doing well. It is too much defense. Where was the humor impaired, I began to combine words in such a way that did sell. I sprained my brains in search of products that raise slogans above the warehouses where they lay and cause more pleasing associations of ideas of the vulgar use of the products. I mean I always worked on the words like a cobbler, pulling here and there, upsetting, adapted to all uses. Sometimes I think that they are here to weigh myself on the chest. All those words tangled. They did loot. I'll try to get rid of it. With ogni mezzo. Anche cantando. «Mentre io festévole / amaròstico ghiottòttimo appetitante gustàtico vispazzo digestútile e frizzoso / corro ai tuoi piè / O Santa Vergine / compra per me." La signora desidera? Un detergente programmato sui cicli della mia lavatrice automatica. È una richiesta ultimativa? No, è una esigenza prioritaria. Beh!, mi accompagni fino alla intersezione semaforizzata nonché nutricante dolcévole e aperitonica... Cos'è questa schiuma che mi esce dal naso? Forse è detersivo. (...)
(Marcello Marchesi, da “Il malloppo – Le parole si vendicano” ed. Bompiani, 1971)
Marcello Marchesi, così as Mr. Testa agency head, as well as the great cartoonists who worked with him, Gavioli, sketch, etc., people were having fun, playing with words and figures, well aware that it was a game, albeit well-paid, and were, above all, right people. The crap was reminded to them, but ruled them out. Most of misconduct that were allowed bogus slogans like what I mentioned at the beginning, '... washes whiter than white so you can not, even with bleach. "
At this point I should make a comparison with what I'm listening to by turning on the TV, with the slogan of "copy" and "creative": but I thought his arms they fall. Yes, of course, there's something good, but it's hard. For example, and not to go to the worse, the lady who says "life is an obstacle course" and then he really gets to jump over obstacles: an idea so simple and trite that I do not know if you can really call idea . I offer my congratulations to those who have turned the spot and the lady who plays him, are very good and it shows, as with everything else, subject and screenplay, a child of five would have been able to do better. The worst thing, from a purely professional point of view, is that after seeing the ad a dozen times I can not remember what it advertises, but does not even say the name the type of product, if it is a stock cube or insurance. Money wasted, in short, if you notice most commercials are like that. The money spent on commercials or incomprehensible misdeeds cost a lot, be repaid, and will have a relapse for sure: on price or quality of what we buy. You should always be taken into account.
PS: The pictures that I put here are from a famous TV series, which circulates and still like today: the subject comes from "I Married a Witch" by René Clair, a beautiful film that proved a great success in the early '40s. In the series, the protagonist is played by an actress very good, Elizabeth Montgomery and her husband has the job of advertising, many of the episodes are based on this job, and when I looked at them as a child I thought they were nonsense and exaggerations that no one could be so stupid, that slogan as those invented Samantha's husband and his boss were exaggerations of the authors of the show, and so on. Wrong: years later I discovered that the show took place in the U.S., and U.S. commercial television were already there - we have the green light to cretinism would come later. After when I say, not having to repeat for the umpteenth time the same names and the same words.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Play Pokemon Silver On Mac
Who can apply
Every child born since 1 January 2011 to December 31, 2011 in Piedmont resident whose family has an income not exceeding ISEE to 38,000 Euro.
Where and how to collect the voucherat the offices of "selection and dismissal of the doctor / pediatrician" of their local health bringing the following documents:
- declaration of birth (issued by the hospital) or birth certificate (issued by your municipality of residence);
- ISEE certificate less than 38,000 Euro. This certificate must be after the date of birth of the infant;
- ID of the parent
Tech Deck Birthday Invitations
Rome, February 22, 2011
the President of the Lazio Region
Hon Renata Polverini
The General AUSL Roma D
Prof. Ferdinando Romano
and pc to the Committee in Defense of the House of childbirth and
Services Maternal - Infant The Council of
s Delegate / MSW
Writer OS, following the note of 09 February this year regarding the suspension of the renovation of the St. Augustine garrison in November 2010 in relation to some news appeared on the bodies of print and some positions taken about the allocation of necessary funds for these renovations, demands to know if this is true and what may be the reasons, the news that only one third of the funds allocated, and committed for the tender, would have been paid, and already granted to Firm, as stated in the contract.
Given that funding and appropriations (€ 4,000,000.00) by the Lazio Region should, as announced, to allow completion of work by the company that has been awarded the contract by March 2011, is responsible for knowing whether, when, and what further action, not foreseen at the time of the tender, have been included, while the "state of play" and, where these and to what extent, led to a further increase in costs compared to the initial financing.
Writer OS calls Finally, to know which initiatives and measures are being seriously and taking in order to allow the immediate resumption of work on building the "House of Women's Health and Child" and, above all, to ensure rapidly moving el 'original relocation of those services and activities that operate today from many difficulties such as the Family Counseling of Ostia, the TSMREE of Ostia, the immunoprophylaxis / Vaccinations, etc. .., giving back to the Territory a structure is needed to conduct a qualitative growth and quantitative analysis of social and health services.
Waiting for a reminder, my best regards.
Prot ASL RM / D No. 17209 of
p. the COBAS AUSL RM / D
Delegates MSW
Laura Mazzarella - Cesare Morra - Antonio Nocera
Titanic Birthday Invitations
On milk carton is written in very beautiful, "High Quality". The tour, the turnaround, the comparison with other packages of the same brand: if there is written 'Lean', this one must be whole milk, not skimmed ... I'll take it and put it in the basket at home I will look better.
"High Quality" is a bit 'merry like water, and how many definitions nonsense invented by advertisers, who seem to put there on purpose to confuse (and perhaps the purpose is just that). "Whole milk" is a definition of goods, clear, understandable whole milk means the milk has not been skimmed. Milk with all its natural oils, then: if he prefers one that skimmed, just indicate on the label, very clear. But what has "skimmed milk", please, because "Lean" does not mean anything, is a slender person, not the milk or the Swiss cheese. Think about it a bit ': there is someone who says openly that sell goods to Low Quality? If the milk is then to be low quality, open up the sky ...
sparkling water, sparkling water, labeled as "Allegra" is another example of stupidity applied to the product sector. Mineral waters, in addition to milk, have become the receptacle delle invenzioni stupide dei pubblicitari: con il risultato che sono diventate incomprensibili, io ho studiato chimica e qualcosa sulle acque lo so, ma ieri stavo sbagliando a comperare l’acqua. Quale sarà mai quella gasata, addizionata di anidride carbonica? Ho camminato avanti e indietro tre volte, spostando i cartoni e leggendo le etichette, prima di capire; e poi non ero ancora sicuro, quando sono arrivato a casa e svitando il tappo ho sentito “pssst” mi sono detto: “ah, meno male!”.
Sulle etichette dell’acqua minerale ci dovrebbero essere solo due indicazioni, le uniche che servono: la durezza (cioè il contenuto di sali) e l’indicazione “liscia” o “gasata”. Even the words "natural" is misleading: all waters are natural, sparkling water (or carbonated) water is natural with added carbon dioxide. If we want to add the complete analysis, they are welcome, but to understand them we must have studied at least a little 'chemistry.
There are good laws, on the labels and the ability for consumers to get useful information about the content of what they buy, but are constantly disregarded, evaded, dirty. Authors are detecting these advertisers and marketers, sales: who, apparently not convinced of the goodness of the product, think about it convey to the attention of xxxxxxx consumer shooting.
not think that advertisers are idiots: it works, these mezzucci work fine. High Quality, Low Quality, Happy Water and deep water quickly become points of reference, and instead of giving information to the consumer do the exact opposite. Then jump off the mozzarella blue and pink, and all are surprised, indignant, in other words, as they said our old, falling down from the pear (or cool, depending on the version you like best).
And here the conversation would be large, prefer to quit now, not before pointing out that on the packaging of UHT (long life) is written that you can keep it outside the refrigerator, at room temperature and place, but what "room temperature"? I would say, because the milk is, somewhere between 10 and 18 degrees centigrade. And now let's see, what temperature is on the shelf of UHT milk?
Monday, February 21, 2011
Auction Listing Neil Bacon
Lymph Node Cancer More Condition_symptoms
Last week, around 11 February, the newspapers reported a resounding declaration of Giulio Tremonti: Minister for Economy stated that the North trains have squashed flies on the windows, the South did not. It follows that the South trains go so slow, but so slow that the flies are able to surpass them.
Waiting for someone to remind Tremonti that he is the cause of delay and of inefficiency (he and his party, and even the Northern League), as it is in government for a decade, and in an important position, below (copy and paste from the site http://dariodangelo. / ) the amount of new taxes that were approved this week, just by Tremonti.
Then I read that Tremonti, in the opinion polls, is highly respected and quoted in place of Berlusconi, there are many who would just Tremonti. What can I say? Will be those who pay € 450 per month to send their children to school, whereas before the school was free? Will be those who have been to move the retirement age of seventy and hoped to go to 50-55? Well, I know ...
Decree extensions one thousand, one thousand tax decree (from the blog of Francesco white lead) while Berlusconi has undertaken not to say concerned about the investigation that involves him, and for trying to figure out how to make a party, such as trouble do to be able to further divide to be with all, while the PD is just another fool (meaning the have dropped his pants with boxwoods and then be told with a sharp 'no'), while this country speaks exclusively to San Remo and the whores of Berlusconi, the government approved the decree milleproroghe.
said it was the government tax cuts, economic growth.
Well, let's see what this actually entails decree milleproroghe:
1) Introduced fee of 30 euro plus a stamp duty of 8 for each appeal to the magistrate.
2) Eliminating the deduction of 19% for purchases of subscriptions to local public transport;
3) Eliminating the deduction of 19% for expenditure on education of teachers.
4) Cancelled credit 'tax, introduced by Prodi, 10% of businesses doing research and innovation.
5) No refund fiscal drag to workers and businesses.
6) Introduction of the so-called tax on technology (lettori multimediali, telef. cellulari, computer)
7) Aumento tariffe dell’ acqua (grazie alla privatizzazione fatta da Tremonti, art. 23 bis decreto legge 133/2008)
8 ) Aumento delle tariffe postali
9) Aumento pedaggi austostrade Anas
10) Aumento di 3 euro sui biglietti aerei per chi parte da Roma e Milano, per qualsiasi destinazione e su qualunque compagnia, low cost incluse.
11) Aumento biglietti dei treni, sia regionali che a lunga percorrenza.
12) Raddoppio dell’ IVA sugli abbonamenti alle pay tv
13) Tabacchi: aumentano sigarette low cost e tabacchi
14) Increase fees Rai
15) confirmed the application of VAT tax on waste, despite contrary court ruling Cosituzionale.
16) Close tax on insurance companies
17) Set a goal (the municipalities may establish new taxes, for example. Local tax for tourists), to encourage investments in the municipal area.
18) allocated to the regions the possibility of increasing to 3% 's additional personal income tax.
19) on the Establishment of toll motorways (eg. Florence, Siena, Rome-Fiumicino, Salerno-Avellino, Bologna ring road)
20) Increase aliquota contributiva, dal 25 al 26%, per iscritti a gestione separata INPS (professionisti senza previdenza di categoria, venditori a domicilio e lavoratori autonomi occasionali)
21) Aumenta al 10% (dal 7-8) l’ “aggio” per la riscossione dei tributi concesso alla Riscossione spa. La nuova norma implica un aggravio per il contribuente pari al 2.5% circa in caso di pagamento dopo il sessantesimo giorno.
22) Aumento di 1 euro per i biglietti del cinema (ad eccezione delle sale parrocchiali)
Certamente è presente la sospensione del pagamento delle tasse per i terremotati d’abruzzo fino al 30 giugno 2011, e sono anche presenti i 100 milioni (sottratti fas fund) for the Ligurian and Venetian ...
is, ultimately it is better to talk back to whores
Sunday, February 20, 2011
How To Put An Aluminium Floor In Aboat

Gli appassionati di basket di Senise già conoscevano la forza della squadra sannita, nel girone preliminare avevano dato prova della completezza del roster e della qualità del gioco sia di squadra che individuale.
A tutti i tifosi del Senise devo consigliare un colpo di spugna, un reset totale. Se quella era una squadra fortissima, l'attuale, con le nuove entrate di gennaio, è ancora più forte e non di poco.
Breve cronaca. Inizio uno strazio, se facciamo un canestro, loro ne fanno tre. Sbagliamo anche cose facilissime. First quarter suffering, do not talk about the second quarter, even if we limit the damage. You go in the locker room, hopefully good.
started the third quarter, but the advantage remains the same, always around 15 points, then 17, I think 19. Then things changed, little by little we start to play really well, recover and despite the last minute with no points from both sides, ending the quarter 50 to 40, we are still in the race.
first three minutes of the last quarter continues the fruitlessness of the two attacks, not even a point. There
unlocked, gradually recovered. It also comes less than five (and three minutes) with ball in hand. And here you see when the great teams have great players.
The Benevento in difficulty, to graduate with two consecutive triple takes us back to less than eleven, goodbye dreams of victory. The final detachment, less fifteen has two mothers, the desire and the need to recover from a side door to hasten the conclusions, the second parent the peace of mind to handle the result (other side) leads to more informed choices and less risky .
Aguirre still reduce the accident has played little, who replaced De Gregorio is a great player. Di Lauro and his coldness I have already spoken, good game also Christian (feminine looks small by comparison) and Cavallaro. A fever that came from all parts of the Guide. Visnijc the most feared was well controlled. I think just seven points in his career has made them very few and rare occasions.
And our team? A great defense, it must be said, limited to 70 points (and without the frenzy of the last two minutes would have been even less) as a squadron Benevento is a business. Poor
the percentage of completion, especially from 3, 11%, only two baskets made out of 18 (according to the scouts of the President Totaro even worse, two out of twenty). With a minimum 30% as there were more than 12 points'.
referees. The first quarter I did not like, but their performance has been improving with the passing game, and were not at all influential on the final result. Public
correct is always a pleasure to play in this field, against this team that executives are worthy of the sport. That the managers' AS. Basketball Senise thanks (and thank you personally) for giving us the opportunity to play on Saturday.
We close the door, and now we open the home one Sunday, the guests Maddaloni, another team of high level, direct competitor to one of those four places to play in the playoffs.
Message In Wedding Program
As a child I was very interested in San Giovanni Bosco, I had read a biography, I still remember many passages, and I always felt a great person, beyond the fact that they made a saint. What has always left me perplexed, later, even as an adult and a teenager was listening to the stories - more often than not required, authentic outpourings - by other boys my age, and then by adult men, about the Salesians and religious colleges in general.
They used to say: "I send you to school!" And it was a threat, those who were afraid. The threat that the parents were naughty children, or did not want to study. The literature, moreover, is full of testimonies about the colleges: from Giamburrasca forward to the most dramatic testimony. But that's not what I wanted to talk about today, the subject is vast and certainly San Giovanni Bosco has no responsibility for what they did or did not do the followers of his work.
What I wanted to talk about is a precise memory, I re-emerged in a many states, after decades, when last winter Silvio Berlusconi swore in public for the sole purpose of telling a joke. It was not the first time, and Silvio Berlusconi is not the only one to do so. These jokes are well known, and there are fooled too, telling her: as a child and a teenager, and then perhaps in the company, that's it. From twenty-five to thirty years on, usually, they stop to tell, but these jokes never forget, occasionally resurface, he laughs and shakes his head, kid stuff, as I was looking stupid. These are the jokes, "oratorio" almost never do laugh, but are built with much care to get to say, precisely, a blasphemous or obscene words, or even "poo". It is the children who say "shit", and they do it because their parents say it is good to say, and they are adolescents who invented the jokes with the final blasphemy, and they do it to spite the priest, secretly, between them, so you see that are big and are independent. Normal stuff, of course, almost a rite of passage, something which then passes: the first not to take these things too seriously, most times, it is the priests. That there and then they get angry, they give severe penalties, but then sigh and think "we hope that soon passed, the stupidera.
Silvio Berlusconi has studied by the Salesians, ie in institutions dedicated to St. Francis de Sales, those founded in the nineteenth century by Don John Bosco. Good Silvio never misses a chance to say, who has studied the Salesians: for this he also said that a good Catholic. I wonder whether it is really a good advert for the Salesians: In numerical terms, accounting, maybe yes ("I go to school where he studied Silvio"), but as for works of faith, as the effective maturity of its students, the good education, and the mentality with which he comes out of the Salesians, perhaps I should say to Silvio to shut up and fly.
PS: I was thinking these things, I found this great crop, we have in politics nothing less than a direct descendant of Don Bosco, a great-grandson. I did not know, I am amazed - good read (by clicking on the picture reads better). (From )
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Southpark Fishsticks Strean
Euroservice Benevento 70
Guide 19, Aguirre 3, 11 De Gregorio, Visnjic 7, De Martino I, Illiano 0, 11 Cristiano, it Niccolai, Di Lauro 11, Cavallaro 8. All . Patrick
CTR La Bastide Senise 55
Pernice n.e., Pennella n.e., Durante 8, Marchese 5, Palazzo 8, Bartolo 10, Ragazzo 0, Marino 17, Femminini 5, Longo 2. All . De Angelis
Parziali : 21-8, 37-23 (16-14), 50-40 (13-17), 70-55 (20-15)
Note : nessuno uscito per cinque falli del Senise, Cavallaro per il Benevento, tecnico alla panchina del Senise per "suggerimento".
Dune Buggy Blue Prints
Phrases Write Sympathy Card

La partita tra l'Euroservice Benevento ed la nostra squadra è stata anticipata a stasera alle 19,00.
Un grosso sospiro di sollivievo ho tirato appena saputa la notizia. La partita era prevista per domenica alle 20,30, in parole semplici ritorno lunedì mattina alle 3,00, e con quello che mi aspetta in ufficio una giornata da zombi non era proprio indicata.
Che partita e che squadra ci aspetta stasera. La conosciamo, ci ha battuti già nel girone di qualificazione sia a Benevento che a Senise. Tutte e due le volte con merito, però tutte e due le volte, specialmente a Benevento, credendoci di più potevamo fare nostro l'incontro.
Tutti dicono che è una corazzata, una squadra che potrebbe ben figurare in B2. E io vi dico che è tutto vero, è una squadra completa, che si è anche rinforzata dopo la fine dei gironi preliminari.
Ha aggiunto due ottimi giocatori provenienti da serie molto più in alto come Cristiano e Di Lauro.
Ha un infortunato importante (chissà se rentra proprio stasera), Aguirre, che con il suo gioco ha incatanto il pubblico di Senise. Subito sostituito da un ottimo play (sò che è un pallino di un coach passato) come Di Gregorio.
Al lettore del blog che mi riprende dicendo che ho un tono dimesso gli dico subito: Alt, aspetta.
E' una partita importantissima, na partita che puo' segnare la stagione. E a Benevento non andiamo a giocare con l'intento di prendere meno punti possibili. Disputeremo la partita cercando di vincerla, che poi ci riusciamo è un'altra cosa. Andiamo convinti dei nostri mezzi, perché nonostante la mancanza di Nicola Pairone, la squadra sta crescendo sia mentalmente (quello that we missed the previous two games) and physically. And so we grew up and as a group, see some players who sacrifice for the team is quite a spectacle for the eyes, and bears fruit. Do not forget that we are only two points from Benevento, and with a little 'of ..... more luck in the one game lost, we were side by side in the standings.
Inspirational Garden Flags
This morning I left early, and I found the city police - pardon, the local police - intent on giving into the parking fines Railway. The parking lot was almost empty, there were only three or four cars, why these fines? Very simple: clean streets, and parking. That parking is done on Saturday morning, what the hell: how do you not know? There is also written out, they read, s'informino, the streets are very clean one of our pride.
They will also put down the wax, I suppose: I put myself in the shoes of the one or two unfortunates who needed to use public transport, on Saturday morning - there are people who work on Saturdays, but perhaps our assessors do not know why they never did work uncomfortable, the worker, the cashier ... But patience, so these poor people (and in Lombardy there are many) decided to use public transport, perhaps to pollute less Formigoni says, and then in the evening can be found to pay heavy fines. The next time, what will? I think they will say "Like hell I still use public transport ...", or something like that.
These things here, in small countries, until recently, were unthinkable. He fabled to Milan, where every so often, a friend explained it to you: I took the penalty because there was street cleaning, but the sign was covered and not seen. The fine for street cleaning is one of the most infamous fines that I know, because cleaning the streets, you understand it now, it's just an excuse. If you want to clean the streets, and only that, the night before they would put signs, barricades of furniture, a trestle, a ribbon of red and white: one sees it, no parking, et voila. The penalty for street cleaning (easy and abundant fishing) is actually uno di quegli stratagemmi astuti, come quella dei semafori truccati o dei limiti di velocità abbassati nottetempo e senza preavviso, messi in atto per avere più soldi, ma facendo finta di non aumentare le tasse. Allo stesso modo, per non dire “irpef” o “ici”, da qualche anno in qua chi ha bambini in età scolastica paga 400-500 euro al mese di rette scolastiche, e nella scuola pubblica: così poi i cittadini dicono “tanto vale scegliere una scuola privata”, ed è esattamente quello che si voleva, un po’ come quando si andava a caccia e si usavano i battitori per spingere la selvaggina proprio lì, dove la vogliono i cacciatori. La differenza è che stavolta la selvaggina - pardon: gli voters - seems happy and contented.
But we overlook that too. As a colleague of mine always said, borrowing a phrase from a movie of Toto, "We are in the hands of Cain". And now I think it is too late to go back.
PS: Yesterday I read in the newspaper a statement hilarious Matteo Salvini, Adviser League in Milan about the recent investigation on the houses owned by the Pio Albergo Trivulzio (the historic home for the old, glorious institution Milan), who seems to have been leased at favorable prices to the usual suspects. Salvini comments: "I hope the award of the assets accumulated through the generosity of Milan there are no discounts or favors." What can I say? Excuse me, but I can not not write the first thought that came to my mind, and that is this: "... but it should be 'to give away Ciappi, Salvini, you and your party, the Northern League , you are in government at Milan for twenty years without interruption, since the mayor Formentini League, then with the junta Albertini, then with Letizia Moratti. Have you noticed anything? Sorry if I say it, but then you own the Bonehead ... "
Friday, February 18, 2011
Dune Buggy Invitation
I never bought anything it based on advertising. I always prefer to touch, see, taste, and I am very surprised that others do not do so - when I found out, that is when I discovered be part of a minority, for me it was a trauma. Honestly, and naively, I thought that only fools buy him something because he offered a girl in a miniskirt, and not from life but on TV or in newspapers and on the Internet.
What can I say? What to do? Nothing, what can I do alone, if not subject: advertising is now mistress everywhere, you only what they want publicity, I once said that there was too much advertising on radio and I have been silenced, "but it's not true! "(and was already the twentieth spot in ten minutes, but I was in a car with other people, or at the gym, or the dentist, I could not change channels). Advertising is not
always unpleasant or annoying, sometimes it's nice, but even if the spot is well done does not mean that the product is what I'm looking for. The best advertisement, if you will, is that the jar of clear glass: almost never do not eat pickled cucumbers, but the ones that brand there were cheap and had a great look. I bought them, those cucumbers: they were excellent, I buy them again. Too bad you can only do with cucumbers, but - for example - is good publicity in the samples that are made in supermarkets, those ladies who offer you a nice cup of coffee, chocolate, and tell you to try. Then, if you like, bought here, this is an advertisement by civilized country. And civilized country is also advertised in newspapers, in the sense that if I do not like or if I do not care around the page. I will stop here because I think that the speech is already quite clear, and frankly I'm tired of doing what others want me to do, I claim my freedom even openly as a consumer. And therefore:
No thanks, I'll never go see that movie. No thanks, I'm not buying that car, it costs too much and consumes too much. No thanks, I'm not buying that book, is a horrible author, who writes a recommendation by dogs and which is public only because a friend of X and Y. No thanks, I do not use artificial sweeteners: I do not like the taste, I prefer to eat less sugar, sugar tastes good, but slowly you get used to doing without. No thanks, those biscuits are full of margarine. No, thanks, that brand of coffee I took a couple of times, many years ago was good but now no more helmet. No thanks, not just the frozen pasta, at least to boil water, I know what to do. No thanks, I will not change the phone company because I know people who have been a month without a phone and then had to pay two bills and are still due for repayment.
And finally, yes, already bought the pasta because it is good, and I will continue to do so despite the bad publicity that you do, but precisely because of that advertising orribile e invadente mi sto già guardando in giro, prima o poi una buona e che costa meno la trovo.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Leg Ulcers More Condition_symptoms
During the City Council of 10/02/2011 aired another one of those things ideological and, worse still, completely unnecessary ... 5 hours of discussion to approve a document has no legal value!
This is only a register in which someone will write (in the face of privacy) that Mr. Rossi went to a notary, and accompanied by a witness who has made official, if he were to be attached to a machine without ability of consent, it would be possible to "switch off".
Over a year ago had passed a motion in City Council on those issues on which, as a councilor of the Northern League, had not taken a position adverse to the extent that we put the emphasis on freedom of 'individual.
Who has not thought at least once (for the human fear of suffering) that rather than suffer like a dog is better to stop the agony? These were the considerations which I did during that occasion. Certainly they were dictated by the unconscious fear of evil, the desire to exorcise with an extreme gesture of aspects of life: suffering and death. As everyone knows, the motions are then address and do not result in automatic enforcement and an immediate decision to vote a resolution that is different (albeit useless) instruct the City to take concrete action to establish, in this case, the elusive register Organic provisions of wills and end of life.
In the months following the motion, subject to the provisions of the end of life was studied further. In fact, as the Northern League, in our interior and at all levels, we followed a path of deep analysis and research synthesis that reached its climax in the words and actions of the Governor Cota for culture of life against, however, the culture of death.
addition to the path of our collective political movement, in my case it was also a personal experience. Unfortunately, yours truly has had the misfortune of seeing a dear friend in the last days of his life. Angelo (not his real name out of respect for the family) was the staunchest supporter of the "switch off", as well as being a staunch supporter of the need to put science before ethics, moral values \u200b\u200bfront and also to those Christians. According to Angelo, all that the mind could think it was absolutely achieved without limits or conscience. But in those last days, with all its certainties had collapsed. I will never forget those tears fall from his eyes when a small voice whispered, "I do not want to die." These experiences will profoundly mark because what we are today, is the path of everything we experienced during our lives, day by day, step by step.
Many concerns revolve around that register as vultures (...).
Even if it is just a useless log everything can turn into a small seed can take root and bring a mentality that inevitably would undertake a random drift. In fact if you apply the concept that "life is not" being attached to a machine, then one may ask whether it is a better life to be sitting in a wheelchair? Or be without legs or arms? Where does this escalation?
Unfortunately, we know ... the selection, and euthanasia to the extreme than the concept of eugenics. We do not agree to a school of thought that could lead to such inhumane conclusions. It was said once the technical policy of the Communists was that to bring the citizen from cradle to grave ... they are doing but do not ask the Northern League to be their accomplice. For these reasons, after careful and thorough analysis, the Group of the Council Chamber Collegno Northern League voted NO TO 'REGISTER OF WILLS INTRODUCTION OF BIOLOGICAL AND PROVISIONS OF THE END OF LIFE.