Si svolgerà domenica 20 marzo 2011 la 16° edizione della CorriCollegno, patrocinata dalla Città di Collegno, dalla Città di Grugliasco ed organizzata dall' Associazione Corrisolidale, insieme a molte associazioni collegnesi e grugliaschesi. L'organizzazione delle gare podistiche competitive è a cura della società Atletica La Certosa. Per la prima volta, la gara partirà e finirà a Grugliasco.
The appointment is for everyone in Square meeting with Pope John XXIII from 8.00 and the beginning of sports competitions from 9.00 . There are several opportunities to attend the event.
competitive races: 9 Km the departure at 9.20, the youth competitions (400 - 600 - 1200 to 1800 - 2400 m) before leaving at 9.00 .
The route of 9 km : map prepared by the head of the Ass. Nat. Carabinieri - Mr. PIVA
- GRUGLIASCO departure from Pope John XXIII
- Via Leon Tron
- Via Costa
- entry into the City of Collegno
- Via Costa
- V. Minghetti
- Sottovia Revelli
- Via Torino
- Via Colle del Lys
- Via Vandalino
- entry into the City of Grugliasco Via Vandalino
- Via Podgora
- Via Napoli
- Avenue Radich
- Torino
- Via L. da Vinci
- Via La Salle
- Via Perotti
- Via Lanza.
The path of youth competitions : all youth competitions will be held in the Park Cardinals Grugliasco.
March of Solidarity
At 11.00 will start the March of Solidarity with free passage of about 3.3 km will cross the streets of Grugliasco and Collegno.
For this initiative, which aims to raise funds to support a project of solidarity, enrollment, open to all collections will be worth up to 5 minutes before the start. The proceeds this year will support a project proposed and coordinated by the Towanda, aimed at improving the quality of life of 10 disabled children, young people and Collegno Grugliasco. This project, through the "Pet terapy" (therapy animals) and other activities, is aimed primarily at containing the adverse effects of various diseases physical and psychological which affects.
The Route of the march of solidarity : map prepared by the head of the Ass. Nat. Carabinieri - Mr. PIVA
- GRUGLIASCO departure from Pope John XXIII
- Via Leon Tron
- Avenue Echirolles
- Via Roma
- entry into the City of Collegno
- Via Fiume
- crossing Francia
- Piazzale Mercatale
- Via Pellico
- Via Oberdan
- Via Rossini
- Via Minghetti, attraversamento Francia
- Via Costa
- ingresso nella Città di Grugliasco
- Via Costa
- Via Leon Tron
- Papa Giovanni XXXIII
- Via Lanza.
Councils of the Municipal Police
inviting you to avoid the use of vehicles during the hours and locations of the event or, alternatively, to wait in the few minutes needed to move the participants, inform you about possible disruption to the movement planned for Sunday, March 20, 2011:
- from 8.45 to around 10.00 am, the following changes will be taken to the road:
- Do not walk in the underpass Nuto REVELLI (recommended route Sottovia San Massimo);
- not walk in Pope John XXIII, both roadways, in the stretch between Viale XXIV Maggio and Via Roma
- One-way travel on Via XX Settembre (from V.le XXIV Maggio to Via San Massimo);
- not walk away in Turin (Via De Amicis recommended route and / or V.le Certosa);
addition all roads affected by the events will be off-limits to vehicular traffic for the time necessary to pass in safety, the participants. The prohibition movement will be imposed even in through.
In this regard, we report that will be imposed to block vehicular traffic on France (both directions) at the intersections with the following ways:
- France / Minghetti / Coast (roughly between 9.15 and 9.30 and between 12.00 and 12.30)
- France / River, (approximately between the hours of 11, 30 and 12.00 hours approximately).
All affected intersections will be manned by volunteers who will be responsible to inform you on the passage of the competitions and on alternative routes.
Info: Municipal Police tel. 011.4015600.
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