Rome 09/03/2011 - The House votes to nine, decided to postpone the Defence Committee in the proposed law on the incentives to encourage, in the Alpine regions, the recruitment of military volunteers in the departments of the Alpine troops . The text also provides the possibility to finance the re Alpine Corps through local authorities and not only through the state that would not have the necessary funds. The request for referral to committee by the Democratic Party had come , and immediately obtained the consent of the Italia dei Valori, UDC and FUTURE AND FREEDOM ' Fini.
Caparini: "Who today declined to discuss the measure on the mountain has at least the decency not to appear over the face to the military. The failure to vote this morning is a betrayal of the thousands of kids who play the their duty with dedication and high sense of solidarity. In this House in any work that leftists have said that the mountain is a source of pride - continues the deputy of the Northern League - but words are empty and hypocritical because at the first opportunity they have abandoned. "
"Those who prefer the mercenary soldiers, who think traditions and history that does not count, have the courage to drop the mask and to propose the cancellation all specialties, the peculiarities and traditions connected with them. Exploit, as we want, the specific identity of the Mountain is to give a concrete answer to the many Southerners who are now forced to serve out of necessity and by vocation. And 'this perverse and punitive that we want to break, we continue on our way strengthened by the support of the majority and of the same Mountain. "
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