Northern League (Collegno, Grugliasco)
Friday, March 11, 2011
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I found on sale a writing course: it is not a joke, are 12 volumes with a lot of DVDs.
Because it can make it, I decided to launch myself in the Enterprise. But as I've never read "The Catcher in the Rye", I take as a model the Reverend Dodgson, aka Lewis Carroll, and even launch a school of poetry.
The only problem is that the father of Alice (and the White Rabbit and the Cheshire Cat, and the March Hare and the Mad Hatter) was English and wrote in English. If this were a blog written in English English, that I would not slap here and tell you to read the text, but instead I'll work, which is a very bad start, I admit.
"to become a poet," Carroll says with a good motto in Latin, a true scholar. And imagine a familiar scene: a child who asks his grandfather how to become a poet.
"How to become a poet? How do you write in rhyme? Once you told me: "The real desire to take part in the Lord." Tell me how! Do not send me away with one of your "again "...»
" How Shall I be a Poet?
How Shall I write in rhyme?
You told me once: The very wish
partook of the sublime,
then tell me how! Do not put me off
Another with your time! "
Grandfather smiles. He likes to talk to that cute little nephew so: there is nothing trite or banal in him, no hesitation. "And you want to become a poet before going to school? Ah, well! I did not think you were so inconsiderate. "
The Old Man Smiled to see HIM,
to hear His sudden sally;
h liked the lad to speak His mind
and thought: "There's no hum-drum in HIM,
Any normal shilly-Shally. "
" And would you be a poet
before you've been to school?
Ah, well! Hardly I thought you
to know absolute fool.
But then his grandfather tells him: "First, learn to be spasmodic: it is a very simple rule. Begin by taking a sentence and make it into small pieces, then take the pieces, they variegated, and you'll see that come out that are barely standing. The order in which exit does not matter. "
First, learn to be spasmodic,
a very simple rule.
For first you write a sentence,
and then you chop it small;
then mix the bits, and sort them out
As They just chance to fall;
the order of the phrases
Makes no difference at all.
"So if you want to impress, remember what I say: the quality Astratte cominciano sempre con la maiuscola. Il Vero, il Buono, il Bello: queste sono le cose che pagano!»
Then, if you'd be impressive,
remember what I say,
the abstract qualities begin
with capitals alway :
the True, the Good, the Beautiful -
those are the things that pay !
« Poi, quando descrivi una forma, un suono, una tinta, non esporre la materia in maniera piana, ma usa le allusioni: e impara a guardare alle cose con una specie di strabismo mentale.»
Next, When You Are Describing
in shape, or sound, or tint,
do not have the matter plainly,
But put it into a hint;
and learn to look at all things
with a sort of mental squint. "
The child has understood, and gives an example:" For example, if I wanted to talk about a mess of mutton, I should say "Dreams of woolly sheep / wheat locked in a cell?"
Yes just like that, "replied the old man.
"For instance, if I Wished, Sir,
of muttonpies to tell,
Should I say Dreams of fleecy Flocks
pent in a wheaten cell ... ? "
" Why, yes - the old man said - That phrase
Would answer very well. 'And the grandfather
continues: "Fourth, the epithets that are good for each word, such as Salsa Ready to Harvey that is good with fish, meat, chicken. Of these, 'wild, lonely, tired, weird, "are to be preferred."
"The fourthly there are epithets
that suit with every word -
as well as Harvey's Reading Sauce
with fish, or flesh, or bird -
of these, wild, lonely, weary, strange,
are much to be preferred. »
Il bambino si entusiasma. « E si può fare, di raggrumarli tutti insieme, così: “l’uomo selvaggio andò per la sua stanca via verso una strana e solitaria pompa?»
« And will it do, o will it do,
to take them in a lump,
Went in the wild man as His weary way
to a strange and lonely pump ... ? "
" But no! - Blurts out his grandfather - You must arrive at a conclusion so quickly. These are epithets such as pepper, a little 'work, but if they put too much bother. "
" Nay, nay! You must not hastily
Such CONCLUSION to jump.
Such epithets, like pepper,
give zest to what you write;
and, if you strew Them sparely,
They wet the appetite:
but, if you lay them on too thick,
you spoil the matter quite !
E poi riprende: « Per ultimo, come accomodamento: il tuo lettore, gli devi mostrare, deve avere le informazioni che tu gli dai, e devi stare attento a non fargli capire prematuramente come va a finire, che deriva ha preso il tuo poema. E quindi, per testare la sua pazienza, per quanto può durare, non menzionare nomi, posti, date; e assicurati sempre di essere abbastanza oscuro.»
Last, as to the arrangement :
your reader, you should show him,
must take what information he
can get, and look for no im-
mature disclosure of the drift
and purpose of your poem.
Therefore, to test his patience, -
how much he can endure -
mention no place, names, or dates
and evermore be sure
throughout the poem to be found
consistently obscure.
« Prima fissa il limite a cui vuoi estenderti; poi fill it with stuffing (chiedine a bit 'to a friend), your big shot effect, the "sensation-room," put it towards the end. "
" And what is a "sensation", grandfather , tell me, please ... I think I have never heard this word so much before today. Be so kind as to do with an example. "
First fix upon the limit
Which It Shall extend to:
then fill it up with Padding
(beg Some Of Any friend )
your great-room sensation
Towards the end you place. "
" And what is a Sensation, Grandfather
, tell me, pray?
I think I never heard the word
I used before today:
be kind enough to mention one
exempla gratia. "
And the old man, looking sadly across the lawn of the garden, where gleaming here and there still a drop of dew at dawn, said: 'Go to Adelphi, and see Colleen Bawn. This word we have in the Boucicault, the theory it is where life becomes a Spasm, a Hum and History: If this is not a "sensation" I do not know what else is. But now evidence alone, before the fantasy loses its heat. "
Editor's note: This verse is in English literature: Dyonisius L. Boucicault was an Irish poet, contemporary of Carroll, was an Adelphi Theatre, Colleen Bawn the title of a play by Boucicault. You could jump without problems, but now the Course of Poetry is almost over, what you want is a verse in a more or less.
And the old man, looking sadly
across the garden-lawn,
Were Here and there a dew-drop
yet glittered in the dawn,
said : « Go to Adelphi,
and see the Colleen Bawn.
This word is due to Boucicault,
the theory is his,
where life becomes a Spasm,
and History a Whiz :
if this is not Sensation,
I don't know what it is.
Now try your hand, ere fancy
have lost its present glow - »
"And after that, - said his nephew - we will publish it, you know: green cover, gold letters on the back, in the twelfth," The old man smiled, proud to see the guy run like an early madman toward the pen and ink, and his pad of paper, but when she thought of the post, his face was sad and stern.
"And then, - His grandson added -
we'll publish it, you know:
green cloth, gold lettered at the back,
in the twelfth! "
Then proudly smiled the old man
to see the eager lad
rush madly for his pen and ink
and for his blotting-pad :
but when he thought of publishing
his face grew stern and sad.
(Lewis Carroll )
(i disegni sono di John Tenniel, dalla prima edizione di "Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie")
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Silver Version Crocodile Pokemon

Rome 09/03/2011 - The House votes to nine, decided to postpone the Defence Committee in the proposed law on the incentives to encourage, in the Alpine regions, the recruitment of military volunteers in the departments of the Alpine troops . The text also provides the possibility to finance the re Alpine Corps through local authorities and not only through the state that would not have the necessary funds. The request for referral to committee by the Democratic Party had come , and immediately obtained the consent of the Italia dei Valori, UDC and FUTURE AND FREEDOM ' Fini.
Caparini: "Who today declined to discuss the measure on the mountain has at least the decency not to appear over the face to the military. The failure to vote this morning is a betrayal of the thousands of kids who play the their duty with dedication and high sense of solidarity. In this House in any work that leftists have said that the mountain is a source of pride - continues the deputy of the Northern League - but words are empty and hypocritical because at the first opportunity they have abandoned. "
"Those who prefer the mercenary soldiers, who think traditions and history that does not count, have the courage to drop the mask and to propose the cancellation all specialties, the peculiarities and traditions connected with them. Exploit, as we want, the specific identity of the Mountain is to give a concrete answer to the many Southerners who are now forced to serve out of necessity and by vocation. And 'this perverse and punitive that we want to break, we continue on our way strengthened by the support of the majority and of the same Mountain. "