Thursday, January 20, 2011

Rib Pain More Condition_symptoms


Roma, 20 gennaio 2011

Al Direttore Generale AUSL Roma D
Prof. Ferdinando Romano
Al Dirigente U.O.C. Reclutamento e Stato
Giuridico del Personale Dipendente
Dr.ssa Giuditta Del Borrello
Al Direttore Area Risorse Umane e AA.GG.
Dr. Filippo Coiro
e,p.c. Al Consiglio delle/i Delegate/i della R.S.U. AUSL RM/D

Oggetto: Organizzazione e Gestione Risorse Umane ASL RM/D.

Scrivente O.S. COBAS ASL RM/D, ha giĆ  avuto modo di segnalare in passato la grave e persistente mancanza di personale tecnico, amministrativo e socio sanitario esistente nei vari servizi e strutture dell’ASL RM/D.
L’inadeguatezza degli Organic is made more dramatic by the inability to achieve in the short term acquisition of new human resources through recruitment and professional, taking also into account the limitations imposed by the blockade of the turn - over particularly in regions subject to the repayment plan.
This situation can only lead to further difficulties for the same functionality and efficiency of services with a heavy impact on the quantity and quality of operations and performance, resulting in addition, heavy loads and untenable consequences for the pace of work and operators fellowship members with significant risks to health and their own psychological conditions - Physical.
to this situation has presented in recent years, the issue of policy on the use and management of human and professional resources present in the ASL RM / D.

This situation, however, was already reported in the past, this OS with a hint, 29/05/2008, Prot ASL No. 44753 and of 17/11/2008, Prot No. 94759, one of which sent, for information, including the then President of the Regione Lazio, Piero Marrazzo Hon, with which it stated as ".... the use and management of Human Resources within the USL RM / D, was devoid of choices and the necessary policies, rationalization of distribution and appropriate .. "but were instead characterized by" .... attitudes dictated only by mere logic and arbitrary and discretionary criteria, outside of each collation, transparency and control of documents and choices that are due in public administration ... ".
It was never possible to know, in fact, clearly and transparently, in recent years, the various movements of the staff input (commands, consultations, assignments, mobility, transfers, recruitment, etc..) Occurred at the Company AUSL RM / D, about the reasons and the motives of those measures, concerning their priorities, which were taken with regard to locations, skills, qualifications, and professional roles.

addition, all this was done without adequate and timely information to trade unions, and, especially, without any real comparison can identify and from time to time needs, priorities and criteria, in accordance with the requirements and agreements, such as that signed and ratified by verbal agreement between the Company ASL RM / D and MSW on 12/02/2008.

These decisions and behavior have appeared increasingly marked by logic and choices related to interests approximate and only discretionary, not meeting those criteria and the principles of comparison, transparency and rationality, linked to the various shortcomings of existing staff, and the requirements of saving and spending restraint called for several times.
choices, modes and behaviors, then, that in virtue of a declaration and burdensome economic / financial situation, demand and require, a fortiori, about the policies, use, management and distribution of Human Resources, greater transparency, informed choices, motivated and oriented to a more equitable distribution and rationalization of the same in relation to the roles, capacities, skills, professionalism their assignments and locations, starting from the activities and priorities of individual services.

Writer OS considers, therefore, essential that the current priority and Business Administration ASL RM / D addresses his choices to the principles, criteria of transparency, fairness and participation in public administration which we must always rely on helping and encouraging In this way the implementation of policies of fairness and respect for the guarantees, the protection of legal certainty in respect of all workers and employees and in view of the effectiveness and efficiency of activities and services of ASL RM / D .

Awaiting your early reply will hold out, in advance.

Prot ASL RM / D
No. 5270 of 20/01/2011

p. the COBAS ASL RM / D
Delegates MSW
Mazzarella Laura - Antonio Nocera - Cesare Morra


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