Al Presidente della Regione Lazio
On. Renata Polverini
Al Direttore Generale della AUSL RM/D
Prof. Ferdinando Romano
e,p.c. The Chairman of the Town Hall 13
Hon James Vizzani
All 'Councillor for Social Services, School and House
XIII of City Hall - City of Rome
Mr Lodovico Pace
to the Committee in Defense of the House of childbirth and
Services Maternal-Child
Al Consiglio delle/i Delegate/i della R.S.U. AUSL RM/D
Oggetto : sospensione lavori di ristrutturazione presidio Sant’Agostino – Ostia.
Q uesta O.S., è venuta a conoscenza dell’avvenuta suspension of the renovation of the St. Augustine garrison. Such a suspension would be determined by the lack of funding and appropriations by the Lazio Region, of the works necessary to finishing, a thing, incomprehensible, given that the works, as announced, had, after numerous delays over commitments declared completed by March 2011 and, therefore, with funding allocations and presumably already defined at the time of the work to the company which was awarded the contract.
Q hese situations, reproduce strongly the need to define more clearly by the time and ways to avoid the contracts themselves, as usual, that game where the applicant for, any delays in payment, and further resulting in a corresponding increase in costs due to "State of progress ", with the obvious result of not arriving, as happened in this case too, in time, the supply of a facility deemed essential to meet, at least in part, to the placement of services and activities essential for the Territory of the thirteenth City Hall - District 2.
Q HIS OS has got to be in the past, through different notes and reports, the bodies of Directors of ASL RM / D, the problem of shortage and inadequate sanitary facilities in the District Municipality of XIII (see notes of 30/09/2008 Prot No. 79158, 15 / 12/2008 Prot No. 103823 of 23/06/2009 Prot 57806, No. 85039 of 21/09/2009 Prot and of 25/02/2010 Prot No. 18651) and Recently, a memorandum Prot ASL RM D No. 80838 of 7.9.10, a Following some press (September 2010) showing the intention by the Executive Board, to transfer the services and Specialist medical practice activities, Via Paolini from the place of the garrison renovated St. Augustine.
T ale transfer would be necessary to carry out the renovation work, and particularly the securing of the structure of Via Paolini, work which is already budgeted and announced on several occasions and for some time.
D ahead to this possibility, the writer OS expressed the fear that this decision could, " ... .. without the appropriate and necessary guarantees on timing, on how and, above all, on the temporary relocation, further delaying, if not affect not only the draft of the House of Health of Women and Child (a project which, however, in our opinion, still remains to be defined in both regarding the services and the specific activities that should take place there, both for the lack of human and professional resources needed to carry out the project) but also hinder the relocation inside the St. Augustine, there are services that and found that at present, where "temporary" loans, working with special difficulties and untold anguish for / the operating / bulls and, especially for citizens / users ... .... "
N she notes above writer OS required, however, that , any temporary movement, the principal of Via Paolini, activities and services at the renovated St. Augustine, should be done with criteria that would guarantee both the functionality of services and activities, both ' immediate and simultaneous relocation of those services, such as the Family Counseling of Ostia for which this OS presented on 23/06/2009 the Lazio Region and the ASL, Prot 57,806, a detailed and specific reporting / exposed, as well as the TSMREE, and dell'Immunoprofilassi / vaccinations and who were are to carry out their activities in situations of distress and discomfort social / environment for both professional / / operators, especially for the citizens / users.
S the notes that any delay in delivery of the garrison would be to weigh heavily on the quality and the possible development di Servizi Socio Sanitari ritenuti indispensabili per la popolazione del Territorio del XIII Municipio già fortemente penalizzata a causa delle profonde trasformazioni avvenute in questi anni nel tessuto urbano, sociale e culturale a seguito di un intensivo sviluppo edilizio/abitativo, peraltro, a tutt’oggi ancora in continua e vertiginosa crescita, dove è stata del tutto assente una politica volta all’ individuazione e alla realizzazione di spazi e strutture dove collocare quei servizi necessari al miglioramento della qualità della vita delle persone.
L a carenza se non l’assenza di servizi primari come
L -only network of Regional Social and Health Services this has been one of about thirty years ago: in fact, even then, with half of the population than at present, there was talk of realize, in the thirteenth Hall, then District, third Family Counseling. We note however that, to date, there were only two, while a law providing for every 20,000 inhabitants.
The closure of the Presidio St. Augustine and the subsequent transfer and relocation of existing activities and the services, had failed to include, then, in an already complex and sensitive the status of the social - health services of the Town Hall XIII - District 2.
L 'absence, therefore, a real territorial planning led over the years, in fact, even the non-completion strengthening and development of services with structured tasks and functions, that can foster not only a need to integrate social - health to respond fully to demand and health needs of people, but the possibility, however, to perform a function and a process of de-hospitalization of health care interventions and therefore a "lightening" of Healthcare Hospital.
I n this picture of a complex strongly concerned the suspension of work, because you would not want that, any delay and / or non-appropriation of funds necessary for completion of work, represented the opportunity for fear a different destination and use of the structure, with the risk of attempts to make room for alienation and unacceptable and dangerous speculation and private law, which would lead to a serious territory, further injury to the further loss of spaces and public goods.
Given the above, the writer asks the OS Lazio Region, together with the new direction of the USL RM / D and all the institutions, to promote urgently all necessary steps to ensure it is secured for the immediate resumption of work of the Presidium Sant 'Agostino ensuring at the same time, the original intended use, planning and organizing, in the time and useful ways, especially the movement of services and activities previously existing, such as the Family Counseling of Ostia, the TSMREE of Ostia, the immunoprophylaxis / Vaccinations, etc..
S crivente OS, wishes on these issues and these issues would be a great comparison between the different institutional levels and labor and social realities of the Territory, to try to encourage and promote an argument on the merits of the questions and benefit the most suitable solutions capable of ensuring more and better services to citizens / users of the Territory.
I n waiting for your early reply shall I extend cordial greetings.
p. the COBAS AUSL RM / D
Delegates MSW
Laura Mazzarella - Cesare Morra - Antonio Nocera
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