And when I woke up it was the smile on his face. Do not worry, it took only a few minutes in the office and the smile is gone, but that's another story.
Good game, really cool. Winning was difficult, we succeeded with a final result well above the most optimistic expectations.
now an important premise, it was played without the board, with a stopwatch and manually set the points always to hand with those who seem counter table calendars. Serving some joker who stole the console. Then everything by hand, the signs of 24 seconds, the time taken with a stopwatch from the table. It looked like a game of 60 years. I just have to congratulate the table because were great, really everything perfectly. It was not easy. The quintet
initial mandate in the field by coach De Angelis Palace, Durante, Pairone, Marino, feminine. The newcomer, Andres Bartoli starts on the bench together with Philip Boy, Valerio D'Aranno, Salvatore Pernice and Vittorio Pennella. Antonio Marchese also on the bench, injured (hopefully

Castaldo parties without newcomer Espinoza, Chilean national.
Pairone Jump ball and wins (as one might say always) the ball. The game is beautiful, tense, our play well and especially if Bonanno Perez with shots from distance in the output there are bad blocks. We play more 'team compared to Marigliano, and the results are good, reaching eight-point lead. Log Bartoli, I was curious to see this player in the game. It seems that with those guys play for a lifetime, the cartel is immediately. Wait before you try the field goal, but in the back and marks the first opportunity. If you see a good day from morning ......
In the second quarter, the game becomes really good, after our initial run, the Marigliano it back together and slowly approaching. The
Marigliano back on the field after the break very determined. In a short time not only reaches us, but surpasses us and we distance of up to u maximum of 9 points.
With some advice from coach, the boys CTR La Cascina si ricompattano ed iniziano a macinare un gran gioco, difesa tosta ed attacco intelligente. Il quarto finisce, siamo dietro di 4 punti, niente è perduto. Comincio a pensare che si possa fare, che la vittoria si puo' raggiungere, nonostante le condizioni siano tutte sfavorevoli: Pairone e Marino quattro falli, Palazzo e Durante a corto di ossigeno. Non dimentichiamo che siamo una squadra "esperta", nel senso che l'età media è piuttosto alta, in parole semplici, una squadra di vecchietti.
E invece negli occhi la stessa determinazione di Torre del Greco, la difesa diventa un muro, in attacco si alternano veloci contropiedi a giocate di squadra intelligenti e senza affanno. Il periodo è davvero dominato, 25 i punti fatti, solo 3 quelli subiti.
Vincere a Marigliano, che ricordo a tutti nel girone preliminare aveva vinto 13 delle 14 partite, perdendo solo a Monte di Procida, non è cosa da poco. Non credo che altre squadre riusciranno nell'impresa. Diciamo la verità, non penso che Espinoza la prossima partita segni zero sul tabellino. Si vedeva che era stanco, credo che fosse appena arrivato dal Cile ed il jet leg fà brutti scherzi. Però si è visto anche che è un giocatore con tante doti, una delle quali l'intelligenza, ha capito che non era il caso di forzare ed ha giocato più come distributore di palloni che come cecchino. Inutile dire che Perez è stato una spina nel fianco della nostra squadra. Stavolta si è fermato a 29, se volete leggere a post full of admiration of the undersigned for this player, go to last season's comment CTR LA BASTIDE-Marigliano. And our
. Well done everyone. Arrived since the last birth, Andres Bartoli. Good game, good, complete player, attacking, defender, jumper, 20 points at the end but I've never seen or forced to take a shot at all costs. Under the planks we were more 'concrete of Marigliano, feminine, and Marine Boy in a boxing match against division opponents would win points with the unanimous opinion. Pairone played both "short" which, although to a lesser extent, from "long". Exposed in the first two quarters, but put off by some questionable fouls. Questionable as those Catapano also have taken away the Marigliano, not in camp because burdened with fouls, two of which seemed to me from my position at least venial or nonexistent. The great game of two "small", during which the palace and had the worst job, to try to stop Bonanno, Perez and Espinosa. At end of the game were destroyed because they have really played with an intensity .......... samples which are bred.
SPORTIVISSIMA the public, always friendly and welcoming the leaders of society.
culliamoci not too much, another Sunday meeting of the cartel, the Monte di Procida star Bjelica, Rush, Tranfa. Who wins is the first in the standings. I wonder if I'll go to sleep with a smile .....
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