Thursday, July 29, 2010

Largest Phone Bill Ever Recorded

Health: Casa del Parto di Ostia, and reopen Acqualuce born Simone.

Great party at the Casa del Parto Ostia, as he toasted the extension of the activity, suspended last July 16 for lack of accreditation and re-opened there were assurances that the President Polverini, Barbara, woman included in the path of delivery of Demedicalization "acqualuce" entered into labor.

At the same time during a press conference was convened by the "Committee to defend the House of the Delivery Services and Maternal and Child" composto dal Coordinamento donne di Ostia, dalle mamme e i papà, dai Cobas ASL RM/D e dalla RdB/USB Sanità che da giorni presidiano la Casa del Parto in attesa della riapertura; al termine della conferenza stampa è giunta anche la Presidente Polverini che ha atteso la nascita di Simone, primo nato della “restituita” casa del parto di Ostia.

La lotta di questi giorni è riuscita a segnare un punto di non ritorno a difesa e speriamo rilancio, del servizio pubblico e di qualità. La sperimentazione – assicurano dal comitato – garantirà certamente il superamento delle inadempienze burocratiche ma resta il gravissimo been faced by the Maternal and Child Service of ASL RM / D, characterized by narrow and inadequate premises and lack of personnel (midwives, nurses, pediatricians, etc..) resulting in a lowering of standards of care in a densely populated and which requires appropriate responses.

Opening the discussion table with the Directorate General - conclude the Committee - will ensure full functionality through the solution of existing critical and especially in reference to the shortage of obstetricians, as stated at the meeting by the Commissioner of the ASL.

Casa del Parto - Ostia, 29 luglio 2010

Dometic Republic Resorts


Si riporta il comunicato :
Omniroma-SANITÀ, REGIONE PROROGA SPERIMENTAZIONE CASA PARTO OSTIA (OMNIROMA) Roma, 28 lug - Il commissario ad acta RenataPolverini, comunica la Regione, ha autorizzato la prosecuzione,per la durata di sei mesi, della sperimentazione dell'assistenzaal parto nella struttura "Acqualuce" ubicata presso l'ospedaleGrassi di Ostia. E' confermato il Protocollo sperimentale che già prevede lasupervisione, sotto il profilo clinico, del direttore dell'areamaterno infantile del nosocomio, Pierluigi Palazzetti, e, dalpunto In organizational terms, the medical director and the director of District MaurizioVittucci, Climene Pistolesi, designed to handle the occurrence of any complicanze.Verrà also established a working group, in analogy adaltre regions, to identify, inter alia, finidell'accreditamento to the requirements of confinement in a hospital setting eredigere guidelines for adoption by the region has

Monday, July 26, 2010

Scrapbooking, Fire Extinguisher

The Contract of the five therapists TSMREE AUSL RM D will be renewed and the users will not suffer ' interruption of the services it announced in a press conference held today at the hospital GBGrassi, the Governor of Latium and Polverini Commissioner Extraordinary AUSL RM D . The COBAS
of AUSL / RMD expresses its appreciation for the important results achieved through the struggle of workers and employees of local health / RMD.
This result, achieved also thanks to a social movement, USW delegates, members of the family, see the disability, and attention by the different levels of management (and the Extraordinary Council of the 13th town hall) there leads to stress the importance of such a movement for the improvement and integration of other services. The COBAS
of AUSL / RMD reiterates the need for stabilization of the entire permanent staff and that the contract in question is no less than three years. The Cobas
of AUSL RM D highlights the availability and the hoped to build a table that links all inclusive services that respond to the needs of children, women, families, and in this regard, the St. Augustine is the natural home of that area and not be accepted improper use of that structure.
Rome 07/24/2010