Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pain In Breast More Condition_symptoms

Pubblicità 7

Negli anni ’60 fu vietato uno spot di un detersivo che si basava su questo slogan: « ... lava così bianco che più bianco non si può, nemmeno col candeggio!». La motivazione della bocciatura fu questa: che “candeggiare” significa proprio lavare bianco, si tratta di un sinonimo: quindi non è possibile “lavare bianco più del lavare bianco”.  Una bocciatura che a molti parve esagerata, lo slogan piaceva ed era diventato proverbiale, penso che ci sia qualcuno che lo ripete ancora oggi. Ma era una bocciatura inevitabile, e pretty hard to hit because it was one of the key points of advertising: shoot nonsense but it seems sensible and strike the imagination. It was the '60s, precisely, and advertising had not yet become master of information and culture, it would have become since the '80s, with the advent of commercial television.
The slogan of the '60s, things almost always funny, even if nonsense, often had as an author Marcello Marchesi, great author and great humorist, one who used to write lyrics for Totò, Walter Chiari, for himself, for many others actors. A person of great culture: For those interested, and I know it will be difficult to recover it, Marcello Marchesi there is a beautiful book published in 1970, "the loot" (publisher Bompiani), where he imagines himself in therapy, clinic, intent to "purge" too many words said and propagated in many year career. Not everything that is written in the "swag" (subtitle: "The words have their revenge") is first class, and many bars have become incomprehensible because they were topical, and we know that the current aging quickly; however there are things like these:
- Only four out of ten become peeled tomatoes Girio the others are good.
- Scarafex, lucida gli scarafaggi: casa pulita, scarafaggi risplendenti.
- Vorrei che qualcuno mangiasse una banana e me la raccontasse
- Non esistono innocenti, tutti abbiamo passato un raffreddore a qualcuno.
- Super-Supergnomo fa il bucato bianco ma così bianco che la neve si vergogna e il giglio va a cagare.
- Avanti Fòppolo, alla riscossa, Bormio è più grossa, Bormio è più grossa...
- ...quanto a me, era un modo di vivere che non mi faceva soffrire. Forse ero un cretino. Non ho mai avuto un mal di testa. Al primo ruttino mi passava. Non volevo soffrire. Non che fossi sordo al dolore o ai dispiaceri ma, come per gli schiaffi my father, I tended to forget them. To flood the massacre, the disaster, opposed to the death distraction. I was a precursor. Today everyone is doing well. It is too much defense. Where was the humor impaired, I began to combine words in such a way that did sell. I sprained my brains in search of products that raise slogans above the warehouses where they lay and cause more pleasing associations of ideas of the vulgar use of the products. I mean I always worked on the words like a cobbler, pulling here and there, upsetting, adapted to all uses. Sometimes I think that they are here to weigh myself on the chest. All those words tangled. They did loot. I'll try to get rid of it. With ogni mezzo. Anche cantando. «Mentre io festévole / amaròstico ghiottòttimo appetitante gustàtico vispazzo digestútile e frizzoso / corro ai tuoi piè / O Santa Vergine / compra per me." La signora desidera? Un detergente programmato sui cicli della mia lavatrice automatica. È una richiesta ultimativa? No, è una esigenza prioritaria. Beh!, mi accompagni fino alla intersezione semaforizzata nonché nutricante dolcévole e aperitonica... Cos'è questa schiuma che mi esce dal naso? Forse è detersivo. (...)
(Marcello Marchesi, da “Il malloppo – Le parole si vendicano” ed. Bompiani, 1971)
Marcello Marchesi, così as Mr. Testa agency head, as well as the great cartoonists who worked with him, Gavioli, sketch, etc., people were having fun, playing with words and figures, well aware that it was a game, albeit well-paid, and were, above all, right people. The crap was reminded to them, but ruled them out. Most of misconduct that were allowed bogus slogans like what I mentioned at the beginning, '... washes whiter than white so you can not, even with bleach. "
At this point I should make a comparison with what I'm listening to by turning on the TV, with the slogan of "copy" and "creative": but I thought his arms they fall. Yes, of course, there's something good, but it's hard. For example, and not to go to the worse, the lady who says "life is an obstacle course" and then he really gets to jump over obstacles: an idea so simple and trite that I do not know if you can really call idea . I offer my congratulations to those who have turned the spot and the lady who plays him, are very good and it shows, as with everything else, subject and screenplay, a child of five would have been able to do better. The worst thing, from a purely professional point of view, is that after seeing the ad a dozen times I can not remember what it advertises, but does not even say the name the type of product, if it is a stock cube or insurance. Money wasted, in short, if you notice most commercials are like that. The money spent on commercials or incomprehensible misdeeds cost a lot, be repaid, and will have a relapse for sure: on price or quality of what we buy. You should always be taken into account.

PS: The pictures that I put here are from a famous TV series, which circulates and still like today: the subject comes from "I Married a Witch" by René Clair, a beautiful film that proved a great success in the early '40s. In the series, the protagonist is played by an actress very good, Elizabeth Montgomery and her husband has the job of advertising, many of the episodes are based on this job, and when I looked at them as a child I thought they were nonsense and exaggerations that no one could be so stupid, that slogan as those invented Samantha's husband and his boss were exaggerations of the authors of the show, and so on. Wrong: years later I discovered that the show took place in the U.S., and U.S. commercial television were already there - we have the green light to cretinism would come later. After when I say, not having to repeat for the umpteenth time the same names and the same words.


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