Tosi, Scapagnini, Bertolaso, Bersani
They told me (for years, decades) of the TV debate between Kennedy and Nixon, I think it was 1959, Kennedy appeared young man there, safe and easy, while Nixon was gray and boring, obnoxious. It was for this reason, it was said that Kennedy won that election because it was more convincing.
I thought about these things (if they have written a lot and talk about it yet) the other night, Thursday, March 3, watching on television the secretary of the PD Bersani while discussing with the Northern League mayor of Verona, which is called Tosi. This was also a debate in many ways exemplary, which should be thoroughly studied and remembered. The point to be made are many and I will try to put them in order better che posso.
Prima di tutto, un’osservazione in positivo: Tosi e Bersani hanno fatto una discussione animata ma senza darsi sulla voce, senza sovrapporsi, da persone civili. Insomma, si è capito tutto quello che dicevano, tutte le parole, intendo. Non è una cosa che capita spesso, e bisogna dargliene atto.
In secondo luogo, Michele Santoro e i suoi collaboratori avevano messo davanti ai due interlocutori notizie interessanti su cui discutere. Gli argomenti erano molti: il baciamani di Berlusconi a Gheddafi, per esempio, di strettissima attualità – un filmato che sta facendo il giro del mondo da parecchi giorni – e l’approvazione del progetto “federalista” della Lega, eccetera.
Tosi, which is much more direct and convincing than Bersani, jump without thinking for a moment all the news that might embarrass and go directly to the attack: as Marco Travaglio, among other things, also spoke of a request for arrest PD Puglia a senator, that his speech is here now there, and then adds the request for an opinion on Rosa Russo Jervolino, mayor of Naples.
Bersani says, and may seem evasive, "have made mistakes," he says, in the case management of health in Apulia, and wishes to stress the personal honesty of Jervolino. You must know how to read between the lines, there is much not said in this response Bersani: for example, that when we speak of the PD and the Puglia Region should contact Massimo D'Alema, there is he who decides. But as D'Alema is not present, Bersani correctness stops before To tell us the name. As to Jervolino, the complete phrase (which does not say Bersani, always to be fair and not out off topic proposed by the tenant) is that Rosa Jervolino is a great person and was twice elected with broad support, but that the Naples, the situation got out of hand. He says, however, that the blame is not all of Jervolino: Bersani speaking of Naples does not mention (but suggests) the deputy Cosentino, close to Berlusconi, and for which he was denied the request for arrest Parliament: a story closely related to those that did make a bad impression to Jervolino. These attitudes
Bersani, a little 'cautious but characterized by propriety and the search for dialogue, not like many of the potential voters of the Democratic Party and the left: that in fact does not vote for him in these years is very high abstention to the left. Obviously, these attitudes are a wedding invitation to his party tonight, Tosi is very aggressive and never misses an opportunity: the defense of the accused immediately Jervolino and the reluctance on the case in Apulia. So Tosi becomes the "winner" of the evening, but on closer it turns out that the reluctance of Tosi were Dick, Tosi has been silent on all issues that could embarrass. And the driver of the debate, Michele Santoro, gave him a hand (perhaps unwittingly) trying to lighten their setbacks when Tosi was in difficulties.
Tosi did not mention the kissing of Berlusconi to Gaddafi: his party is in government with Berlusconi, close ally. The fool of international affects us all, as leading member of the League, the mayor of Verona was almost forced to account.
Tosi did not mention the case Bertolaso, namely that the Northern League voted for the passage of the Civil Protection Joint Stock Company: Due to countless cases of corruption, of which the news is sono occupate ampiamente. Tosi non ha parlato dei 12 chili di cocaina trovati in casa di uno degli amici delle amiche di Berlusconi; Tosi non ha parlato delle condanne per corruzione di Previti e di quelle per mafia di Dell’Utri; Tosi non ha parlato degli scandali della sanità lombarda (tra i più gravi, e subito insabbiati da un’informazione compiacente); Tosi non ha parlato delle alluvioni spaventose nella sua regione, il Veneto, provocate dalla speculazione edilizia e da opere pubbliche malfatte (è la regione dove la Lega più comanda...); Tosi non ha parlato del generale della Finanza che fu beccato mentre si faceva portare le triglie sulle Dolomiti da un aereo militare, a spese pubbliche, che fu rimosso dal governo Prodi e che now deputy in Parliament, in the ranks of those who guess, and the list could go on for many more examples. The Northern League has approved anything in these long years, compact, and always close to Berlusconi. It's about time to talk about it seriously, rather than go for the fleas to others.
Tosi spoke instead of the municipal federalism, "which will eliminate corruption" Bersani and here it could have spread with a single shot, speaking of Catania and the mayor Scapagnini. Even Scapagnini, which created a few years in a terrible budget deficit, is now deputy: Berlusconi and with next to the Northern League, which voted in favor of compact Scapagnini.
Bersani is quite correct, is a bit 'stupid, or who knows what? I do not know, it's not my job to judge and do not even know if I'm going to vote yet, because when there are so many people who vote for Borghezio, Speroni, Calderoli, Castelli, and Umberto Bossi Renzo Bossi, Scapagnini, Special, Carfagna, Brambilla, etc., the hope is now over, as far as I'm concerned. But I think they are interesting debates like this, it would be nice if they speak in school, and especially should be taught to look beyond the appearance. In this I was encouraged by one thing: I speak softly, not able to cry, if I raise my voice becomes hoarse now. I had the voice and diction of Tosi, I would have been an actor; this is not the way, never mind.
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