Saturday, February 19, 2011

Inspirational Garden Flags

I molti meriti della Lega Nord

This morning I left early, and I found the city police - pardon, the local police - intent on giving into the parking fines Railway. The parking lot was almost empty, there were only three or four cars, why these fines? Very simple: clean streets, and parking. That parking is done on Saturday morning, what the hell: how do you not know? There is also written out, they read, s'informino, the streets are very clean one of our pride.
They will also put down the wax, I suppose: I put myself in the shoes of the one or two unfortunates who needed to use public transport, on Saturday morning - there are people who work on Saturdays, but perhaps our assessors do not know why they never did work uncomfortable, the worker, the cashier ... But patience, so these poor people (and in Lombardy there are many) decided to use public transport, perhaps to pollute less Formigoni says, and then in the evening can be found to pay heavy fines. The next time, what will? I think they will say "Like hell I still use public transport ...", or something like that.

These things here, in small countries, until recently, were unthinkable. He fabled to Milan, where every so often, a friend explained it to you: I took the penalty because there was street cleaning, but the sign was covered and not seen. The fine for street cleaning is one of the most infamous fines that I know, because cleaning the streets, you understand it now, it's just an excuse. If you want to clean the streets, and only that, the night before they would put signs, barricades of furniture, a trestle, a ribbon of red and white: one sees it, no parking, et voila. The penalty for street cleaning (easy and abundant fishing) is actually uno di quegli stratagemmi astuti, come quella dei semafori truccati o dei limiti di velocità abbassati nottetempo e senza preavviso, messi in atto per avere più soldi, ma facendo finta di non aumentare le tasse. Allo stesso modo, per non dire “irpef” o “ici”, da qualche anno in qua chi ha bambini in età scolastica paga 400-500 euro al mese di rette scolastiche, e nella scuola pubblica: così poi i cittadini dicono “tanto vale scegliere una scuola privata”, ed è esattamente quello che si voleva, un po’ come quando si andava a caccia e si usavano i battitori per spingere la selvaggina proprio lì, dove la vogliono i cacciatori. La differenza è che stavolta la selvaggina - pardon: gli voters - seems happy and contented.
But we overlook that too. As a colleague of mine always said, borrowing a phrase from a movie of Toto, "We are in the hands of Cain". And now I think it is too late to go back.

PS: Yesterday I read in the newspaper a statement hilarious Matteo Salvini, Adviser League in Milan about the recent investigation on the houses owned by the Pio Albergo Trivulzio (the historic home for the old, glorious institution Milan), who seems to have been leased at favorable prices to the usual suspects. Salvini comments: "I hope the award of the assets accumulated through the generosity of Milan there are no discounts or favors." What can I say? Excuse me, but I can not not write the first thought that came to my mind, and that is this: "... but it should be 'to give away Ciappi, Salvini, you and your party, the Northern League , you are in government at Milan for twenty years without interruption, since the mayor Formentini League, then with the junta Albertini, then with Letizia Moratti. Have you noticed anything? Sorry if I say it, but then you own the Bonehead ... "


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