Friday, March 11, 2011
Skin Disorders More Condition_symptoms
Sample Dental Hygiene Cover Letters
I found on sale a writing course: it is not a joke, are 12 volumes with a lot of DVDs.
Because it can make it, I decided to launch myself in the Enterprise. But as I've never read "The Catcher in the Rye", I take as a model the Reverend Dodgson, aka Lewis Carroll, and even launch a school of poetry.
The only problem is that the father of Alice (and the White Rabbit and the Cheshire Cat, and the March Hare and the Mad Hatter) was English and wrote in English. If this were a blog written in English English, that I would not slap here and tell you to read the text, but instead I'll work, which is a very bad start, I admit.
"to become a poet," Carroll says with a good motto in Latin, a true scholar. And imagine a familiar scene: a child who asks his grandfather how to become a poet.
"How to become a poet? How do you write in rhyme? Once you told me: "The real desire to take part in the Lord." Tell me how! Do not send me away with one of your "again "...»
" How Shall I be a Poet?
How Shall I write in rhyme?
You told me once: The very wish
partook of the sublime,
then tell me how! Do not put me off
Another with your time! "
Grandfather smiles. He likes to talk to that cute little nephew so: there is nothing trite or banal in him, no hesitation. "And you want to become a poet before going to school? Ah, well! I did not think you were so inconsiderate. "
The Old Man Smiled to see HIM,
to hear His sudden sally;
h liked the lad to speak His mind
and thought: "There's no hum-drum in HIM,
Any normal shilly-Shally. "
" And would you be a poet
before you've been to school?
Ah, well! Hardly I thought you
to know absolute fool.
But then his grandfather tells him: "First, learn to be spasmodic: it is a very simple rule. Begin by taking a sentence and make it into small pieces, then take the pieces, they variegated, and you'll see that come out that are barely standing. The order in which exit does not matter. "
First, learn to be spasmodic,
a very simple rule.
For first you write a sentence,
and then you chop it small;
then mix the bits, and sort them out
As They just chance to fall;
the order of the phrases
Makes no difference at all.
"So if you want to impress, remember what I say: the quality Astratte cominciano sempre con la maiuscola. Il Vero, il Buono, il Bello: queste sono le cose che pagano!»
Then, if you'd be impressive,
remember what I say,
the abstract qualities begin
with capitals alway :
the True, the Good, the Beautiful -
those are the things that pay !
« Poi, quando descrivi una forma, un suono, una tinta, non esporre la materia in maniera piana, ma usa le allusioni: e impara a guardare alle cose con una specie di strabismo mentale.»
Next, When You Are Describing
in shape, or sound, or tint,
do not have the matter plainly,
But put it into a hint;
and learn to look at all things
with a sort of mental squint. "
The child has understood, and gives an example:" For example, if I wanted to talk about a mess of mutton, I should say "Dreams of woolly sheep / wheat locked in a cell?"
Yes just like that, "replied the old man.
"For instance, if I Wished, Sir,
of muttonpies to tell,
Should I say Dreams of fleecy Flocks
pent in a wheaten cell ... ? "
" Why, yes - the old man said - That phrase
Would answer very well. 'And the grandfather
continues: "Fourth, the epithets that are good for each word, such as Salsa Ready to Harvey that is good with fish, meat, chicken. Of these, 'wild, lonely, tired, weird, "are to be preferred."
"The fourthly there are epithets
that suit with every word -
as well as Harvey's Reading Sauce
with fish, or flesh, or bird -
of these, wild, lonely, weary, strange,
are much to be preferred. »
Il bambino si entusiasma. « E si può fare, di raggrumarli tutti insieme, così: “l’uomo selvaggio andò per la sua stanca via verso una strana e solitaria pompa?»
« And will it do, o will it do,
to take them in a lump,
Went in the wild man as His weary way
to a strange and lonely pump ... ? "
" But no! - Blurts out his grandfather - You must arrive at a conclusion so quickly. These are epithets such as pepper, a little 'work, but if they put too much bother. "
" Nay, nay! You must not hastily
Such CONCLUSION to jump.
Such epithets, like pepper,
give zest to what you write;
and, if you strew Them sparely,
They wet the appetite:
but, if you lay them on too thick,
you spoil the matter quite !
E poi riprende: « Per ultimo, come accomodamento: il tuo lettore, gli devi mostrare, deve avere le informazioni che tu gli dai, e devi stare attento a non fargli capire prematuramente come va a finire, che deriva ha preso il tuo poema. E quindi, per testare la sua pazienza, per quanto può durare, non menzionare nomi, posti, date; e assicurati sempre di essere abbastanza oscuro.»
Last, as to the arrangement :
your reader, you should show him,
must take what information he
can get, and look for no im-
mature disclosure of the drift
and purpose of your poem.
Therefore, to test his patience, -
how much he can endure -
mention no place, names, or dates
and evermore be sure
throughout the poem to be found
consistently obscure.
« Prima fissa il limite a cui vuoi estenderti; poi fill it with stuffing (chiedine a bit 'to a friend), your big shot effect, the "sensation-room," put it towards the end. "
" And what is a "sensation", grandfather , tell me, please ... I think I have never heard this word so much before today. Be so kind as to do with an example. "
First fix upon the limit
Which It Shall extend to:
then fill it up with Padding
(beg Some Of Any friend )
your great-room sensation
Towards the end you place. "
" And what is a Sensation, Grandfather
, tell me, pray?
I think I never heard the word
I used before today:
be kind enough to mention one
exempla gratia. "
And the old man, looking sadly across the lawn of the garden, where gleaming here and there still a drop of dew at dawn, said: 'Go to Adelphi, and see Colleen Bawn. This word we have in the Boucicault, the theory it is where life becomes a Spasm, a Hum and History: If this is not a "sensation" I do not know what else is. But now evidence alone, before the fantasy loses its heat. "
Editor's note: This verse is in English literature: Dyonisius L. Boucicault was an Irish poet, contemporary of Carroll, was an Adelphi Theatre, Colleen Bawn the title of a play by Boucicault. You could jump without problems, but now the Course of Poetry is almost over, what you want is a verse in a more or less.
And the old man, looking sadly
across the garden-lawn,
Were Here and there a dew-drop
yet glittered in the dawn,
said : « Go to Adelphi,
and see the Colleen Bawn.
This word is due to Boucicault,
the theory is his,
where life becomes a Spasm,
and History a Whiz :
if this is not Sensation,
I don't know what it is.
Now try your hand, ere fancy
have lost its present glow - »
"And after that, - said his nephew - we will publish it, you know: green cover, gold letters on the back, in the twelfth," The old man smiled, proud to see the guy run like an early madman toward the pen and ink, and his pad of paper, but when she thought of the post, his face was sad and stern.
"And then, - His grandson added -
we'll publish it, you know:
green cloth, gold lettered at the back,
in the twelfth! "
Then proudly smiled the old man
to see the eager lad
rush madly for his pen and ink
and for his blotting-pad :
but when he thought of publishing
his face grew stern and sad.
(Lewis Carroll )
(i disegni sono di John Tenniel, dalla prima edizione di "Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie")
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Silver Version Crocodile Pokemon

Rome 09/03/2011 - The House votes to nine, decided to postpone the Defence Committee in the proposed law on the incentives to encourage, in the Alpine regions, the recruitment of military volunteers in the departments of the Alpine troops . The text also provides the possibility to finance the re Alpine Corps through local authorities and not only through the state that would not have the necessary funds. The request for referral to committee by the Democratic Party had come , and immediately obtained the consent of the Italia dei Valori, UDC and FUTURE AND FREEDOM ' Fini.
Caparini: "Who today declined to discuss the measure on the mountain has at least the decency not to appear over the face to the military. The failure to vote this morning is a betrayal of the thousands of kids who play the their duty with dedication and high sense of solidarity. In this House in any work that leftists have said that the mountain is a source of pride - continues the deputy of the Northern League - but words are empty and hypocritical because at the first opportunity they have abandoned. "
"Those who prefer the mercenary soldiers, who think traditions and history that does not count, have the courage to drop the mask and to propose the cancellation all specialties, the peculiarities and traditions connected with them. Exploit, as we want, the specific identity of the Mountain is to give a concrete answer to the many Southerners who are now forced to serve out of necessity and by vocation. And 'this perverse and punitive that we want to break, we continue on our way strengthened by the support of the majority and of the same Mountain. "
Torn Rotator Cuff More Condition_symptoms
Ho conosciuto Britten grazie ai “Quattro interludi marini”, che sono tratti dall’opera "Peter Grimes" but usually carried out in concert: an exciting listen, even if not of the highest impact. Reads like Stevenson, Treasure Island, the honor and the pirates, kidnapped the boy and the open sea and its power, but its calm and beauty. Later, I discovered amazing things about Britten: for example, that the "Symphony simple," still performed around the world (the original title is "A Simple Symphony"), one of the most pleasant to listen to music that I know is was written when Britten was only ten years.
Benjamin Britten (1913-1976) for our luck left us a lot of music. He has written music for each Typically, symphonies and chamber music, transcriptions of English and Irish songs, opera, ballet, Balinese music, and was also conductor and pianist.
Britten is the last great work, I think we can say, the last of all, that close the history of opera. Opera composers were still there, in the last forty years, but almost none of these works remained in the repertoire, and above all no one is more like Britten was great, to be put on a par with Puccini, Stravinsky, all the greats twentieth century. In the second half of the twentieth century, the works remained in the repertoire are almost exclusively those of Sciostakovic, but has stopped writing works long before then Nino Rota, with Stravinsky "The Rake's Progress" and a few others.
The "Peter Grimes" is 1945, "The Rape of Lucretia" (written for Kathleen Ferrier) is 1946, "Albert Herring" 1947, "Billy Budd" in 1951, "Gloriana," 1953, "The Turn of the Screw "by Henry James in 1954," Dream of a Midsummer Night "(from Shakespeare), 1960," Death in Venice in 1973.
Billy Budd, Melville's novel about, is not very successful: it was certainly too complex Melville's novel, which in the book is reduced to a simple story of sailors, but the long series of agreements following the sentencing to death of the young sailor is one of the most impressive things I've ever heard in music. Deserves much attention, "Death in Venice, plus a Faust of Goethe's novel that Thomas Mann, and is justly famous (and disturbing) world of spectra mentioned in" The Turn of the Screw "(The Turn of the Screw) theater and music are indivisible, drawn with great fidelity to the masterpiece of Henry James.
Britten also supervised memorable reworking of Henry Purcell ("The Fairy Queen", documented by an excellent recording) and the seventeenth-century "Beggar's Opera," the work of the Beggars John Gay, which inspired Brecht and also gave the title to a famous Rolling Stones album.
Britten was so eclectic and open to any suggestion of music, which also earned him the nickname "Mannerist" which I do not think it quite negatively, as "manner", in painting, were considered extraordinary artists like Pontormo and Parmigianino. The word "way" in this sense means to replay the past, reworked, and then to stop and think again to something new and original, exactly what he did Benjamin Britten. Of this
Britten "manner" we have music che non si finirebbe mai di ascoltare, come “Soirée musicale”, tratta da Rossini; “Il principe delle pagode” con l’esplorazione della musica balinese; le “Variazioni su un tema di Frank Bridge”, e molto altro ancora. Britten, così come Stravinskj, Prokofiev e Shostakovic, aveva una tale padronanza tecnica della musica che poteva scrivere qualsiasi cosa, e farla bene.
A Benjamin Britten devo molto altro, oltre alla musica: grazie a lui ho potuto leggere e apprezzare cose che non avrei mai letto, in primo luogo i sonetti seicenteschi di John Donne e di William Blake, stupefacenti; i testi per il “War Requiem”, il requiem di guerra written after the Nazi bombardment of Coventry Cathedral, the Rimbaud's Les illuminations, and even the Sonnets of Michelangelo, which, despite being Italian, was completely ignorant of its existence.
In honor of Britten, the port here a poem by John Donne and two fragments of Rimbaud, among the ones to music, and advice to all "A Ceremony of Carols," a collection of Christmas songs for English children's choir: it seems that small thing, but listening is, once again, memorable and exciting (especially the solo harp and "Balulalow).
9. Death Be Not Proud
Death Be Not Proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadfull, for, thou art not soe,
For, those, whom thou think'st, thou dost overthrow,
Die not, poore death, nor yet canst thou kill mee.
From rest and sleepe, which but thy pictures bee
Much pleasure, then from thee, much more must flow,
And soonest our best men with thee do goe,
Rest of their bones, and souls deliverie.
Thou art slave to Fate, Chance, kings and desperate men,
And dost with poyson, Warri, and sickness dwell, And
poppie, or charmes can make us sleep as well
And Better Than thy stroake; why swell'st thou then?
One short sleep past, wee wake eternally,
And Death Shall Be No More, Death, thou shalt die.
(from The holy sonnets of John Donne, Text by John Donne, 1572-1631)
Death, be not proud, though some call took thee mighty and dreadful, for thou the six, because those that you believe to overwhelm not die, poor death, nor can you kill me. From rest and sleep, not that your image is derived great satisfaction, and then you will have a better result, and our best if they go first to you, rest their bones, liberation of the soul. You are a slave of Fate, of Chance, kings and desperate, and staying with poison, with the war and sickness, and opium or charms can make us sleep as your best shot, so why being proud? After a short sleep, we awake to eternal death will be no more, Death thou shalt die.
1. Fanfare
J'ai seul the clef this savage parade.
3a. Sentence
I have stretched ropes from steeple to steeple of
garlands from window to window golden chains
star to star, and I dance.
(musicato da Benjamin Britten in "Illuminations", op.18, per voce e orchestra d'Archi)
(nell'immagine that sopra, è in compagnia Britten Peter Pears di e di Kathleen Ferrier; lo spartito è quello di "The Rape of Lucretia ")
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Clinical Depression More Condition_symptoms
Si svolgerà domenica 20 marzo 2011 la 16° edizione della CorriCollegno, patrocinata dalla Città di Collegno, dalla Città di Grugliasco ed organizzata dall' Associazione Corrisolidale, insieme a molte associazioni collegnesi e grugliaschesi. L'organizzazione delle gare podistiche competitive è a cura della società Atletica La Certosa. Per la prima volta, la gara partirà e finirà a Grugliasco.
The appointment is for everyone in Square meeting with Pope John XXIII from 8.00 and the beginning of sports competitions from 9.00 . There are several opportunities to attend the event.
competitive races: 9 Km the departure at 9.20, the youth competitions (400 - 600 - 1200 to 1800 - 2400 m) before leaving at 9.00 .
The route of 9 km : map prepared by the head of the Ass. Nat. Carabinieri - Mr. PIVA
- GRUGLIASCO departure from Pope John XXIII
- Via Leon Tron
- Via Costa
- entry into the City of Collegno
- Via Costa
- V. Minghetti
- Sottovia Revelli
- Via Torino
- Via Colle del Lys
- Via Vandalino
- entry into the City of Grugliasco Via Vandalino
- Via Podgora
- Via Napoli
- Avenue Radich
- Torino
- Via L. da Vinci
- Via La Salle
- Via Perotti
- Via Lanza.
The path of youth competitions : all youth competitions will be held in the Park Cardinals Grugliasco.
March of Solidarity
At 11.00 will start the March of Solidarity with free passage of about 3.3 km will cross the streets of Grugliasco and Collegno.
For this initiative, which aims to raise funds to support a project of solidarity, enrollment, open to all collections will be worth up to 5 minutes before the start. The proceeds this year will support a project proposed and coordinated by the Towanda, aimed at improving the quality of life of 10 disabled children, young people and Collegno Grugliasco. This project, through the "Pet terapy" (therapy animals) and other activities, is aimed primarily at containing the adverse effects of various diseases physical and psychological which affects.
The Route of the march of solidarity : map prepared by the head of the Ass. Nat. Carabinieri - Mr. PIVA
- GRUGLIASCO departure from Pope John XXIII
- Via Leon Tron
- Avenue Echirolles
- Via Roma
- entry into the City of Collegno
- Via Fiume
- crossing Francia
- Piazzale Mercatale
- Via Pellico
- Via Oberdan
- Via Rossini
- Via Minghetti, attraversamento Francia
- Via Costa
- ingresso nella Città di Grugliasco
- Via Costa
- Via Leon Tron
- Papa Giovanni XXXIII
- Via Lanza.
Councils of the Municipal Police
inviting you to avoid the use of vehicles during the hours and locations of the event or, alternatively, to wait in the few minutes needed to move the participants, inform you about possible disruption to the movement planned for Sunday, March 20, 2011:
- from 8.45 to around 10.00 am, the following changes will be taken to the road:
- Do not walk in the underpass Nuto REVELLI (recommended route Sottovia San Massimo);
- not walk in Pope John XXIII, both roadways, in the stretch between Viale XXIV Maggio and Via Roma
- One-way travel on Via XX Settembre (from V.le XXIV Maggio to Via San Massimo);
- not walk away in Turin (Via De Amicis recommended route and / or V.le Certosa);
addition all roads affected by the events will be off-limits to vehicular traffic for the time necessary to pass in safety, the participants. The prohibition movement will be imposed even in through.
In this regard, we report that will be imposed to block vehicular traffic on France (both directions) at the intersections with the following ways:
- France / Minghetti / Coast (roughly between 9.15 and 9.30 and between 12.00 and 12.30)
- France / River, (approximately between the hours of 11, 30 and 12.00 hours approximately).
All affected intersections will be manned by volunteers who will be responsible to inform you on the passage of the competitions and on alternative routes.
Info: Municipal Police tel. 011.4015600.
Bipolar Disorder Causes More Condition_symptoms
Boris Christoff I learned when I was about eighteen, and opera still do not like, but the IST, the TV of Italian Switzerland, had devoted a lengthy interview, which I had seen without looking, by chance (assuming that these things happen by chance to tell the truth, I highly doubt).
Christoff could not pass unnoticed, even on TV: the voice, but also for its appearance. Not it was physically imposing, he was so tall and strong but otherwise normal: it was something of his own, natural, a character that requires awe. Maybe in private, at home, it was a nice and friendly person: but so, in an official capacity, Christoff seemed like a Tsar, a Grand Inquisitor, a Philip II, or the High Priest of Aida. Sure, the bass voice helps: the bass of the opera, to hear them talk, they all do a little 'awe. But Christoff was a completely different matter, and the rest by listening to his records to see what I mean.
Christoff, Bulgarian by birth, he explained he arrived in Italy a very young, and having studied with the baritone Riccardo Stracciari: a singer of great renown, and a teacher is very attentive but also very demanding, especially in the diction. A very good school, judging by the results: many opera singers are eating their words, but with Christoff si può fare a meno di leggere il libretto, ogni singola parola è scandita (e cantata!) con enorme precisione e chiarezza assoluta. Non aveva una voce bellissima, Christoff: piuttosto aspra, scura, non la voce morbida e fluente di un altro basso altrettanto grande Nicolai Ghiaurov (bulgaro-italiano come lui, e di lui più giovane), ma una voce precisa, potente, intonatissima, personalissima e impressionante.
Parlando di musica, Boris Christoff è stato una presenza fondamentale per me, una delle persone che – suo malgrado – mi hanno indicato la strada giusta da seguire. A un certo punto mi è anche capitato di conoscerlo di persona, gli ho perfino stretto la mano – I was taller than him and he looked a bit 'wrong, as he was accustomed to being the King, the Czar, the High Priest, and therefore to stay one step higher, to look at all top- low.
But, going in order, and specifying the outset that I am not used to bother the great artists (and even normal people), that day in the dressing room I had brought us the people with whom I went to the opera in Parma. My usual behavior was that, at the end of the shows: perhaps even applauded for twenty minutes in a row, but then I went straight home. Even if I had met Carlos Kleiber, Claudio Abbado or, what on earth could I say? An infinite gratitude, yes; but I had already expressed his gratitude with applause, I thought that was enough. Besides, I'm not a musician and as a Christoff my approval of simple listener could easily do without it.
Boris Christoff I heard once: he had already retired for some time, but every now and then granted an exit, and on 8 January 1982 she sang in Parma in Don Carlos by Giuseppe Verdi, one of its roles Tracks: King Philip II of Spain. He was still in good shape, and not everyone. Beside him, Renato Bruson, Ghena Dimitrova, Luigi Roni, Vasile Moldoveanu, Stefania Toczyska; director Günther Neuhold.
At the end of the show, they took me a ride in the dressing room: I was not used to, but they used to. Even in person, seen up close, Christoff was impressive: he seemed to have remained in his character was very friendly but a glance or a shrug of his voice, even in a normal conversation, they were still jump. It occurred to me that if he was a school teacher would get attention and discipline in the class even more agitated, simply raising an eyebrow (and if she had decided to raise his voice ...).
I had all of his albums: Mussorgsky's Boris Godunov, Don Carlos, Simon Boccanegra, A Life for the Tsar, Prince Igor. Besides, they cost little, because in classical music and opera that is the principio opposto a quello che si potrebbe immaginare, e cioè che le incisioni leggendarie costano meno delle altre. E’ così da sempre, perché si crede che le incisioni degli anni ’50 e ’60 e ’70 (prima del digitale) siano peggiori: ma così non è, e gli appassionati lo sanno.
Non è tutto oro quello che luccica, col digitale e col computer si fanno facilmente trucchi meschini (un po’ come capita con photoshop per le immagini), ma soprattutto si impara presto che è l’interpretazione che conta, non il modo in cui la si è registrata. Certo, l’ideale è avere un’esecuzione leggendaria ottimamente registrata: ma se volete ascoltare Enrico Caruso sappiate who passed away in 1921, if you want to hear Toscanini and Furtwaengler, their most recent recordings date from the early '50s, if you want to listen to Maria Callas, his golden years are 1948 to 1958. The best years of Pavarotti, to take one recent example, are those between 1960 and 1980, but should remain as close as possible to 1960, there is the living legend Pavarotti, and are already excellent recordings. Moreover, recently asked Maurizio Pollini what was the best recording of Chopin, and Pollini did not hesitate: Arthur Rubinstein on RCA, 1956.
Of Boris Christoff my Garzantine says " Christoff, Boris (1919-1993) was born Plovdiv, Bulgarian bass naturalized Italian. MasterClasses in Milan with Riccardo Stracciari, premiered in Rome in 1946 with Puccini's La Boheme. Specialist of the Russian repertoire (Mussorgsky: Boris Godunov and Kovancina, "A Life for the Tsar" by Glinka, "Prince Igor" by Borodin), also a great interpreter of the Verdi repertoire (Ernani, Don Carlos, Simon Boccanegra) and music by room. He was intelligent actor, with excellent stage presence. "
Wikipedia says instead that Christoff was born in 1914, adding that he graduated in law and had time to start a career as a magistrate, then abandoned given the great success on stage. His teacher, Richard Stracciari, lo vedeva meglio come baritono, ma Christoff decise subito di essere un basso. Il debutto alla Scala arriva molto presto, 1948-49, con il Boris Godunov. Si può ancora aggiungere che la liturgia cristiano-ortodossa utilizza da sempre voci scure e anche molto profonde, questo è stato il punto di partenza di molto grandi cantanti dell’Est Europa, e anche Boris Christoff (che in Bulgaria iniziò a cantare in un coro) non fa eccezione.
(Le immagini le ho prese in rete, alcune molto tempo fa; non sono riuscito a trovare i link giusti, e me ne dispiace molto, soprattutto per la foto con l'autografo, in costume di Filippo II.)
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
What Is Your Cervical Mucus Like Before Period
During the presentation of the report "The labor migration in Italy: trends and perspectives" the Minister of Labour and Social Policy Maurizio Sacconi has announced the signing Decree of flows for the year 2011.
By the decree of a total of 60 000 foreign seasonal workers may be regularly employed by farmers; opportunity for migrants seeking work, a real "arm operativo” per il settore rurale. Il comparto dell’agricoltura rappresenta il settore che assorbe la maggioranza dei lavoratori extracomunitari giunti in Italia.
La vera novità del provvedimento è incarnata però dal permesso pluriennale: nell’ambito della quota prestabilita di 60 mila, tutti i lavoratori che abbiano già fatto ingresso in Italia per prestare lavoro subordinato stagionale per almeno due anni consecutivi, se richiesto dall’azienda che offre l’opportunità professionale, possono ottenere un permesso pluriennale. Ottenuto il permesso in seguito ad una serie di controlli approfonditi, negli anni successivi lavoratore straniero e azienda potranno nuovamente collaborare senza più avviare una pesante ed infinita procedura burocratica, spesso elemento decisivo che allontana l’impresa rurale dalla volontà di assumere braccianti.
Lo scorso anno, in seguito ad alcune indicazioni di Coldiretti Cuneo, in particolar modo alle segnalazioni del vice Direttore Lauro Pelazza, sono seguiti immediati incontri tra il Sottosegretario al Ministero dell’interno Michelino Davico e l’Assessore regionale all’Agricoltura Claudio Sacchetto, confronti serrati per porre rimedio alle difficoltà alle quali aziende e imprenditori ogni anno andavano incontro.
Assessore regionale all’Agricoltura Claudio Sacchetto: “Ritengo che il provvedimento risponda in modo idoneo alle necessità del territorio: un grande risultato concreto che siamo riusciti a raggiungere in tempi rapidi, fondamentale il contributo del Sottosegretario Davico, al quale va il mio ringraziamento. Controlli sicuri ed approfonditi per concedere il permesso, semplificazione dell’iter negli anni successivi e possibilità di assumere, nel pieno rispetto delle leggi di tutela del lavoratore, 60 mila stagionali, necessaria risorsa per l’offerta di lavoro del nostro Paese, specie per il comparto rurale. Il Decreto flussi per quanto concerne i lavoratori stagionali va in direzione di una politica volta alla sburocratizzazione dei procedimenti: le aziende vanno aiutate a lavorare, non ostacolate con impianti normativi surreali. Eseguiti i dovuti controlli, come giusto che sia per la sicurezza della collettività, la concessione del permesso permette di alleviare gli imprenditori agricoli dal calvario di carte bollate e documentazione che ogni anno erano costretti ad affrontare.
Questa importante meta raggiunta testimonia lo spirito che guida ogni azione della Lega, spesso tacciata ingiustamente di intolleranza: i lavoratori stranieri sono ben accetti, il loro ingresso controlled in Italy is an opportunity for their need for work and opportunity for our companies in search of laborers. However, the operations must be carried out with the necessary depth checks. By this measure reflected the policy objective of the Carroccio: protecting the security of the citizens of our country, allowing entry only to people willing, and providing alien who enters a real dignity in Italy by taking up a job in law. Indiscriminate reception would, on the contrary, a difficult situation from the point of view of safety of the citizens of our country, and not being able to provide a decent life for immigrants. The League has always supported the line that those who are not taking up a job guarantee can not come into Italy, with regard to seasonal workers is important to offer the opportunity to work concretely on the actual guarding return home after concluding their experience professional, and therefore the validity of the permit expired.
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Olio di semi, olio d’oliva, burro, strutto: per la Chimica, sono tutti acidi. Acidi grassi, per la precisione: la definizione corretta è questa. Non c’è da impressionarsi: per un chimico, la parola “acido” ha un significato ben preciso, diverso dal significato che ha nelle conversazioni quotidiane; ma per spiegare bene cos’è un acido servirebbe un corso di chimica, non mi sembra il caso di parlarne qui.
Nel parlare comune, al di fuori della chimica, “acido” è qualcosa di corrosivo, sia in senso letterale che come metafora: ma in chimica non è obbligatorio che un acido sia corrosivo, esistono gli “acidi forti” ma anche gli “acidi deboli” - We know all the butter and oil, does not seem to explain the case to it right now. And most importantly, there are corrosive substances that are not classified as acids: caustic soda, for example, is not an acid but it is very dangerous.
fatty acids, the oil and butter, are part of organic chemistry, that is connected to life: in fact they are all plant or animal origin. Organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon , an element in the periodic system has the symbol C (CARBON) and atomic number 6.
carbon in nature is presented both as a gas or mineral (carbon dioxide, coal, diamonds ...), ie inorganic form in which it is closely related to life, that is organic.
Even this is something almost impossible to explain unless you seriously study the chemistry, but the organic carbon (one of which we are made, animals, plants) has the ability to bind its atoms in long chains, linked its almost like pearl necklaces. This ability to form chains of atoms, even very complex in nature, has only the carbon: it is one of the mysteries of life, one of those that do not come we are still in charge. And it is a ring of carbon atoms that we must think, then, for the fatty acids, the oil and the burro.Anche DNA, "acid deoxyribonucleic acid, is formed by a long chain of carbon atoms, variously combined.
acids in organic chemistry, ending all their chemical formula with a characteristic group,-COOH . The difference lies in the number of atoms along the chain: for simplicity, can you imagine the-COOH group of atoms (these are symbols of oxygen and hydrogen linked to carbon atoms) as a tag attached to the necklace. The first series of organic acids (but we are not fatty acids) is formic acid, with a single carbon atom: it is precisely that of the ants, the name comes from there. Acid pure formic acid (which is obtained by chemical synthesis, and not the ants) is a colorless, pungent smell. In second place is acetic acid, and just smell the vinegar to recognize its presence, a very characteristic odor. The complete table of organic acids I put below, the divide in two for convenience, because it is very long (by clicking the image you can read all).
The term "fatty acids" (in English, "fatty acids") is commonly given from 10-12 carbon atoms on , and is not a proper scientific name but is very common in everyday practice. Although acetic acid and formic acid are two names in common use, we use a lot and have a long history behind them, the actual chemical names are much more complicated but very useful if you need to go back to the molecular structure.
There are also very curious names, the list of organic acids, for example, acid and acid goats goats. Having handled acid goats (which is another clear, colorless liquid) can assure you that it smells very strong and very particular - in short, really stinks like a goat, and is one of the components of "dirty" that we take off for washing the back. Almost all
these organic acids are used in the production of raw materials for industry, including acid goats, but the real point of interest are fatty acids, which are made with detergents, soaps, shampoos, beauty creams.
lauric acid (the plant is of bay laurel) and myristic acid (named after the myrtle) are the first fatty acid, respectively, a chain of 12 and 14 carbon atoms. Below palmitic acid (from palm, 16 carbon atoms) and stearic acid (chain of 18 atoms of carbon present in animal fat, you were the candles) which are solid at room temperature rather than liquid wax.
Oleic acid is the main component of olive oil, has a complex structure, no longer a linear chain, another chain of atoms, but more elaborate. One of the last table of this organic acid is salicylic acid : that, with a slight modification (acetylation) becomes acetyl salicylic acid, namely aspirin. As the name implies, is originally from the bark of willow trees, and is a pure white powder.
It also said that the name of each fatty acid does not mean that only extracted from the plant or the seed: linoleic acid is not present only in linen but also in animal fats, and the same holds true for palmitic acid, myristic, lauric, and I am - not being thin - I certainly harbor him.
It 'still a complex discourse, which can be addressed with precision only by studying the chemistry, but it is important to know the products with which we deal every day, and I know that for many (especially those who have high school Classic), these things are totally unknown and mysterious, but rather with a bit 'of good will can understand. I often meet people who know nothing at all of the products they are purchasing and using, not trust advertising and if they buy cakes and biscuits can not even read the ingredients list (which is compulsory by law). The school unfortunately does not explain almost anything, just my diploma in chemical to make the expert (which are not, either). So if anyone has come up at the bottom of my writing and has produced something, I heartily thank him, and at least for now I can quit happy.
PS: The table is from my old school book, kept in a safe (well, almost). The first column is the name commonly used, the chemical formula in the second, third and fourth in the melting point and boiling point, then the specific gravity (Density: all oils and fats float on the water), and finally the solubility in water which is good for formic acid and acetic acid, then gradually becomes more difficult: oil and water, you know, not mix - at least to make an emulsion, but this would open a whole other subject.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Back Injuries More Condition_symptoms
CTR La Bastide Senise 69
it Pernice, D'Aranno it, For 15, Marquis 9, Building 4, 9 Bartoli, Pairone 7, 14 Marino, Feminine 11. Coach Dino De Angelis, ass. Dino Di Monte
Marigliano 64
Bonanno 10, 17 Confessor, Izzo 5, Catapano 4, Mangani 0, Di Girolamo, Russia 12, Room 11, Perez 5, Di Somma. Coach Castaldo
Referees: Claudio SAVIGNANO of SOLOFRA (AV) and PELUSO Roberto Maurizio di Avellino (AV)
Partial : 20-12, 38-34 (18-22), 51-50 (13-16) 69-64 (18-14).
Note: leave for 5 fouls Pairone (Senise) and Confessor (Marigliano)
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A drop of water falls on the paper where you have just written something, the black ink is poured and turns out to be composed of different colors, three or four, or maybe a small iris.
seems a trivial thing, but instead is the starting point of chromatography, one of the most beautiful and complete chemical analysis. The beginning, historically, are with his "paper chromatography" means a paper towel is soaked in water for a corner, and waits patiently for the water goes back up the whole sheet of paper. In back, the water drag several parts that make up the mixture that we are looking at: If you have colored, it is easy to see and recognize them.
Subsequently, the method of analysis has been completed, but always without a fixed phase (the card, or a resin in a column) and a mobile phase, which may be water, alcohol or any solvent as long as fit for purpose . For example, a glass tube with a tap at the bottom, filled with suitable material to hold in a different way the test sample, and a liquid that is poured from above. From the tap at the bottom, samples are taken at specific time intervals, which are then analyzed separately.
And finally, the gas chromatography: the sample is vaporized into a small oven, and flows into a long coiled column and filled with specially selected material, driven not by a liquid but a gas. The hydrogen gas can be (very good but dangerous) or helium (the one to fly the balloons), or even nitrogen, which is inexpensive and completely inert. Can be analyzed with gas chromatography oils and fats, and you can even go and see with that is that a semi seed oil, and if olive oil is really made with olives. To an expert analyst, this is not a very arduous task.
At work, where we used gas chromatographs often, sometimes things happen like this: One morning
Joseph comes to us, a worker from Puglia. Joseph was made to send a carboy of olive oil from his country. Puglia is famous for its olive oil, but Joseph does not trust the driver that led to the carboy, and seeking help from us in the laboratory does not fall in our duties, but today there is time, we must test the new column, and is a good diversion from the routine.
So let us go to see a bit 'of sacred texts: the olive oil should be given, in gas chromatography, a single peak: the peak of oleic acid, which comes out very late on our instrument, after more than twenty minutes. If the path of gas chromatography, a peak first twenty minutes, this is undoubtedly a lighter fat oleic acid, a soybean oil, corn or even rape ...
At the end of the analysis, there he is, relentless, the peak of sunflower oil and the verdict:
- Unfortunately, you were right, Joseph, your olive oil has been cut with vegetable oil: a beautiful 5 %.
- Five liters, if they have cheated, that unfortunate ... but now I feel when I see him I say four, points out that if a piece!
(Giuliano, June 2004)
Sunday, March 6, 2011
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Coffeeor Water Follower
- I've had enough - he told me. - Currency. Fire me, I am a normal work, perhaps the general markets download the stuff. Or childbirth, I'm leaving, and if one travels, spends less than staying at home, and on the road some way of earning is always at the factory but I do not go anymore.
I told him that we thought about, that you should never make decisions hot, place in a factory is not to be sneezed at, and that anyway it was better if he told me things from the beginning.
Rinaldo joined the university, but it shifts at the factory: take turns unpleasant, changing pace of life and time every week, In short we must get used to not getting used to. In general, people are more successful middle-aged young people.
- No, not a matter of shifts, is that I started cooking. Eight tons of throw. (...)
(Primo Levi, the beginning of the story "The challenge of the molecule, from the book" The manufacturer of mirrors ")
Not many people know, but Primo Levi wrote only "If This Is a Man" and "The Truce". I read with dismay, even major newspapers, some criticism of his work: that Levi was not a writer (!) And it was primarily a diarist (!!). We have things in order: Primo Levi was, first, a Doctor: Doctor in chemistry. As told in his most famous books, was saved from death in Nazi concentration camps for this, there was a chemical factory near the camp of those big and important (there is still but has changed its name) served a pair of people working in the lab and thought it well to look for them among the prisoners. They were just jobs, but stay in the lab, heat, Levi helped to pass the winter. Other reasons why she was saved, apart from luck, was the fact that they have twenty years (over forty is almost always ended in the gas chambers) to know a little 'German, and have come to the camp when it missing little to Liberation. How
still tells himself, Dr. Primo Levi became a writer out of necessity: an inner necessity, could not tell what had happened. But the writer Primo Levi is not an improvisational writer, literary critics and just a little 'common sense to avoid writing and talking rubbish.
I studied a bit '(little) of chemistry, and I'm glad I did because the chemistry is good, and because so I could read other books of Primo Levi, and understand its greatness. Not only that, "If This Is a Man" and "truce", but "The Periodic Table," "The key to star," poems, drugs fairy tales ("Disfilassi" in the "Tales") and much more. For example, this story, which speaks of things very familiar to me: shift work (which affects thousands of people, never forget it), and preparation of raw materials for the most common things in our lives, a paint, a shampoo, a plastic material.
In particular, the fact told here was successful in the factory where I worked three thousand pounds of resin had hardened into the machine (one pot, in essence), making the texture of the stone, very similar in appearance to amber. To clear the car was to enter and split piece pezzo, con il martello pneumatico.
A quel tempo, avevo fotocopiato queste pagine di Levi e le avevo fatte circolare in fabbrica: erano piaciute moltissimo, e mi dispiace molto di non aver potuto a continuare di queste cose, ma così va il mondo.
Il racconto si chiama "La sfida della molecola" ed è pubblicato nel volume "Il fabbricante di specchi", edito da La Stampa; ed è un vero capolavoro, anche se sarà ben difficile trovare un critico letterario che se lo sia letto fino in fondo...
In rete (non so se siano mai state pubblicate in volume: bisogna cercare "Siva Primo Levi" su un motore di ricerca, Siva era la ditta dove Levi fu direttore di produzione) si trovano testimonianze su com'era il dottor Levi, in fabbrica: era infatti dirigente in un'industria di vernici. Il ritratto che ne esce è esattamente quello che ci si aspetta, il ritratto di una gran brava persona, uno di quelli che – in silenzio, lavorando sodo e senza farsi pubblicità – mandano avanti il mondo. Probabile che non fosse una persona particolarmente cordiale, da buon piemontese; ma a me sarebbe piaciuto avere un capo così, un bravo chimico da cui imparare. Per dieci anni ho avuto un buon capo, poi le cose sono cambiate e mi dispiace molto; ma questa è un'altra storia, tutta mia; tiro un sospiro e chiudo.
Ricordo solo un’altra cosa, per chi ne fosse all’oscuro: Primo Levi non fece mai part of the "tour" of the literati. He wore his stories to the newspaper, and tells him to do almost apologizing for the disturbance and they are beautiful stories, written in a clear Italian, exemplary. Clarity of writing is a gift for the few, to the greatest. And being out of that round, the round of letters, I think it has helped a lot in Primo Levi, not so much in his daily life, as in being a writer with a capital. Money aside, better to not frequent certain rooms (TV, publishing, advertising, big bosses ...). Better be with the workers, the best of Faussone "The key to star," Rinaldo best player in this story.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Black Stools More Condition_symptoms
Un brutto infortunio, ha giocato solo la prima giornata contro il Marigliano, rientra dopo sette turni, proprio contro il Marigliano.
Marigliano, ottima squadra che ci affianca al terzo posto in classifica. Una squadra piena di ottimi giocatori, completa. Perez lo scorso anno ci rifilò 42 punti, Bonanno è quasi un incubo, non si contano le promozioni in C1 che ha conquistato. Hanno aggiunto anche Confessore, giocatore che non conosco ma che tutti mi dicono sia bravo, molto bravo. Coach Castaldo certamente vorra rifarsi della partita d'andata.
A Marigliano riuscimmo vincere, fu un bel successo anche se il risultato (nel senso di scarto, 18 punti) fu bugiardo.
Se volete vedere il filmato in HD, o su Facebook o su Youtube .
Basta cliccare !!!!!
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They told me (for years, decades) of the TV debate between Kennedy and Nixon, I think it was 1959, Kennedy appeared young man there, safe and easy, while Nixon was gray and boring, obnoxious. It was for this reason, it was said that Kennedy won that election because it was more convincing.
I thought about these things (if they have written a lot and talk about it yet) the other night, Thursday, March 3, watching on television the secretary of the PD Bersani while discussing with the Northern League mayor of Verona, which is called Tosi. This was also a debate in many ways exemplary, which should be thoroughly studied and remembered. The point to be made are many and I will try to put them in order better che posso.
Prima di tutto, un’osservazione in positivo: Tosi e Bersani hanno fatto una discussione animata ma senza darsi sulla voce, senza sovrapporsi, da persone civili. Insomma, si è capito tutto quello che dicevano, tutte le parole, intendo. Non è una cosa che capita spesso, e bisogna dargliene atto.
In secondo luogo, Michele Santoro e i suoi collaboratori avevano messo davanti ai due interlocutori notizie interessanti su cui discutere. Gli argomenti erano molti: il baciamani di Berlusconi a Gheddafi, per esempio, di strettissima attualità – un filmato che sta facendo il giro del mondo da parecchi giorni – e l’approvazione del progetto “federalista” della Lega, eccetera.
Tosi, which is much more direct and convincing than Bersani, jump without thinking for a moment all the news that might embarrass and go directly to the attack: as Marco Travaglio, among other things, also spoke of a request for arrest PD Puglia a senator, that his speech is here now there, and then adds the request for an opinion on Rosa Russo Jervolino, mayor of Naples.
Bersani says, and may seem evasive, "have made mistakes," he says, in the case management of health in Apulia, and wishes to stress the personal honesty of Jervolino. You must know how to read between the lines, there is much not said in this response Bersani: for example, that when we speak of the PD and the Puglia Region should contact Massimo D'Alema, there is he who decides. But as D'Alema is not present, Bersani correctness stops before To tell us the name. As to Jervolino, the complete phrase (which does not say Bersani, always to be fair and not out off topic proposed by the tenant) is that Rosa Jervolino is a great person and was twice elected with broad support, but that the Naples, the situation got out of hand. He says, however, that the blame is not all of Jervolino: Bersani speaking of Naples does not mention (but suggests) the deputy Cosentino, close to Berlusconi, and for which he was denied the request for arrest Parliament: a story closely related to those that did make a bad impression to Jervolino. These attitudes
Bersani, a little 'cautious but characterized by propriety and the search for dialogue, not like many of the potential voters of the Democratic Party and the left: that in fact does not vote for him in these years is very high abstention to the left. Obviously, these attitudes are a wedding invitation to his party tonight, Tosi is very aggressive and never misses an opportunity: the defense of the accused immediately Jervolino and the reluctance on the case in Apulia. So Tosi becomes the "winner" of the evening, but on closer it turns out that the reluctance of Tosi were Dick, Tosi has been silent on all issues that could embarrass. And the driver of the debate, Michele Santoro, gave him a hand (perhaps unwittingly) trying to lighten their setbacks when Tosi was in difficulties.
Tosi did not mention the kissing of Berlusconi to Gaddafi: his party is in government with Berlusconi, close ally. The fool of international affects us all, as leading member of the League, the mayor of Verona was almost forced to account.
Tosi did not mention the case Bertolaso, namely that the Northern League voted for the passage of the Civil Protection Joint Stock Company: Due to countless cases of corruption, of which the news is sono occupate ampiamente. Tosi non ha parlato dei 12 chili di cocaina trovati in casa di uno degli amici delle amiche di Berlusconi; Tosi non ha parlato delle condanne per corruzione di Previti e di quelle per mafia di Dell’Utri; Tosi non ha parlato degli scandali della sanità lombarda (tra i più gravi, e subito insabbiati da un’informazione compiacente); Tosi non ha parlato delle alluvioni spaventose nella sua regione, il Veneto, provocate dalla speculazione edilizia e da opere pubbliche malfatte (è la regione dove la Lega più comanda...); Tosi non ha parlato del generale della Finanza che fu beccato mentre si faceva portare le triglie sulle Dolomiti da un aereo militare, a spese pubbliche, che fu rimosso dal governo Prodi e che now deputy in Parliament, in the ranks of those who guess, and the list could go on for many more examples. The Northern League has approved anything in these long years, compact, and always close to Berlusconi. It's about time to talk about it seriously, rather than go for the fleas to others.
Tosi spoke instead of the municipal federalism, "which will eliminate corruption" Bersani and here it could have spread with a single shot, speaking of Catania and the mayor Scapagnini. Even Scapagnini, which created a few years in a terrible budget deficit, is now deputy: Berlusconi and with next to the Northern League, which voted in favor of compact Scapagnini.
Bersani is quite correct, is a bit 'stupid, or who knows what? I do not know, it's not my job to judge and do not even know if I'm going to vote yet, because when there are so many people who vote for Borghezio, Speroni, Calderoli, Castelli, and Umberto Bossi Renzo Bossi, Scapagnini, Special, Carfagna, Brambilla, etc., the hope is now over, as far as I'm concerned. But I think they are interesting debates like this, it would be nice if they speak in school, and especially should be taught to look beyond the appearance. In this I was encouraged by one thing: I speak softly, not able to cry, if I raise my voice becomes hoarse now. I had the voice and diction of Tosi, I would have been an actor; this is not the way, never mind.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Tick Bite More Condition_symptoms
- (...) You say you write songs, sometimes they do not want to sing.
"Cut a song is like catching a sparrow, you have to do it without risking to kill him. Sometimes the rush to transfer a song disk's left hand with a handful of feathers, and the sparrow, that is the song, flew away. "
- When he realizes that it's time to sing this or that song?
"The songs have their pregnancy, some have a compelling need to spread, others want to stay in the shadows and continue to change over time. The song has a old tradition, the music industry, by contrast, has just a century old. For centuries, the songs were passed down orally. No one can be sure that popular songs have come to us in the way they were originally written. "
"(...) when you listened to the radio all that has been my school. It was not me who discovered the music, were those songs that I wanted. (...)».
- What was the industry when she debuted in the 70's?
"There were dragons and sharks, as today, but also naive people like myself were given a chance."
(from an interview with Tom Waits Videtta Joseph, La Repubblica, November 10, 2006)
Actually, Tom Waits has not been a central figure in my life more than he had counted Tim Buckley, Nick Drake, Robert Wyatt, the early Pink Floyd, but also Jim Morrison, Leonard Cohen, many others. Tom Waits I do not like everything, but he wrote and sang "Downtown Train", "Blue Valentine" ... And it's a great character, is a friend of Jim Jarmusch and Roberto Benigni, although increasingly resembles Ezekiel Wolf, how can you not love him?
PS: The interview available in full on the archive of , was published in 2006 and is dated from Petaluma (California). Petaluma, for the uninitiated, is the place where the living relatives of Snoopy: and now that I've said and I've filled this other can close the gap in your post and put me to listen to Blue Valentine (always looks forward to Charlie Brown walking here, perhaps under the guise of Mr. Chain).
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Signs Of Cancer More Condition_symptoms

Piemont Padania
Grup Consilia Comun-a 'd Colegn . Piassa 'dla Republica.
Group Collegno City Council Chamber. Piazza della Repubblica.
Ø Chairman of the Board
Ø Assembly Sovereign
Collegno , 28/02/11
Subject: SEWER
The areas of the city known as the town should have basically over The connection to natural gas also la rete fognaria
Che alcune zone in particolar modo in Frazione Savonera tale situazione non è rispondente alla realtà dei fatti.
Provocatoriamente che fermo restando la situazione attuale si potrebbe parlare della zona come di “case sparse” e non di “centro abitato”
The Mayor and the Board to provide urgently through every action possible to ensure that the connections are made to the gas networks and sewers, in order to protect those who live in these disadvantaged areas such as you would expect every citizen to Collegno.
Claudio Broglio Parent ____________________
Fabrizio _____________________________ Bardella
Lawrence Ceretto ______________________________