Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Titanic Birthday Invitations

Pubblicità 6

On milk carton is written in very beautiful, "High Quality". The tour, the turnaround, the comparison with other packages of the same brand: if there is written 'Lean', this one must be whole milk, not skimmed ... I'll take it and put it in the basket at home I will look better.
"High Quality" is a bit 'merry like water, and how many definitions nonsense invented by advertisers, who seem to put there on purpose to confuse (and perhaps the purpose is just that). "Whole milk" is a definition of goods, clear, understandable whole milk means the milk has not been skimmed. Milk with all its natural oils, then: if he prefers one that skimmed, just indicate on the label, very clear. But what has "skimmed milk", please, because "Lean" does not mean anything, is a slender person, not the milk or the Swiss cheese. Think about it a bit ': there is someone who says openly that sell goods to Low Quality? If the milk is then to be low quality, open up the sky ...
sparkling water, sparkling water, labeled as "Allegra" is another example of stupidity applied to the product sector. Mineral waters, in addition to milk, have become the receptacle delle invenzioni stupide dei pubblicitari: con il risultato che sono diventate incomprensibili, io ho studiato chimica e qualcosa sulle acque lo so, ma ieri stavo sbagliando a comperare l’acqua. Quale sarà mai quella gasata, addizionata di anidride carbonica? Ho camminato avanti e indietro tre volte, spostando i cartoni e leggendo le etichette, prima di capire; e poi non ero ancora sicuro, quando sono arrivato a casa e svitando il tappo ho sentito “pssst” mi sono detto: “ah, meno male!”.
Sulle etichette dell’acqua minerale ci dovrebbero essere solo due indicazioni, le uniche che servono: la durezza (cioè il contenuto di sali) e l’indicazione “liscia” o “gasata”. Even the words "natural" is misleading: all waters are natural, sparkling water (or carbonated) water is natural with added carbon dioxide. If we want to add the complete analysis, they are welcome, but to understand them we must have studied at least a little 'chemistry.
There are good laws, on the labels and the ability for consumers to get useful information about the content of what they buy, but are constantly disregarded, evaded, dirty. Authors are detecting these advertisers and marketers, sales: who, apparently not convinced of the goodness of the product, think about it convey to the attention of xxxxxxx consumer shooting.
not think that advertisers are idiots: it works, these mezzucci work fine. High Quality, Low Quality, Happy Water and deep water quickly become points of reference, and instead of giving information to the consumer do the exact opposite. Then jump off the mozzarella blue and pink, and all are surprised, indignant, in other words, as they said our old, falling down from the pear (or cool, depending on the version you like best).
And here the conversation would be large, prefer to quit now, not before pointing out that on the packaging of UHT (long life) is written that you can keep it outside the refrigerator, at room temperature and place, but what "room temperature"? I would say, because the milk is, somewhere between 10 and 18 degrees centigrade. And now let's see, what temperature is on the shelf of UHT milk?


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