Sunday, January 30, 2011
Men Genital Herpes More Condition_symptoms
Pernice, Sassano, At 15, Marquis, Building 20, 11 Bartoli, Boy F. 2, D'Aranno it, Marino 23, Feminine 9. All . Dino De Angelis
Pedemonte 10, Fox, De Simone 6, Avalos I, Nelson 8, Canzonieri 4, 13 Altamura, Rucci 2, Fusco I, Fletcher 31. All . Andoh
Referees: Radicetti Padula and Caserta
Partial 17-20, 23-16 (40-36), 17-12 (57-48), 23-26 (80-74)
Notes : for five fouls out: During (Senise)
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Congestion More Condition_symptoms
to the gym tomorrow Vito Lepore Power, the provincial stage of "Join the Game", a manifestation of FIP National Basketball 3 vs. 3, reserved for the under 14 and under 13.
It 's the ninth, but the first that will participate in a team of Senise for the under 13 category.
The name is "distant relatives HS Basketball Senise. For regulars of the blog, or for any player who is now in our first team, distant relatives and a memory of a few years ago when in a tournament (Tursi) attended our guys winning.
I hope it is auspicious, touch wood.
The team consists of two 98, Filippo De Marco and Giamari Occhipinti, both 99, and Andrea Ignazio Salvatore Ferraiuolo Vignola, who is my namesake because he's my son (pictured during the four most Salvatore and Vincent Gallo, who do not participate for the older).
About Ignatius, bad blood does not lie, not as a basketball player, I is higher for some time, but as a blogger. Has created a blog , still raw, of course, but who wants to be a reference to the "boys" that are mini-Senise. Check it out, this makes the visitors counter and he feels proud.
Constant Nausea More Condition_symptoms

Cala has qualified to promote group coming third in Group C preliminary, that of Monte di Procida and Marigliano. Strange draw, the top 3 teams have met three of the group C. He won 9 out of 14 matches, losing in addition to meetings with the two armored Marigliano and Monte di Procida, the last round at the home of Cercola, a game of no consequence for the qualification.
In the two matches played so far has lost the first against the Euroservice Benevento, the second of eight points at home against Marigliano (62-70).
It 's a team that does not know, allenata da coach Andolfi, che affianca ai due americani Fletcher e Nelson, degli ottimo italiani come Marino, Altamura, De Simone, D'Alessio, Pedemonte. A gennaio si è aggiunta una nostra vecchia conoscenza, l'ex Arzano Canzonieri.
Coach De Angelis invece dovrà fare a meno non solo di Pairone (ed il rientro purtroppo è lontano, auguri Nicolas, curati) ma anche di Antonello Marchese.
Speriamo che faccia meno freddo in palestra. Sarà cura del pubblico essere così caloroso da far dimenticare a tutti la mancanza del riscaldamento.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Baby Congratulations Phrases
Quaranta tiri liberi tirati contro 18. (indovinate chi ha tirato i 40 liberi?)
Cinque usciti per cinque falli a zero usciti. (indovinate chi ha 5 foul out?)
Expelled Antonello Marquis of our team, together with the Monte di Procida Tranfa (parity, odd).
played the final 2 minutes with this quartet: Pernice (bravo Salvatore, you've picked up what remained of the team takes great responsibility), Rosario Sassano, Vittorio Pennella (16 years, the first year of basketball's true, even juvenile.
Against course of five Monte di Procida (and the three were not under, the difference baskets is always right around the corner).
Eventually the two points in the standings go to Monte, but our team has shown that it is no less than even to a team where players play until recently fought in series A.
We played without our most dangerous man and at the same time a defender of race, Nicolas Pairone. Unfortunately, Nicolas fail for much longer, at least 40 rounds, with an injury during training on Thursday. A great big statue
Antonello Marchese, the stretching of the friendly with Montescaglioso is not cured, he gritted his teeth and has taken the field for the common cause.
A monument to Stephen Marino also has played with nearly 39 of fever during the first quarter is due to leave because she was so ill, he returned because two people had decided it was not feminine to play, and then show the non-existent fouls whistled. After starting the sprint
Mount Procida (7-0) a benefit of our capital, during a devastating, opposing players could not stop it in any way, have slowed whistling fouls (one in particular is from the film archive to the fore as the reality). The second quarter was played great, with a decided Palace, a spectacular and concrete. At the end of game 24 points, was a long time since the winds did not exceed. Bravo also
Bartoli, who unfortunately had to play four, that is a long, sacrificing himself in that role that is not her (for reasons of centimeters), but unfortunately with Pairone injured, feminine, and even Marino girl full of fouls and then on the bench, nothing could be done.
Big boys, that with an incredible strike-back managed to balance the normal time on 83-83, 1 minute from the end we were in - 5, and with a little 'luck (that always leaves us in the promotion group) will win the match .
Despite the liberal, despite the fouls, despite everything.
Now think about the next one, stay calm, the championship is long.
Blindness More Condition_symptoms
Partridge 4, Sassano, At 26, Marquez 11, Building 24, 15 Bartoli, F. Boy, Pennella, Marino 8, Feminine 4. All . De Angelis
Monte di Procida: 103
Barbato 1, Bjelica 27, Scotto di Perta 17, Tranfa 21, Royal 15, Ladder n.e., Fevola Lubrano n.e., Rush 20, Conte n.e,. All. Di Lorenzo
Arbitri ( De Prisco e Faiella di Nocera Inferiore (SA)
Parziali : 24-18, 18-13 (42-31), 17-23 (59-54), 24-19 (83-83), T.S. 10-20 (93-103)
Note : usciti per 5 falli: Durante, Palazzo, Bartoli, Marino e Femminini tutti del Senise.
Espulsi Tranfa del Monte di Procida e Marchese del Senise.
Il Senise ha giocato gli ultimi 2 minuti del tempo supplementare con soli quattro giocatore, i 3 under e Filippo Ragazzo.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Rib Pain More Condition_symptoms
Roma, 20 gennaio 2011
Al Direttore Generale AUSL Roma D
Prof. Ferdinando Romano
Al Dirigente U.O.C. Reclutamento e Stato
Giuridico del Personale Dipendente
Dr.ssa Giuditta Del Borrello
Al Direttore Area Risorse Umane e AA.GG.
Dr. Filippo Coiro
e,p.c. Al Consiglio delle/i Delegate/i della R.S.U. AUSL RM/D
Oggetto: Organizzazione e Gestione Risorse Umane ASL RM/D.
Scrivente O.S. COBAS ASL RM/D, ha già avuto modo di segnalare in passato la grave e persistente mancanza di personale tecnico, amministrativo e socio sanitario esistente nei vari servizi e strutture dell’ASL RM/D.
L’inadeguatezza degli Organic is made more dramatic by the inability to achieve in the short term acquisition of new human resources through recruitment and professional, taking also into account the limitations imposed by the blockade of the turn - over particularly in regions subject to the repayment plan.
This situation can only lead to further difficulties for the same functionality and efficiency of services with a heavy impact on the quantity and quality of operations and performance, resulting in addition, heavy loads and untenable consequences for the pace of work and operators fellowship members with significant risks to health and their own psychological conditions - Physical.
to this situation has presented in recent years, the issue of policy on the use and management of human and professional resources present in the ASL RM / D.
This situation, however, was already reported in the past, this OS with a hint, 29/05/2008, Prot ASL No. 44753 and of 17/11/2008, Prot No. 94759, one of which sent, for information, including the then President of the Regione Lazio, Piero Marrazzo Hon, with which it stated as ".... the use and management of Human Resources within the USL RM / D, was devoid of choices and the necessary policies, rationalization of distribution and appropriate .. "but were instead characterized by" .... attitudes dictated only by mere logic and arbitrary and discretionary criteria, outside of each collation, transparency and control of documents and choices that are due in public administration ... ".
It was never possible to know, in fact, clearly and transparently, in recent years, the various movements of the staff input (commands, consultations, assignments, mobility, transfers, recruitment, etc..) Occurred at the Company AUSL RM / D, about the reasons and the motives of those measures, concerning their priorities, which were taken with regard to locations, skills, qualifications, and professional roles.
addition, all this was done without adequate and timely information to trade unions, and, especially, without any real comparison can identify and from time to time needs, priorities and criteria, in accordance with the requirements and agreements, such as that signed and ratified by verbal agreement between the Company ASL RM / D and MSW on 12/02/2008.
These decisions and behavior have appeared increasingly marked by logic and choices related to interests approximate and only discretionary, not meeting those criteria and the principles of comparison, transparency and rationality, linked to the various shortcomings of existing staff, and the requirements of saving and spending restraint called for several times.
choices, modes and behaviors, then, that in virtue of a declaration and burdensome economic / financial situation, demand and require, a fortiori, about the policies, use, management and distribution of Human Resources, greater transparency, informed choices, motivated and oriented to a more equitable distribution and rationalization of the same in relation to the roles, capacities, skills, professionalism their assignments and locations, starting from the activities and priorities of individual services.
Writer OS considers, therefore, essential that the current priority and Business Administration ASL RM / D addresses his choices to the principles, criteria of transparency, fairness and participation in public administration which we must always rely on helping and encouraging In this way the implementation of policies of fairness and respect for the guarantees, the protection of legal certainty in respect of all workers and employees and in view of the effectiveness and efficiency of activities and services of ASL RM / D .
Awaiting your early reply will hold out, in advance.
Prot ASL RM / D
No. 5270 of 20/01/2011
p. the COBAS ASL RM / D
Delegates MSW
Mazzarella Laura - Antonio Nocera - Cesare Morra
Stomach Gas More Condition_symptoms
The General Manager of AUSL RM / D
Prof. Ferdinando Romano
the UOC Recruiting Manager and
Legal Status of Employees
Dr. Judith Del Borrello
the Area Director of Human Resources and General Affairs
Dr. Philip Coiro
and The Council of the PC / Delegates / USW Local Health Unit of the RM / D
Subject: Part - Time change discipline Decree No. 112/2008 Art. 73.
The Decree No. 112/2008 Art. 73, states that public administrations are obliged to revise the Part - Time concessi prima dell’entrata in vigore del suddetto, consentendo agli stessi soggetti pubblici di respingere le domande di trasformazione in Part – Time del rapporto di lavoro in presenza di gravi ragioni organizzative.
Scrivente O.S. ritiene che l’introduzione di tali modifiche siano in contrasto con la normativa europea che ha come scopo quello di “ facilitare lo sviluppo del lavoro a tempo parziale su base volontaria” cercando nel contempo di “ assicurare la soppressione delle discriminazioni nei confronti dei lavoratori a Part – Time e di migliorare la qualità del lavoro parziale”.
Tali modifiche, pertanto, potranno comportare, al momento della loro applicazione, gravi restrizioni verso alcune/i lavoratrici e lavoratori che ne usufruiscono attualmente, allo scopo di rispondere alle infinite e multiformi esigenze di organizzazione dei propri tempi e bisogni di vita.
La revisione e, quindi, l’applicazione di tali modifiche, potrebbero, inoltre, in assenza di regole certe, ispirate a criteri e principi di trasparenza, correttezza e buona fede,
divenire grave strumento di discriminazione, determinando attraverso il potere assoluto della “discrezionalità” condizioni di sudditanza e subalternità che violerebbero non solo la certezza del diritto, ma la libertà e la dignità stessa di ciascuna/o lavoratrici e lavoratore.
OS writer asks, therefore, to know if this company has defined principles and criteria for evaluation and implementation of this Decree on the issue of Part - Time.
It also requires that, on this issue, to start a business compared with the USW and the Trade Unions to better define criteria and standards applied in order to prevent and avoid discriminatory attitudes and discretion to ensure legal certainty for individual or lavratrcice / sector.
Waiting for a desirable response, it Best regards.
Prot ASL RM / D No. 3320 of 14/01/2011 p.
Delegates MSW
Laura Mazzarella - Cesare Morra - Antonio Nocera
Unblock Poptropica Game
Al Presidente della Regione Lazio
On. Renata Polverini
Al Direttore Generale della AUSL RM/D
Prof. Ferdinando Romano
e,p.c. The Chairman of the Town Hall 13
Hon James Vizzani
All 'Councillor for Social Services, School and House
XIII of City Hall - City of Rome
Mr Lodovico Pace
to the Committee in Defense of the House of childbirth and
Services Maternal-Child
Al Consiglio delle/i Delegate/i della R.S.U. AUSL RM/D
Oggetto : sospensione lavori di ristrutturazione presidio Sant’Agostino – Ostia.
Q uesta O.S., è venuta a conoscenza dell’avvenuta suspension of the renovation of the St. Augustine garrison. Such a suspension would be determined by the lack of funding and appropriations by the Lazio Region, of the works necessary to finishing, a thing, incomprehensible, given that the works, as announced, had, after numerous delays over commitments declared completed by March 2011 and, therefore, with funding allocations and presumably already defined at the time of the work to the company which was awarded the contract.
Q hese situations, reproduce strongly the need to define more clearly by the time and ways to avoid the contracts themselves, as usual, that game where the applicant for, any delays in payment, and further resulting in a corresponding increase in costs due to "State of progress ", with the obvious result of not arriving, as happened in this case too, in time, the supply of a facility deemed essential to meet, at least in part, to the placement of services and activities essential for the Territory of the thirteenth City Hall - District 2.
Q HIS OS has got to be in the past, through different notes and reports, the bodies of Directors of ASL RM / D, the problem of shortage and inadequate sanitary facilities in the District Municipality of XIII (see notes of 30/09/2008 Prot No. 79158, 15 / 12/2008 Prot No. 103823 of 23/06/2009 Prot 57806, No. 85039 of 21/09/2009 Prot and of 25/02/2010 Prot No. 18651) and Recently, a memorandum Prot ASL RM D No. 80838 of 7.9.10, a Following some press (September 2010) showing the intention by the Executive Board, to transfer the services and Specialist medical practice activities, Via Paolini from the place of the garrison renovated St. Augustine.
T ale transfer would be necessary to carry out the renovation work, and particularly the securing of the structure of Via Paolini, work which is already budgeted and announced on several occasions and for some time.
D ahead to this possibility, the writer OS expressed the fear that this decision could, " ... .. without the appropriate and necessary guarantees on timing, on how and, above all, on the temporary relocation, further delaying, if not affect not only the draft of the House of Health of Women and Child (a project which, however, in our opinion, still remains to be defined in both regarding the services and the specific activities that should take place there, both for the lack of human and professional resources needed to carry out the project) but also hinder the relocation inside the St. Augustine, there are services that and found that at present, where "temporary" loans, working with special difficulties and untold anguish for / the operating / bulls and, especially for citizens / users ... .... "
N she notes above writer OS required, however, that , any temporary movement, the principal of Via Paolini, activities and services at the renovated St. Augustine, should be done with criteria that would guarantee both the functionality of services and activities, both ' immediate and simultaneous relocation of those services, such as the Family Counseling of Ostia for which this OS presented on 23/06/2009 the Lazio Region and the ASL, Prot 57,806, a detailed and specific reporting / exposed, as well as the TSMREE, and dell'Immunoprofilassi / vaccinations and who were are to carry out their activities in situations of distress and discomfort social / environment for both professional / / operators, especially for the citizens / users.
S the notes that any delay in delivery of the garrison would be to weigh heavily on the quality and the possible development di Servizi Socio Sanitari ritenuti indispensabili per la popolazione del Territorio del XIII Municipio già fortemente penalizzata a causa delle profonde trasformazioni avvenute in questi anni nel tessuto urbano, sociale e culturale a seguito di un intensivo sviluppo edilizio/abitativo, peraltro, a tutt’oggi ancora in continua e vertiginosa crescita, dove è stata del tutto assente una politica volta all’ individuazione e alla realizzazione di spazi e strutture dove collocare quei servizi necessari al miglioramento della qualità della vita delle persone.
L a carenza se non l’assenza di servizi primari come
L -only network of Regional Social and Health Services this has been one of about thirty years ago: in fact, even then, with half of the population than at present, there was talk of realize, in the thirteenth Hall, then District, third Family Counseling. We note however that, to date, there were only two, while a law providing for every 20,000 inhabitants.
The closure of the Presidio St. Augustine and the subsequent transfer and relocation of existing activities and the services, had failed to include, then, in an already complex and sensitive the status of the social - health services of the Town Hall XIII - District 2.
L 'absence, therefore, a real territorial planning led over the years, in fact, even the non-completion strengthening and development of services with structured tasks and functions, that can foster not only a need to integrate social - health to respond fully to demand and health needs of people, but the possibility, however, to perform a function and a process of de-hospitalization of health care interventions and therefore a "lightening" of Healthcare Hospital.
I n this picture of a complex strongly concerned the suspension of work, because you would not want that, any delay and / or non-appropriation of funds necessary for completion of work, represented the opportunity for fear a different destination and use of the structure, with the risk of attempts to make room for alienation and unacceptable and dangerous speculation and private law, which would lead to a serious territory, further injury to the further loss of spaces and public goods.
Given the above, the writer asks the OS Lazio Region, together with the new direction of the USL RM / D and all the institutions, to promote urgently all necessary steps to ensure it is secured for the immediate resumption of work of the Presidium Sant 'Agostino ensuring at the same time, the original intended use, planning and organizing, in the time and useful ways, especially the movement of services and activities previously existing, such as the Family Counseling of Ostia, the TSMREE of Ostia, the immunoprophylaxis / Vaccinations, etc..
S crivente OS, wishes on these issues and these issues would be a great comparison between the different institutional levels and labor and social realities of the Territory, to try to encourage and promote an argument on the merits of the questions and benefit the most suitable solutions capable of ensuring more and better services to citizens / users of the Territory.
I n waiting for your early reply shall I extend cordial greetings.
p. the COBAS AUSL RM / D
Delegates MSW
Laura Mazzarella - Cesare Morra - Antonio Nocera
Monday, January 17, 2011
Sampled Dental Hygiene Cover Letters

And when I woke up it was the smile on his face. Do not worry, it took only a few minutes in the office and the smile is gone, but that's another story.
Good game, really cool. Winning was difficult, we succeeded with a final result well above the most optimistic expectations.
now an important premise, it was played without the board, with a stopwatch and manually set the points always to hand with those who seem counter table calendars. Serving some joker who stole the console. Then everything by hand, the signs of 24 seconds, the time taken with a stopwatch from the table. It looked like a game of 60 years. I just have to congratulate the table because were great, really everything perfectly. It was not easy. The quintet
initial mandate in the field by coach De Angelis Palace, Durante, Pairone, Marino, feminine. The newcomer, Andres Bartoli starts on the bench together with Philip Boy, Valerio D'Aranno, Salvatore Pernice and Vittorio Pennella. Antonio Marchese also on the bench, injured (hopefully

Castaldo parties without newcomer Espinoza, Chilean national.
Pairone Jump ball and wins (as one might say always) the ball. The game is beautiful, tense, our play well and especially if Bonanno Perez with shots from distance in the output there are bad blocks. We play more 'team compared to Marigliano, and the results are good, reaching eight-point lead. Log Bartoli, I was curious to see this player in the game. It seems that with those guys play for a lifetime, the cartel is immediately. Wait before you try the field goal, but in the back and marks the first opportunity. If you see a good day from morning ......
In the second quarter, the game becomes really good, after our initial run, the Marigliano it back together and slowly approaching. The
Marigliano back on the field after the break very determined. In a short time not only reaches us, but surpasses us and we distance of up to u maximum of 9 points.
With some advice from coach, the boys CTR La Cascina si ricompattano ed iniziano a macinare un gran gioco, difesa tosta ed attacco intelligente. Il quarto finisce, siamo dietro di 4 punti, niente è perduto. Comincio a pensare che si possa fare, che la vittoria si puo' raggiungere, nonostante le condizioni siano tutte sfavorevoli: Pairone e Marino quattro falli, Palazzo e Durante a corto di ossigeno. Non dimentichiamo che siamo una squadra "esperta", nel senso che l'età media è piuttosto alta, in parole semplici, una squadra di vecchietti.
E invece negli occhi la stessa determinazione di Torre del Greco, la difesa diventa un muro, in attacco si alternano veloci contropiedi a giocate di squadra intelligenti e senza affanno. Il periodo è davvero dominato, 25 i punti fatti, solo 3 quelli subiti.
Vincere a Marigliano, che ricordo a tutti nel girone preliminare aveva vinto 13 delle 14 partite, perdendo solo a Monte di Procida, non è cosa da poco. Non credo che altre squadre riusciranno nell'impresa. Diciamo la verità, non penso che Espinoza la prossima partita segni zero sul tabellino. Si vedeva che era stanco, credo che fosse appena arrivato dal Cile ed il jet leg fà brutti scherzi. Però si è visto anche che è un giocatore con tante doti, una delle quali l'intelligenza, ha capito che non era il caso di forzare ed ha giocato più come distributore di palloni che come cecchino. Inutile dire che Perez è stato una spina nel fianco della nostra squadra. Stavolta si è fermato a 29, se volete leggere a post full of admiration of the undersigned for this player, go to last season's comment CTR LA BASTIDE-Marigliano. And our
. Well done everyone. Arrived since the last birth, Andres Bartoli. Good game, good, complete player, attacking, defender, jumper, 20 points at the end but I've never seen or forced to take a shot at all costs. Under the planks we were more 'concrete of Marigliano, feminine, and Marine Boy in a boxing match against division opponents would win points with the unanimous opinion. Pairone played both "short" which, although to a lesser extent, from "long". Exposed in the first two quarters, but put off by some questionable fouls. Questionable as those Catapano also have taken away the Marigliano, not in camp because burdened with fouls, two of which seemed to me from my position at least venial or nonexistent. The great game of two "small", during which the palace and had the worst job, to try to stop Bonanno, Perez and Espinosa. At end of the game were destroyed because they have really played with an intensity .......... samples which are bred.
SPORTIVISSIMA the public, always friendly and welcoming the leaders of society.
culliamoci not too much, another Sunday meeting of the cartel, the Monte di Procida star Bjelica, Rush, Tranfa. Who wins is the first in the standings. I wonder if I'll go to sleep with a smile .....
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Sildenafil Citrate Tablets
you add one, then the comment tonight. A wonderful game and a stellar fourth quarter, 25 in the third part in our favor.
Marseille: 64
Buonanno 9, Iorio, Mangani 3, Catapano, Pirozzi 4, Di Girolamo, Russia 7, Room 12, Espinoza 0, Perez 29. All . Castaldo
Pernice it, brush it, during 9, D \\ 'Aranno NE, Building 9, 20 Bartoli, Pairone 16, Boy F. 0, 11 Marino, Feminine 17. All . Dino De Angelis Deputy Dino Di Monte
Referees: Ferrara di Avellino and Ampollino
Partial : 19-23, 22-22 (41-45), 20-12 (61-57), 3-25 (64-82)
Notes: released by Marino Senise five fouls.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Pickatu Locations Silver
Starting over, now gets serious. Top hard tomorrow in Marigliano, a team at the preliminary stage has lost a single game against the Monte di Procida Monte.
Marigliani Two big news at home, one negative, Kyle Barker is no longer 'part of the roster of Campania, he returned to USA for work, the other positive (for Marigliano, not for us), the membership of Rodrigo Espinoza, 183 cm guard, Chilean, last season he played the last half of the season in Campobasso, with an average of 24 points per game (in has a marked 40). Winning will be tough, but the boys coached by Coach De Angelis will try.
Let 's talk about the poll favored the group, recalling that could be given up to three preferences. . I state, it was just a game, all things considered and the results were predictable. A vote for 37 blog visitors (you could only vote once, even if it was possible to change their preferences).
The favorite number is 1, and there was no doubt the Euroservice Benevento (19 votes, 51%), followed paired with 14 votes (37%) and the Marigliano CTR La Bastide Senise, then at length the Monte di Procida (to say that the announcement of new signing Jose Regio, play from from B2 (Pozzuoli), which reinforces what seems (from what I read on the forum, not direct knowledge) to be the weaker field of Monte di Procida, was given after the close of the poll.
distance in the preferences Maddaloni (5), despite having dominated the round, and winning the League Cup final. One preference Cala Moresca Marano and Partenope Napoli, not for Santa Maria Capua (who beat us at home in the preliminary round).
If you respected the tradition of these predictions, one of these three teams will make a league summit.
what I think? Tied for the final victory Benevento and Monte di Procida, Marigliano, and then for the fourth piazza una squadra che non nomino per scaramanzia ed il Maddaloni.
Per la cronaca, i pronostici li sbaglio.