Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Wizja Piekła Wg św Teresa Z Avila
Package, and Paccotto Contropaccotto
the corporate body speaks to us every year during festive occasions ( Christmas - Easter) delight us with his best wishes "very welcome" packages / gifts.
that we will in time of crisis (for whom?), But to workers and workers who are the ones who suffer the most brutal consequences in terms of deterioration of the living and working and that, moreover, is are seen also cancel the right of renewal, we would joke that he be spared the humiliation of receiving, from a 'body that defines and social wants, parcels' gift' to say the least, unseemly containing scarcity of products, without even of those classic desserts that belong to the festive tradition (Pandora - panettone - champagne - nougat, etc.). not to mention the choice and lower quality of the products present in it.
remember that corporate social organizations they support with the contribution of female and male workers and are also elected bodies, accompanied by a specific statute and regular budget (which those of ASLRM / D? ), Which should not only promote, manage and ensure the activities and initiatives of participation, pluralism, solidarity, as well as recreational, charitable, educational, tourism and sports, whose initiatives and activities should always be, and however, discussed and submitted to comparison and evaluation of all members in good standing by paying dues and not ignoring circumvented, however, participation and direct confrontation with employees of the Company and the relationship, and the connection with the trade unions and corporate structures union territories. All this is not never seen a trace in ASL RM / A .... Why?
We wonder, also, why the social institutions which, as elected bodies should be democratically renewed periodically (every three years or so) are not subject to regular renewal. As the COBAS
ASL RM / D in denouncing the mockery and humiliation inflicted on workers and workers with the shame of surrender of the "CHRISTMAS GIFT PACK" will consider a campaign to be removed from 'social structure of ASL RM / D until they are restored and ensured compliance with those standards and principles, fundamental for us, transparency, democracy and participation outside of any calculation and / or interest to shop.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Infertility Condition_symptoms
the DSM
Director Dr. Andrea Balbi
the Acting Director DSM XIII Municipality - District II
Dr. Antonello D'Elia
the CPSE XIII Municipio
Ms Manuela Ialongo
the Day Centre Manager Dr.
XIII Municipio ssa Rosina Cursi
Al Responsabile U.O.P. C.S.M.
Dr. Massimo Di Colantonio
Al Coord. Del Servizio delle Professioni Sanitarie e Sociali
Dr. Andrea Tranghese
Al Direttore Area Risorse Umane e Affari Generali
Dr. Filippo Coiro
e p.c. Al Direttore Generale f.f. USL ROMA D
Dr. Maurizio Vittucci
Managing Director at USL ROMA D
Corporate Medical Director at USL ROMA D
Writer OS is aware, the move by the CSM of the Day Centre Via delle Sirene Via Tagaste of CPSI Moghetti Roberta. This measure has been adopted by letter prot. 95220 of 20/10/10, signed by the CPSE XIII Municipio Ms Manuela Ialongo, with respect to the reorganization of psychiatric services, "consequence" of the 'failure in the request for "voluntary" subject to "internal Bandino" of 12/10/2010, disclosed no formalization Journal, but above all, without identification of the preference criteria, requirements and qualifications that you possibly consider necessary for the nursing staff to be assigned to the Day Center for Street Tagaste.
E 'so unique, that its reasons for such a "shift" may refer generically to the criteria of experience and expertise, not shown, however, that in "Bandini" issued to carry out the duties required and never even evaluated, previously, at the time of 'the allocation of staff at the CSM.
And we wonder why, if deemed necessary special "knowledge and skills", these have not previously been mentioned and explained, as was desirable and necessary, and possibly, if it was not, however, should be adopted in the time and useful ways, specific policies for training and retraining of all employees in the service, just to answer the this "need."
Please note that a reference, as has been highlighted in this note, relating to recognition, and generic "skills and experience, not only shows a lack of clarity in the planning and design in the address of the service, but it is a mortification of professionalism, expertise, and the same dignity, delle/gli operatrici ed operatori del servizio che, si ricorda, hanno lavorato, ed ancora lavorano, in condizioni difficili, per garantire la funzionalità, l’efficacia e l’umanità del servizio.
Un servizio che, non bisogna dimenticare, svolge la sua azione e la sua attività in un territorio dove molteplici e profonde sono le condizioni di disagio e di malessere umano e sociale, anche in virtù di una esponenziale crescita edilizio abitativa e che, per l’appunto, necessita di interventi e progettualità capaci di affrontare e contenere tali difficoltà.
Tale crescita ha determinato un forte aumento della domanda di salute da parte dei cittadini/utenti, non accompagnata by a strengthening of services, this also due to a heavy shortage of staff covering all the professionals involved (psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, nurses).
In this regard it would be interesting to know the data on the clinics CSM XIII Municipio, in particular the waiting time of the first visits, and took charge of its patients, in order to have an overview of the situation and that in order to better to consider, depending on the shortcomings of existing bodies, a more suitable distribution and positioning of operators in relation to the overall needs of all Service.
Writer OS is aware, certainly the difficulties and critical issues that impede the effective enhancement of the Service in relation to the needs and health needs of citizens / users, but for that reason, you feel even more necessary policies Human Resource Management and Professional based on principles and objective criteria , fairness and transparency of decisions made.
Unfortunately, in the Company ASL RM / D, like this one OS has already been able to report and denounce the policy of Human Resource Management and Professional (transfers, assignments, commands, etc..) Was carried out in the recent past, outside of any rule of law and transparency, without objective criteria and priorities and programming, from the Executive Board and, in particular, from some of its joints, through a precise "Management Strategy" (see note COBAS ASL RM / A, 29/05/2008, Prot Company No. 44753 and 17/11 / 2008, Prot No. 94759) ... .. ", an idea and feudal ownership of" public ": a network of small / large business interests, details, clientele, who does not hesitate to use subtle forms of" pressure "and of "blackmail" used, even outside of any rule of law and transparency, the Management of Human Resources and Professional, as a means of "total control" ...., "and also" ... ... The non-compliance, the systematic violation, failure to comply with union agreements, the inadequacy, if not the very lack of rules, regulations and instruments that provide transparency and legal certainty, determine, in fact, discretionary behavior in generating Employees, conditions of complete subservience and submission, forcing them, in this way, to seek "strategies" personal and / or exclusively personalistic relationships, "prisoners" perhaps, of zealous officials and business executives who think they possess, and thus exercise, so often authoritarian, absolute power in the life and destinies of people working and / or political and trade union representatives in the hope in the expectation of being able to see and recognize and affirm the needs and rights otherwise denied. "
Such policies of Human Resources and Professional could not, precisely because of the heavy shortage of staff, not further exacerbate the difficulties and weaknesses in existing all services, departments, and offices.
This state of affairs, we believe, has come to influence, affect and disrupt the functionality and effectiveness of the various departments within which they certainly can not be ignored choices and decisions made at City Hall and in the MSM of the XIII - District 2 .
It is not clear how during these years, despite becoming sempre più complessa la richiesta di interventi da parte dei cittadini/utenti, non si sia provveduto ad integrare e potenziare il personale anche in ragione dei trasferimenti avvenuti dal CSM di via delle Sirene (circa nove unità infermieristiche) in altri servizi (compreso il Centro Diurno). Ci si domanda con quali criteri e con quali priorità si sono decisi in tutti questi anni trasferimenti, collocazioni di personale da un servizio e/o reparto ad un altro lasciando che, progressivamente, il CSM di Ostia, Via delle Sirene, venisse impoverito di risorse umane e professionali e, di fatto, depotenziato.
Ci si dovrebbe peraltro interrogare sulle molteplici domande di trasferimento giunte in questi ultimi due mesi, come quelle degli nurses, a social worker, two psychologists and a UOS charge of the CSM. We think that when a phenomenon is so large, this may be a sign of discomfort and a deep malaise. These difficulties have emerged, in fact, the Assembly held on 18/10/2010 at CSM Via delle Sirene, as represented largely by some operators / bulls through an open letter. This situation is exacerbated by a lack of communication, dialogue, a 'no path of confrontation and sharing in the absence of clearly defined procedures and transparent manner, within the Service. In addition, a weight, we think, have it also had some choices about l’organizzazione e la funzionalità del servizio stesso, in particolare la revoca e l’assegnazione di diversi incarichi: come la revoca all’incarico dell’Assistente Sociale D.ssa Rosaria Forte e del Dirigente Psicologo Dott. Francesco Sollai, nonché l’incarico affidato al Coordinatore pro-tempore facente funzioni U.O.S. assegnato ad una figura professionale di recente inserimento al CSM nonostante nel Distretto ci fossero operatori con maggiore anzianità di servizio e, quindi, con quel legame, quel radicamento nel territorio di riferimento fondamentale nella complessa rete di relazioni umane, sociali e professionali.
La Scrivente O.S. ritiene che l’impegno, l’umanità e la professionalità operator / matrix elements are essential and indispensable to avoid, or at least contain, inconvenience and disruption to users, especially in times when a service is not able to respond fully to the needs and health rights of users, difficulties for even a shortage of staff and a general impoverishment in terms of quantity and quality of Social Services Public Health.
If, therefore, fail the comparison, the involvement of those directly involved and working on prevention, treatment and care of people, this can not determine malfunctions and difficulties which may however, be prevented through paths sharing and participation. This is what has been represented, in fact, by some People active in the open letter, where, in this regard has been asked to open a table of permanent confrontation, while respecting the roles and dignity and professionalism of everyone, especially interests of citizens / users.
Writer OS Is therefore concerned about the status of this deep malaise and discomfort more in the MSM Via delle Sirene and the tensions it created already with the Shareholders 'Meeting of 28 September and also increased after' Next Meeting of 18 October last. In this framework leaves
"Perplexed" the attitude of those leaders who, with "democratic spirit", participated in a time of discussion and debate wanted by the same operators / machines, without grasping, however, the sense and the needs expressed, and that, having ownership, the powers and responsibilities, not only were able to capture that unease, malaise, and the critical present, but contributed with actions taken without compliance with the rules and the criteria of fairness, transparency and professionalism, to a further worsening of relations and relationships as opposed to the idea of \u200b\u200bparticipation and democracy that should underpin A proper management of public service.
Writer OS, maintains, finally, his opposition to all those transfers and assignments of positions taken and / or under development occurred without regard to procedures, rules of transparency and fairness.
regard, specifically, movement of the CPSI Moghetti Roberta, insists that this allocation has proceeded in a highly discretionary, not only because of the absence of a path of confrontation and sharing within the service, but also for the generality, if not pretext, by which the measure was adopted, regardless of any ranking, and without any comparison and / or evaluation of professional titles and specificity. In this context it is also clear that a request for participation and discussion was answered by implementing behaviors and actions without sharing with the operators of the service.
Writer OS when reporting and report the above interventions, and initiatives hopes to restore a climate of dialogue and confrontation in defense of human dignity and professionalism of each operator / her and in the interests of citizens / users. Sincerely
Delegates MSW
Laura Mazzarella - Cesare Morra - Antonio Nocera
Prot ASL RM / D No. 97432 of October 27, 2010
Alzheimer More Condition_symptoms
the Acting Director General Dr. Maurizio Vittoria
the Managing Director Director Corporate Health
Al Direttore Sanitario del C.P.O.
Dr.ssa Carla salvitti
Al Dirigente U.O.C. Prevenzione e Protezione
Dr. Vittorio Chinni
Al Direttore Area Risorse Umane e Affari Generali
Dr. Filippo Coiro
and PC to s CEO / Co-ordination of the RSU
Writer with this OS will report the failure and the severe wear condition of decubitus air mattresses, needed assistance for the treatment of spinal cord injury, in the structure of hospital health CPO
These principals are now being worn so that it can not be repaired, are also in the position of having to be declared out of order and can not be replaced by new ones because insufficient than the number of patients currently hospitalized at CPO
Writer OS recalls that this defense is essential to the care of spinal cord injury to prevent the occurrence of pressure ulcers, very often this type of patient.
He wonders, therefore, that spade requested the provision of these principals.
Pending a timely reply, it Best regards.
Prot ASL RM / D No. 94921 of 20/10/2010
the s Delegate / MSW
Laura Mazzarella - Cesare Morra - Antonio Nocera
First Signs Of Pregnancy More Condition_symptoms
Al Acting Director General AUSL Roma D
Dr. Maurizio Vittoria
the Managing Director AUSL Roma D
the Chief Medical Director of the Company
Dr Andrea Balbi
the Area Director of Human Resources and General Affairs
Dr. Philip Coiro
We must emphasize the importance of the mental health center, complex structure, has in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of psychiatric patients. The Service is part of the Department of Health Mental and, because of its history and its culture, has marked a serious turning point for reforming the local social-health services with an effective and important role of balance and integration of the activities and services and the local hospital. By its nature, also covers a range of multiple social and health interventions with a central difficulty with the person, his family and the community as a whole.
In this context, particular importance for psychiatric users, with a view to their social reintegration, as well as for their families, leisure travelers. In fact, the City of Rome and Fiumicino fund these activities with its financial resources, This year, in respect of the municipality of Rome, came in late creating a clear drawback for users. This
OS asks for a deeper insight of the problems outlined above, to know how to program and budget analysis of this activity for the four districts of the department.
Awaiting your early reply shall I extend cordial greetings.
Prot ASL RM / D No. 94930 of 20/10/2010
Laura MSW Mazzarella - Cesare Morra - Antonio Nocera
Monday, October 4, 2010
Menometrorrhagia. More Condition_symptoms
Il COBAS ritiene ingiustificabile e grave la decisione, da parte della Regione Lazio, in merito al mancato rinnovo dell’incarico a Commissario dell’AUSL RM/D, Dr.ssa Graziella Ansuini ( per quale motivo..?) incarico, ricordiamo, affidato temporaneamente dal 1 luglio u.s., in attesa della nomina definitiva dei Direttori Generali in tutte le Aziende Sanitarie del Lazio. . ..Ora abbiamo il ” Commissario” del Commissario…!!!
Tale decisione avviene in un momento già grave per la sanità laziale, in attesa, peraltro, di un riordino complessivo che non potrà non comportare ricadute sempre più harmful and heavy on the social health insurance, for workers and citizens, also because of the proposed reorganization of the hospital network that will result in downsizing and cutting (about 2800) beds and the closure of around 24 hospitals, resulting in Moreover, in particular, a heavy imbalance between the Centre and the Provinces of Lazio. There seems
further insult, to injury, to prevail once more practical and logical operations divider, the result of political balance and appetites that have little to do with the needs and requirements of functionality and rationality of Health Management Publish.
Therefore we can not but condemn this state of affairs and call under his real name ... ... ... Lottizzazioni!
The subdivision is a very serious degeneration that has always characterized the National Health Service and has been gaining for himself with the introduction of the General Managers in the Health Authorities and hospitals with whom we tried, apparently, to give answers, name of efficiency and effectiveness, with the idea of \u200b\u200bprivatization and management of nature management falsely, as if the rights and, above all, people's health could be considered a commodity, a commodity, but that in fact for the role and the tyrannical and absolute power given to the General Managers, non solo ha finito per mortificare, soffocare e reprimere quell’idea di gestione democratica e partecipata della Cosa Pubblica, che era nello spirito riformatore della L.833/78, ma ha finito per diventare strumento ed elemento di occupazione e spartizione dello Stato da parte dei partiti con tutte le conseguenze degenerative verso quei fenomeni di dominio, clientelismo ed autoritarismo, che questo sistema ha determinato.
I Direttori Generali, nello svolgimento del loro ruolo, hanno dimostrato, sino ad oggi, che non hanno idea di cosa sia la “ Cosa Pubblica”, il Servizio e il Bene Pubblico; non considerano la necessità, l’opportunità che, per poter rendere più efficienti, più efficaci e, soprattutto, more human set of social and health services dedicated to the care and support of people and to try to make them work better and to respond fully to the requirements, needs and rights of health, these need to be "Governed" through paths, processes and tools of the practice of democracy and participation, with the direct involvement of all those skills and indispensable, those knowledge, those feelings inside the public service represented by the many men and women and female operators working there. The COBAS
of AUSL RM / D, to denounce, once again, this state of things that create and perpetuate further confusion e il disorientamento nella Gestione del Servizio Sanitario Pubblico, rinnova il suo impegno, al di fuori di qualsiasi opportunità e compatibilità politico/sindacale/aziendale, in difesa delle condizioni di vita e di lavoro delle/dei lavoratrici/tori, del Servizio Pubblico e del Diritto alle cure e alla Salute per tutte/i i cittadini.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Safaribaby Shower Ideas
Al Commissario Straordinario AUSL RM/D
Dr.ssa Graziella Ansuini
Al Direttore Amministrativo AUSL Roma D
Dr.ssa Giuiditta Del Borrello
At the Rome Local Health Medical Director Dr. Maurizio Vittoria D
to the medical director of the Municipality XIII - District 2
Dr. Pistolesi Climene
Al Head Executive Protection Unit
Children and Adolescents Mental Health and Rehabilitation
Dr. Henry Nonnis
The manager of CSM-2 District
Dr. Antonello D'Elia
the Area Director of Human Resources and General Affairs
Dr. Philip Coiro
and PC to / the Delegate / s of Coordination of MSW
Writer OS, with the means to express this deep concern over the failure to transfer the service TSMREE Acilia in via del Poggio Acilia No. 69, despite already been taken earlier by the management of past management, commitments to that effect.
Please note that quest'OS had in the past, with a note / Document 25/02/2010, Prot AUSL RM / D No. 18651, represented and urged, among the different and varied issues relating to the Shareholder Services Health Care Town Hall XIII - District 2, the arrangement, following the transfer of the Family Counseling Acilia and immunization services, which occurred during the first days of March this year, both of which the CSM TSMREE in the seat and the premises vacated by those services.
It is also this, that, even with an embarrassing delay, the premises of Via del Poggio Acilia, n ° 69 have been recently renovated to suit the needs of the Service TSMREE that would then, as commitment by Directorate Company, was assigned in order to improve working conditions and offering services to the citizens of both the service TSMREE, the CSM is adjacent both services, however, for years in situations of serious shortcomings with regard to structures, including, those even more serious, related to staffing.
For now, the garrison rebuilt, is free and unused nonostante i costi sostenuti dall’Amministrazione per la locazione, le utenze e, appunto, l’avvenuta ristrutturazione.
Pensiamo sia utile ricordare che il Territorio del XIII Municipio – Distretto 2, si collocherebbe, in quanto a popolazione residente, al 15° posto tra le città italiane, subito dopo Padova e prima di Trieste, con una delle composizioni più giovani e con un tasso di natalità tra i più elevati a livello europeo. Riteniamo, pertanto, impensabile che si possa procrastinare una soluzione, anche se parziale e solo strutturale, del Servizio T.S.M.R.E.E. di Acilia e del C.S.M. nella situazione di disponibilità immediata della risorsa necessaria.
Riteniamo indispensabile che, il Servizio T.S.M.R.E.E., per le caratteristiche dell’utenza – minori in condizione di disabilità e loro famiglie – sia pensato e progettato, e quindi strutturato, quale Servizio di prossimità, tanto più in un territorio tanto vasto quale quello del Distretto XIII° Municipio, in continua e progressiva espansione edilizio/abitativa.
Analogamente anche l’utenza del C.S.M. presenta caratteristiche che rendono indispensabile il rispetto del criterio ed il principio di Territorialità e Prossimità e, quindi, la necessità di un effettivo potenziamento anche attraverso l’ampliamento e la funzionalità dei locali.
Si deve, infatti, tenere presente che, nel territorio del Municipio XIII, l’entroterra has long past, by number of inhabitants, the area of \u200b\u200bthe coast and that, under the plan of building area, there are always the hinterland, tens of thousands of new residents in coming years.
Thus, if a reorganization of the district must be made, it must necessarily provide for a harmonious and functional balance of the reality of the hinterland, through a progressive strengthening of the presence and delivery of social services - health care.
Especially, writer OS observing the delays on the realization of the commitments made by the Company in respect of the transfer of the Service TSMREE, expresses concern, in consideration of the approach to delivery of the garrison S. Augustine, whose restoration is nearing completion, there is some "enterprise" hypothesis, never formally expressed and found to transfer and merge at the S. Augustine himself TSMREE all the staff of District 2.
This fear had already been expressed by the writer OS in a leaflet / document of 08 / 03/2010 - "... .. If not we will see a normal" relocation "of services and activities already exist (see Family Counseling, TSMREE.ecc . etc...) It takes into account what? If you want to create the conditions for a "The only center of excellence" by combining existing services renunciation and sacrifice, so that the principle of territoriality and proximity to the citizen / user ?......".
not give, therefore, just and suitable location for social and health services, seeking to achieve the necessary Network in the Territory can politely respond to the needs and social rights and health of citizens could lead to insurmountable difficulties in areas such as ours, where already are critical and important environmental and social issues. This can lead to strong restrictions on access to care and rehabilitation with serious consequences in terms of failure to reduce disability health and social care, with costs in human terms but also economic, in the long run, can not be quantified.
We hope we were bad prophets and being denied by forward-looking action by the current Executive Board should note that the health needs of citizens / users, especially the smallest and most people experiencing hardship, rejecting logic centralization and weakening of the services that today are too often come before the right to health of the population. In
confirm our readiness to dialogue and confrontation on these issues and hoping for a positive solution to the problems outlined above calls, send greetings.
n° 86566 del 23/09/2010
I Delegati R.S.U.
Laura Mazzarella - Cesare Morra - Antonio Nocera
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Impetigo From Toilet Seat
Al Commissario Straordinario AUSL RM/D
Dr.ssa Graziella Ansuini
Al Direttore Amministrativo
Dr.ssa Giuditta Del Borrello
At Corporate Medical Director Dr. Maurizio Vittoria
The manager UOC Prevention and Protection
Dr. Vittorio Chinni
The manager UOC Property Assets Management
Ing Domenico Di Nino
To the Head of Department of Prevention
Dr. Claudio Fantini
UOSD The manager of immunoprophylaxis and Programs
Prevention and Health Promotion Dr. Daniela
UOSD the Medical Director. Immunoprophylaxis
Dr. Patrick Grammatico
the Area Director of Human Resources and General Affairs
Dr. Philip Coiro
and PC to s CEO / Co-ordination of the RSU
Writer OS, with the present, wants to point out that within the EAC ' UOSD Immunoprophylaxis and prevention programs and Health Promotion / Screening Coordination and Tobacco JRC, Via Umberto Cagni, No. 48, about a year and a half away from the end of the work, and the resulting opening, persists to this day, presumably due to a strong smell of chemical fumes.
Please note that this situation was already reported by the / I Operations / bulls in the service itself, which, however, seems to have also complained, at times, the onset of discomfort and irritation to mucous membranes, eyes, throat and respiratory tract. This
OS calls, therefore, with polite urgency in carrying out the appropriate inspections and all inspections and tests necessary to determine the reasons and nature of such issues and whether these might represent a risk to health and safety of the same professional / / bulls present there.
Some of your early reply shall I extend cordial greetings.
Prot AUSL RM / D
No. 82892 of 14/10/2010 p.
the s Delegate / MSW of Local Health MR / D
Laura Mazzarella - Cesare Morra - Antonio Nocera
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Coachmen Futura Folding Trailers
Special Commissioner AUSL RM / D
Dr. Graziella Ansuini
The Administrative Director Dr. Judith
Del Borrello
Business Health Director Dr. Maurizio Vittoria
The Director of Health District XIII Municipio
Dr. Pistolesi Climene
the Area Director of Women and Child Protection Dr. Pierluigi
UOCI the Acting Director of Women and Child Health Dr Patricia
the Executive Director UO
Protection Children and Adolescents Mental Health and Rehabilitation
Dr. Henry Nonnis
Al Direttore del Dipartimento di Prevenzione
Dr.Fabrizio Fantini
Al Dirigente U.O.S.D. Immunoprofilassi Programmi
Prevenzione e Promozione della Salute
Dr.ssa Daniela Reggiani
Al Dirigente U.O.C. Prevenzione Protection and Dr. Vittorio
The manager UOC Property Assets Management
Ing Domenico Di Nino Al
Area Director of Human Resources and General Affairs
Dr. Philip Coiro
and The Council of the PC / Delegates / ti MSW
Writer OS has become aware through the media (the Messenger of the September 2 U.S.) by the Executive Board of the intention to transfer, services and activities, especially those related to medical practice specialist from the place of the garrison Via Paolini renovated St. Augustine. Such a transfer would be determined by the need to carry out renovation work, particularly the securing of the structure of Via Paolini, work which is already budgeted and announced for some time. OS
This has got to be in the past, through various reports and complaints, the problem of shortage and inadequate sanitary facilities in the District Municipality of XIII (see notes of 30/09/2008 Prot No. 79158, Prot No. 103823 15/12/2008, 23/06/2009 57806 Prot, Prot No. 85039 of 21/09/2009 and 25/02/2010 Prot No. 18651).
This situation, mainly due to the profound transformations that have occurred in recent years, in the urban, social and cultural, accordingly, in particular, developing residential building still in continuous rapid growth, without which this development was accompanied, as is was necessary to identify and implement policies and structures of space and place in which to increase these social services - primary health care, the policies needed to protect health and, consequently, improve the quality of people's lives.
This condition has failed to get worse, especially in the thirteenth Hall, following the renovation of St. Augustine and the disposal of the garrison of Lungomare Paolo Toscanelli, No. 72, which has seen the transfer and placement services and activities, including existing sites and in areas not suitable (see Advisory bureau of Ostia, the immunoprophylaxis / Vaccinations, TSMREE, Spresal, SISP, Sian, etc.)..
She ended up weighing up all the absence, in these years of serious planning and organization and lack of an idea, an overview of the various and diverse issues related to the demands and needs, development Land, the proof is the approximation, the carelessness and the emptiness of the proposed time to time advanced, and is fragmented and inconsistent, not that they meet the functional needs of the departments concerned. Not to mention the complete lack of will, in addition to non-compliance of the commitments / agreements made (see Comparison Table) of the previous Executive Board, in seeking to keep open reasoning on the merits that would have better ensured, in times and useful ways, just by comparison, the examination and further development of scenarios and proposals, finding the most appropriate solutions to ensure more and better services to citizens / users Territory.
attitude, this has served to further aggravate the already difficult situation with the risk of further serious delays in relation to expectations, the expectations on the implementation of projects both announced and proclaimed (see House of Health of Women and Child ) and, particularly, on the final, suitable accommodation for all the services and activities concerned, these years, at various locations and transfers. This
OS, although aware that this attitude, he ended up weighing conditions, on the issues, the critical aspects, and choices, on the arrangement of the various services, expresses at the same time, concern about the hypothesis of the transfer St. Augustine at the services and activities in the premises of Via Paolini.
There is a fear, in fact, that this decision is likely in the near future, without the appropriate and necessary guarantees on timing, on how and, above all, on the temporary nature of the transfer in question, referring to the renovation of the place of Via Paolini, further delaying, if not undermine, not only the project of the House of Health of Women and Child (a project which, however, we believe, is yet to be defined, both with respect to services and specific activities that should take place, both for the lack of human and professional resources needed to carry out the project and the subsequent full and complete operation of the structure) but also prevent the relocation within the St. Augustine, services that were there and that currently operating with special difficulties and untold anguish for professional / / bulls, and especially for citizens / users. This
OS, expressing and in the state, once again its willingness and its desire to be initiated on these issues, a comparison, together with all social forces and the union territory, claims that, any temporary displacement, the principal of Via Paolini, activities and services at the renovated St. Augustine, will be providing at the same time, through the 'prudent and rational use of space, and ensuring the functionality of the various activities, the immediate and simultaneous relocation of those services, in particular, the Family Counseling of Ostia, for which this OS has presented a detailed and specific reporting / exposed On Prot 23/06/2009 57806 ASL of TSMREE and dell'immunoprofilassi / Vaccinations.
Waiting for a prompt and positive response is best regards.
Prot.AUSL RM D No. 80838 of 7.9.10
p. the COBAS AUSL RM / D
Delegates MSW
Laura Mazzarella - Cesare Morra - Antonio Nocera
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Largest Phone Bill Ever Recorded
Great party at the Casa del Parto Ostia, as he toasted the extension of the activity, suspended last July 16 for lack of accreditation and re-opened there were assurances that the President Polverini, Barbara, woman included in the path of delivery of Demedicalization "acqualuce" entered into labor.
At the same time during a press conference was convened by the "Committee to defend the House of the Delivery Services and Maternal and Child" composto dal Coordinamento donne di Ostia, dalle mamme e i papà, dai Cobas ASL RM/D e dalla RdB/USB Sanità che da giorni presidiano
La lotta di questi giorni è riuscita a segnare un punto di non ritorno a difesa e speriamo rilancio, del servizio pubblico e di qualità. La sperimentazione – assicurano dal comitato – garantirà certamente il superamento delle inadempienze burocratiche ma resta il gravissimo been faced by the Maternal and Child Service of ASL RM / D, characterized by narrow and inadequate premises and lack of personnel (midwives, nurses, pediatricians, etc..) resulting in a lowering of standards of care in a densely populated and which requires appropriate responses.
Opening the discussion table with the Directorate General
Casa del Parto - Ostia, 29 luglio 2010
Dometic Republic Resorts
Si riporta il comunicato :
Monday, July 26, 2010
Scrapbooking, Fire Extinguisher
of AUSL / RMD expresses its appreciation for the important results achieved through the struggle of workers and employees of local health / RMD.
This result, achieved also thanks to a social movement, USW delegates, members of the family, see the disability, and attention by the different levels of management (and the Extraordinary Council of the 13th town hall) there leads to stress the importance of such a movement for the improvement and integration of other services. The COBAS
of AUSL / RMD reiterates the need for stabilization of the entire permanent staff and that the contract in question is no less than three years. The Cobas
of AUSL RM D highlights the availability and the hoped to build a table that links all inclusive services that respond to the needs of children, women, families, and in this regard, the St. Augustine is the natural home of that area and not be accepted improper use of that structure.
Rome 07/24/2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Hiv Symptoms More Condition_symptoms
Ministry of Education, University and Research for the Planning Department
Directorate General for International Affairs Office
IV - Planning and management of European Structural Funds and national
development and social cohesion
European Regional Development Fund
- Piazza Maria Montessori, 1 - Tel e Fax 090/9797797 - Tel 090/9790367 Cod mecc.MEEE07000C CF 90003500833 - e-mail:
98051 Barcellona PG (ME)
Barcelona PG, 10/05/2010
GOP MEETING OF 10/05/2010
1. Review of application forms and curriculum vitae of the experts of the activities of the PON projects;
2. Formulating the provisional ranking Experts
- "Teaching" B-1-FSE-2009-1098
- "New" C-1-ESF-2009-3674
- "Technologically 3" C-1-ESF-2009-3674
- "Technologically 4" C-1-FSE-2009-3674
- "Bike to School 3" C-4-FSE-
2009-1015 - "New technologies for teaching" D-1-ESF-2009-1325
Minutes 05/10/2010
The ten days of the month of May in the year two thousand and ten, at 14.30 in the Bureau of Educational 4th Circle of Barcellona PG (ME) , and we 'met on GOP, made the appointment with the Headmaster on 04 May 2010, with the participation of the following components:
Qualification (yes-no)
1. Prof. Anthony Princi Rosario executives
2. Dir. Costa Filippo Direttore SGA SI
3. Ins. Bruno Rosalia Facilitatore SI
4. Ins. Imbesi Domenico Valutatore - Relatore SI
per discutere e preparare i lavori per posti all’ordine del giorno:
1 Riesame delle richieste di partecipazione e dei curriculum vitae degli Esperti delle attività dei Progetti PON;
2 Formulazione Graduatorie Provvisorie Esperti:
- “Didatticamente” B-1-FSE-2009-1098
- “New” C-1-FSE-2009-3674
- “Tecnologicamente 3” C-1-FSE-2009-3674
- “Tecnologicamente 4” C-1-FSE-2009-3674
- “Bici a Scuola 3” C-4-FSE-2009-1015
- “Le nuove tecnologie al servizio della didattica” D-1-FSE-2009-1325
chairs the School Director Prof. Antonio Rosario Prince (DS) and assume the functions of secretary, the teacher Domenico Imbesi.
The President noted the presence of the guests, opened the session and the GOP shall review the curriculum received by reviewing the questions for each objective and action, and checking whether the credit assessment meets the criteria set.
Please note again that, with the same score, will be given priority to the youngest graduated.
is passed, then, following action for each objective and the criteria stipulated in the guidelines to draw up the provisional rankings for several types of floor with a separate function, which are listed below: 4 ^
EXPERTS PON 2007 - IT 05 1 PO 007 FSE - "Skills Development" annuity 2009/10
OBJECTIVE / ACTION C-1 "NEW 2" Code C-1-ESF-2009-3674 Order
experienced teachers Educational Other specific academic and cultural point 3 x max title 15punti Work experience specific projects and project PON puntox 4 max 16 points Work experience Private sector. Publish 3 years max points x 15 points x 3-point Publications max 15 points TOTAL
a Greek mother tongue Gillian
9 16 15 40.00 2 Rose Foti native
18.00 3 15 3 26 15 16 15 Manuela Vitale
72.00 4 31.00 3 28 Monique Calà Hvar
5 6 7
8 9 10
Barcelona PG11/05/2010
Prof. Antonio Rosario Princi
against the rankings are open to appeal, the GOP, not later than 12.00 on 17/05/2010
provisional list EXPERTS PON 2007 - IT 05 1 PO 007 FSE - "Skills for the development "annuity 2009/10
OBJECTIVE / ACTION C-1" technology 3 "Code C-1-ESF-2009-3674 Order
experienced teachers Educational Other specific academic and cultural point 3 x max title 15punti Work experience projects specific and PON sc students. primary 4 puntox progetto max 16 punti Esperienze lavorative nel settore Struttura. Pubblica 3 punti x anno max 15 punti Pubblicazioni 3 punti x max 15 punti TOTALE
1 Storace Vincenzo 26 15 4 15 15 75,00
2 Greco Maria Grazia 28 15 12 15 70,00
3 Ofria Maria Teresa 30 15 4 15 64,00
4 Vaccarino Maria Antonia 28 15 15 58,00
5 Ceraolo Carmelo 15 16 15 6 52,00
6 Monastra Salvatore 15 16 15 3 49,00
7 Miligi Tindaro 9 16 3 28,00
8 Fazio Maria Angela 15 8 23,00
Barcellona P.G11/05/2010
Prof. Antonio Rosario Princi
Avverso le graduatorie è ammesso ricorso, al GOP, entro le ore 12,00 del 17/05/2010
GRADUATORIA PROVVISORIA ESPERTI PON 2007 – IT 05 1 PO 007 F.S.E. - “ Competenze per lo sviluppo" annualità 2009/10
Ordine DOCENTI ESPERTI Titolo di More specific study of academic and cultural point 3 x max title 15punti Work experience and specific projects PON sc students. Primary 4 puntox project up to 16 points Work experience in industry structure. Publish 3 years max points x 15 points x 3-point Publications max 15 points TOTAL
Storace Vincenzo 1 26 15 4 15 15 75.00 Teresa Nicolosi
2 28 12 16 9 6 3 71.00
Greek Maria Grazia 28 15 12 15 70.00 4
Ofria Maria Teresa 30 15 4 15 5 64.00
Vaccarino Maria Antonia 28 6 15 15 58.00
Ceraolo Caramel 52.00 15 16 15 6 7
Monastra Salvatore 15 16 15 3 8 49.00
Miligi Tindaro 9 16 9 3 28.00
Fazio Maria Angela 15 8 10 23.00
Barcelona PG11/05/2010
Prof. Antonio Rosario Princi
against the rankings are open to appeal, the GOP, by 12.00 hours of 17/05/2010
provisional list EXPERTS PON 2007 - IT 05 1 PO 007 FSE - "Skills Development" annuity 2009/10
OBJECTIVE / ACTION C-4 'BIKE AND SCHOOL 3 "Code C-4-FSE-2009-1015 Order
experienced teachers Educational Other specific academic and cultural point 3 x max title 15punti Work experience specific projects and project PON puntox 4 max 16 points Work experience in industry structure. Publish 3 years max point x 15 points x 3-point Publications max 15 points TOTAL
Ceraolo Caramel 1 15 16 15 6 52 , 00
2 3 4
5 6
Barcellona P.G.11/05/2010
Prof. Antonio Rosario Princi
Avverso le graduatorie è ammesso ricorso, al GOP, entro le ore 12,00 del 17/05/2010
GRADUATORIA PROVVISORIA ESPERTI PON 2007 – IT 05 1 PO 007 F.S.E. - “ Competenze per development "annuity 2009/10
Order FACULTY EXPERTS Educational Other specific academic and cultural point x 3 Title Max 15punti Work experience specific projects and project PON puntox 4 max 16 points Work experience in industry structure. Publish 3 years max points x 15 points x 3-point Publications max 15 points TOTAL
Storace Vincenzo 1 26 15 16 15 15 87 , 00
Anthony Cammarota 2 30 15 3 16 15 76.00
Ofria Maria Teresa 30 15 16 15 76.00
4 Rosanova Claudio 24 15 16 15 6 76,00
5 Greco Maria Grazia 28 15 16 15 74,00
6 Nicolosi Teresa 28 12 16 9 6 71,00
7 Vaccarino Maria Antonia 28 15 4 15 62,00
8 Monastra Salvatore 15 16 15 3 49,00
Barcellona P.G.11/05/2010
Prof. Antonio Rosario Princi
Avverso le graduatorie è ammesso ricorso, al GOP, entro le ore 12,00 del 17/05/2010
Conclusa la formulazione delle graduatorie, i componenti del GOP, danno lettura ed approvano il presente verbale, che è composto da numero 3 pagine.
Il presente verbale sarà pubblicato con le graduatorie provvisorie all’albo della scuola e sul sito web
La seduta è sciolta alle 18,30
Il Segretario Il Presidente
Ins. Imbesi Domenico Prof. Antonio Rosario Princi
Data Cognome e nome Inizio Fine N° ore Firma
10/05/2010 Prof. Princi Antonio Rosario 14,30 17,30 3
Dir. Costa Filippo 14,30 17,30 3
Ins. Bruno Rosalia 14,30 17,30 3
Ins. Imbesi Domenico 14,30 17,30 3
Stomachache More Condition_symptoms
Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca
Dipartimento per la Programmazione
Direzione Generale per gli Affari Internazionali
Ufficio IV - Programmazione e gestione dei fondi strutturali europei e nazionali
per lo sviluppo e la coesione sociale
Unione Europea
Fondo Europeo Sviluppo Regionale
- P.zza Maria Montessori, 1 - Tel. e Fax 090/9797797 – Tel. 090/9790367 C. F. 90003500833 Cod. mecc.MEEE07000C - e-mail :
Barcellona P. G., 07/05/2010
Ordine del giorno:
1. Esame delle richieste di partecipazione e dei curriculum vitae degli Esperti esterni, pervenuti in seguito alla pubblicazione del bando PON con Prot. n. 1311/A15c del 24 marzo 2010 per le attività degli Obiettivi e delle Azioni presenti nel Bando;
2. Predisposizione griglie di valutazione.
Verbale del 07/05/2010
Il giorno sette del mese di Maggio dell’anno duemiladieci, alle ore 14,30 nell’Ufficio di Presidenza del 4^ Circolo Didattico di Barcellona P.G. (ME), si e’ riunito il GOP, established with the appointment of the headmaster of the May 4, 2010, with the participation of the following components:
Qualification (yes-no)
1. Prof. Anthony Princi Rosario executives
2. Dir Director Philip Costa APG
3. Ins. Rosalie Bruno facilitator
4. Ins. Imbesi Domenico Assessor -
rapporteur to discuss and prepare the ground for the agenda: 1
Scrutiny of participation and curriculum vitae of the experts of the activities of PON projects;
2 Preparation evaluation grids;
chairs the School Director Prof. Antonio Rosario Prince (DS) and assume the functions the secretary, the ins. Dominic Imbesi.
The President noted the presence of the guests, opened the session and the GOP is to examine the curriculum received, beginning to divide the instances for each objective and action, and then continue their evaluation, according to the criteria mentioned in the circular the agenda: • Educational
• Other academic and cultural (3 points per title - maximum 15 points);
• Work experience and specific projects PON (4 points per project - max 16 points) ;
• Work experience in Public and Private sector (3 points per project - max 15 points / where required only primary school);
• Publications (3 points per publication - max 15 points);
• A score will be given equal priority to the youngest graduated.
After discussion and drafting of documents, which will be shared by all those concerned by the Headmaster, members of the GOP, giving read and approve this report, which is composed of number 3 pages.
This record will be publicized in the school and on the website
The meeting broke up at 18.30
The Secretary The President
Ins. Imbesi Prof. Domenico Antonio Rosario Princi
Data Cognome e nome Inizio Fine N° ore Firma
Prof. Princi Antonio Rosario 14,30 18,30 4
Dir. Costa Filippo 14,30 18,30 4
Ins. Bruno Rosalia 14,30 18,30 4
Ins. Imbesi Domenico 14,30 18,30 4
Epiphone Casino Toronto
- P.zza Maria Montessori/1 - Tel. e Fax 090/9797797 – Tel. 090/9790367 C. F. 90003500833 Cod. mecc.MEEE07000C - e-mail
Prot. n. 2216 /A15c Barcellona P.G., 11/05/2010
All’ALBO della Scuola
Alle Educational institutions of the Province of Messina Messina
Publication provisional rankings for the selection of external experts
PON "Skills Development" annuity 2009/2010
Objective B - Action 1 (B-1 - ESF 2009-1098 )-C Objective - Action 1 (C-1 - ESF -2009-3674) - modules: "New 2" - Technologically 3 "-" Technologically 4 "-
Objective C - Action 4 (C-4 - ESF -2009 - 1015) - Objective D - Action 1 (D-1 - ESF -2009-1325)
Since the ministerial note Prot No 21/10/2009 AOODGAI/5368 of which the Ministry of Education - Dipartimento per l’Istruzione Direzione Generale per gli Affari Internazionali - Ufficio V - ha autorizzato il Piano Integrato di Istituto;
Viste le istanze prodotte per la selezione del personale da utilizzare per i percorsi PON – Competenze per lo sviluppo – Annualità 2009/10;
Visto il proprio bando per la selezione di esperti esterni pubblicato all’Albo della Scuola con prot.n 1311/A15c del 24/03/2010;
Visti gli atti del GOP verbale n. 4 del 10/05/2010
che in data odierna sono pubblicate all’albo della scuola e sul sito della scuola le graduatorie provvisorie per la selezione del personale esperto da utilizzare nei percorsi PON – Competenze per lo sviluppo – Annuity 2009/10 Objective B - Action 1 (B-1 - 2009-1098 ESF) Objective-C - Action 1 (C-1 - ESF -2009-3674) - modules: "New 2" - Technologically 3 "-" Technologically 4 "-
Objective C - Action 4 (C-4 - -2009-1015 ESF) - Objective D - Action 1 (D-1 - ESF -2009-1325)
Any complaints or requests for correction of the above lists, from clerical errors, addressed to the Headmaster, must be received no later than 12.00 on the day Monday, May 17, 2010.
Prof. Antonio Rosario Princi
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Causes Broken Capillaries On Chest
- P.zza Maria Montessori, 1 - Tel e Fax 090/9797797 - 090/9790367 Tel Cod mecc.MEEE07000C CF 90003500833 - e-mail:
98051 Barcellona PG (ME)
Prot No 1311/A15c Barcelona PG, 24/03/2010
the school website
of USP - Messina
dawn of the Municipality of Barcelona PG
school directors of each and levels of the Province of Messina
dawn of the school
Subject: Public Notice per il reperimento di esperti esterni – PON 2007/2013
“Competenze per lo sviluppo” Fondo sociale europeo - annualità 2009/2010
VISTA La nota prot. n. AOODGAI – 5368 del 21/10/2009 del M.P.I. di autorizzazione per l’attuazione dei progetti approvati per l’annualità 2009/10
VISTE Le delibere di approvazione del Collegio dei Docenti e del Consiglio di Circolo
VISTE le disposizioni e le indicazioni di attuazione dei suddetti piani
VISTE le disposizioni e istruzioni per l’attuazione delle iniziative cofinanziate dai fondi Strutturali
europei 2007/2013 – Edizione 2009- Prot. A00DGAI/2096 03/04/2009
VISA Integrated Plan approved by the Ministry of Education and co-financed by the ESF is necessary to find professionals for the training activities provided
The race for the recruitment of n. 6 experts through comparative analysis of curricula for the implementation of projects carried out by NOP during the school year 2009/2010:
Access title
Objective B Stock 1 (B-1 ESF 2009-1098): Innovative Interventions the promotion of key skills, particularly technical and scientific disciplines, mathematics, mother tongue, foreign languages, civics skills (legal, environment, etc...)
- “Didatticamente”- Conferimento incarico a n.1 esperto esterno per n. ore 30
Laurea in lettere o affine
Obiettivo C Azione 1 ( C-1-FSE-2009-3674): Interventi per lo sviluppo delle competenze chiave
- “New 2” “Potenziamento della Lingua Inglese” Conferimento incarico a n.1 esperto esterno per n. ore 50, rivolto a n. 20 alunni delle classi quinte della scuola primaria di questa istituzione scolastica .
Laurea in Lingua e letteratura straniera
- “Tecnologicamente 3” Conferimento incarico a n.1 esperto esterno per n. ore 30 rivolto a n.15 alunni delle classi della scuola primaria
- “Tecnologicamente 4 "Assignment No. 1 position in external expert for No 30 hours, facing No. 15 pupils of primary school classes
degree in computer science or similar.
Experiences in the field of primary school.
Action Objective C 4 (C-4-ESF 2009-1015) individualized interventions to promote excellence
- "Bike School and 3" for the Appointment n.1 No outside expert to 30 hours of teaching, facing No 15 pupils of primary school classes
experience in the field of action (competitive spirit, technical workshops related to previous experiences in the office or similar) ..
Action Objective D 1 (D-1-ESF 2009-1325): Training aimed at teachers and school staff, new technologies of communication.
- "New technologies for teaching" the Appointment n.1 No outside expert to 30 hours of teaching
Degree in Computer Science or related experience in the field of teaching
Titles evaluable
Degree (Specialist or four "old order") (Foreign language and literature in English, for the path "Enhancing Language English ");
other academic, cultural, academic and professional:
university level Diploma in English Language and Literature awarded in English speaking countries;
Altre lauree;
Abilitazione all’insegnamento della lingua inglese nella scuola primaria;
Diploma di perfezionamento;
Dottorato di ricerca;
Esperienze lavorative:
Docenze in corsi di lingua inglese;
Docenze in corsi PON;
Insegnamento in corsi finalizzati al conseguimento delle certificazioni Cambridge ESOL University (PET,FCE,CAE) Trinity;
Il Gruppo Operativo del Piano valuterà la documentazione prodotta e selezionerà i Curricula presentati , sulla base dei seguenti criteri di valutazione:
Titoli di Accesso
Laurea o diploma riferibili al tipo di insegnamento richiesto:
Voto da 66 a 80 Rated 22 points
81 to 90 points 24
rating from 91 to 100 points 26
rating from 100 to 110 points 28
Grade 110/110 cum laude
30 points Other qualifications: study, cultural, professional and academic
Up to a maximum of 15 points
3 points for every publication up to a maximum of 13 points
Work experience teaching assignments related to the course 3 points up to a maximum of 15 points
teaching assignments in courses PON Teaching experience and 4 points up to a maximum of 16 points
The training will take place entirely in the afternoon, during the period from April to June 2010 according to a schedule to the course activities
functional type of task and reward
The allocation of office shall be effected by the signing of contracts for the provision of intellectual work under Article .2230 of the Civil Code, paid an hourly rate comprehensive as required by the Guidelines. The fees will not lead to welfare and social treatment or to treatment of termination payments.
If civil servants, experts will be formally approved by the membership of
Functions and duties of the expert staff recruited to carry out its activities over teaching, will be available at:
- collaborate with the Group Operational Plan (GOP),
- identifying, in collaboration with the tutor, the organizational structure of the training module
- perform the tasks of preparation, administration and tabulation of material
training, assessment tests in entry, mid-and end-of documentary material;
- prepare the final report on Intervention and played the card
analytical skills - acquired for each student;
- support the / s Contact Person / i assessment in preparing the material necessary for the detection
skills including for the final certificate
- assist animator of the action plan with regard to the documentation of their
- competence;
- include all the documentary material on the platform of its competence.
- present, at the end of the project, the statement of hours worked as an expert.
Selection procedure Applicants to these positions will have to produce according to the application form attached, addressed to the Headmaster.
will be considered submitted on schedule, and therefore valid, only applications received by hand delivery or by registered mail in a sealed envelope by 12:00 on 09.04.2010 at the office of the Institute protocol established in Piazza Maria Montessori, 1 Barcelona Pozzo di Gotto The envelope must bear the words selected experts with the index for 2007-13 PON REQUEST
will not be considered in any case, the applications received after the deadline.
This application, fill out the attached form must be accompanied by curriculum
staff in European format showing the qualifications and professional experience and the declaration of commitment on time to document all work performed through the information system "Project Management PON ".
If you wish to apply for the grant of commission for several courses, the request must be submitted for each course. Selection criteria
Will be considered cultural qualifications relating the type of intervention, experience and professional skills
consistent with the professional service request.
The recruitment of experts will be at the discretion of the Group Operational Plan by giving an assessment of the facts contained in the curricula according to the criteria laid down in the grid properly prepared.
The list of competitors with its score will be made public by the DS through the inner circular and notice board of the institute.
are open to appeal against the ranking within days. 5 of the publication, after which, the Headmaster will give tasks to the experts who will occupy the rank list. Formalization of office
The teachers so identified will receive timely notice and will be called for the allocation of specific duties, provided that in case of failure to start the courses the school reserves the right not to proceed with the custody of the tasks.
The assignment will be given even in the presence of a single curriculum fully meets these demands.
The data provided will be treated in accordance with existing legislation (DL196/2003).
This notice is published on the website of the institute
Prof. Antonio Rosario Princi
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Signs Of A Miscarriage More Condition_symptoms
Prot No 1311/A15c Barcelona PG, 24/03/2010
the school website
of USP - Messina
dawn of the Municipality of Barcelona PG
school directors of each and levels of
Province At the dawn of the school of Messina
Subject: Public call for the procurement of outside experts - PON 2007/2013
"Skills Development" European Social Fund - 2009/2010 annual
VISTA Note prot. No AOODGAI - 5368 of 21/10/2009 of the MPI for authorization for the implementation of approved projects for the 2009/10 annual
CONSIDERING the resolutions of approval of the Academic Board and the District Council
CONSIDERING the provisions and guidelines for implementation of such plans
CONSIDERING the provisions and instructions for the implementation of initiatives financed dai fondi Strutturali
europei 2007/2013 – Edizione 2009- Prot. A00DGAI/2096 del 03/04/2009
VISTO Piano Integrato autorizzato dal Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione e cofinanziato dal FSE è necessario individuare figure professionali per gli interventi formativi previsti
La gara per il reclutamento di n. 6 esperti mediante analisi comparativa dei curricula per la realizzazione dei Progetti PON da svolgersi nel corso dell’anno scolastico 2009/2010:
Obiettivo B Azione 1 (B-1 FSE 2009-1098): Interventi innovativi per la promozione delle competenze chiave, in particolare sulle discipline tecnico-scientifiche, matematica, lingua madre, lingue straniere, competenze civiche (Legal, environment, etc...)
- "Teaching" - the Appointment n.1 No outside expert to 30 hours of teaching
Action Objective C 1 (C-1-ESF-2009-3674): Assistance for the development of key competencies
- "New 2" "Expansion of the English Language" Assignment No. 1 position in external expert for No 50 hours of teaching, facing No 20 pupils in fifth class of primary school of this educational institution.
- "Technologically 3" for the Appointment n.1 No outside expert to 30 hours of lectures aimed at students of the No. 15 primary school classes
- "Technologically 4" Assignment No. 1 position in external expert for No 30 hours of teaching, facing No. 15 primary school pupils in classes
Action Objective C 4 (C-4-ESF 2009-1015) individualized interventions to promote excellence
- "Bike School and 3" for the Appointment No outside expert for a No. 1 30 hours of teaching, facing No 15 pupils of primary school classes
Action Objective D 1 (D-1-ESF 2009-1325): Training interventions aimed at teachers and school staff, new technologies of communication.
- "New technologies for teaching" the Appointment n.1 No outside expert to 30 hours of teaching
Access title
Degree (Specialist or four “vecchio ordinamento”) (in Lingua e letteratura straniera, Inglese per il percorso “Potenziamento della Lingua Inglese”);
Altri titoli di studio , culturali , professionali e accademici:
Diploma di livello universitario in lingua e letteratura inglese conseguito nei Paesi di lingua inglese ;
Altre lauree;
Abilitazione all’insegnamento della lingua inglese nella scuola primaria;
Diploma di perfezionamento;
Dottorato di ricerca;
Esperienze lavorative:
Docenze in corsi di lingua inglese;
Docenze in corsi PON;
Insegnamento in corsi finalizzati al conseguimento delle certificazioni Cambridge ESOL University (PET,FCE,CAE) Trinity;
Group Operational Plan will assess the documentation submitted and will select the curriculum, based on the following criteria:
securities Access
degree or diploma related to the type of education required:
rating from 66 to 80 Rated 22 points
81 to 90 points 24
rating from 91 to 100 points 26
rating from 100 to 110 points 28
Grade 110/110 cum laude
30 points Other qualifications: study, cultural, professional and academic
Up to a maximum of 15 points
3 points for every publication up to a maximum of 13 points
Experience Work
teaching assignments related to the course 3 points up to a maximum of 15 points
teaching assignments and experiences in teaching courses PON 4 points up to a maximum of 16 points
The training will take place entirely on time afternoon, during the period from April to June 2010 according to a schedule to the course activities
functional type of task and reward
The allocation of office shall be effected by the signing of contracts for the provision of intellectual work under Article .2230 of the Civil Code, paid with an hourly rate as required by the comprehensive guidelines. The fees will not lead to social insurance benefit care and treatment or to end the employment relationship.
If civil servants, experts will be formally approved by the membership of
Functions and duties of the expert staff recruited to carry over his teaching activities, will be available at:
- collaborate with the Group Operational Plan (GOP),
- identifying, in collaboration with the tutor, the structure organizational training module
- perform the tasks of preparing, administering and tabulating
training materials, assessment tests in entry, mid-and end-of documentary material;
- prepare the final report on Intervention and played the card
analytical skills - acquired for each student;
- to support the s representative / s of assessment in preparing the material necessary for the detection
skills including for the final certification;
- assist the animator of the action plan with regard to the documentation of their
- competence;
- include all the documentary material on the platform of its competence.
- present, at the end of the project, the statement of hours worked as an expert.
Selection procedure Applicants to these positions will need to produce application the attached form, indirizzata al Dirigente Scolastico.
Saranno considerate presentate nei termini, e quindi valide, soltanto le domande pervenute brevi manu in busta chiusa o tramite raccomandata, entro le ore 12:00 del 09.04.2010 presso l’ufficio protocollo dell’Istituto con sede in P.zza Maria Montessori,1 Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto La busta dovrà riportare la dicitura SELEZIONE ESPERTI PON 2007-13 CON L’INDICAZIONE DEL MODULO RICHIESTO
Non si terrà conto, in nessun caso, delle istanze pervenute oltre il termine fissato.
La domanda, da compilare secondo lo schema allegato deve essere corredata dal curriculum
personale in formato europeo riportante i titoli di studio e le esperienze professionali e dalla dichiarazione di impegnarsi a documentare puntualmente tutta l’attività svolta attraverso il sistema informativo“Gestione Progetti PON”.
Qualora si voglia richiedere il conferimento di incarico per diversi corsi, dovrà essere presentata richiesta per ciascun corso.
Criteri di selezione
Saranno presi in considerazione titoli culturali afferenti la tipologia di intervento, esperienze e
competenze professionali coerenti con la prestazione professionale richiesta.
Il reclutamento degli esperti avverrà a giudizio insindacabile del Gruppo Operativo di Piano assegnando una valutazione agli elementi riportati nei curricola secondo i criteri stabiliti nella griglia opportunamente predisposta.
La graduatoria responsible with their score will be made public by the DS through the inner circular and notice board of the institute.
are open to appeal against the ranking within days. 5 of the publication, after which, the Headmaster will give tasks to the experts who will occupy the rank list. Formalization of office
The teachers so identified will receive timely notice and will be called for the allocation of specific duties, provided that in case of failure to start the courses the school reserves the right not to proceed with the custody of the tasks.
The assignment will be awarded only in the presence of a full curriculum responding to these requests.
The data provided will be treated in accordance with existing legislation (DL196/2003).
This notice is published on the website of the institute
Prof. Antonio Rosario Princi
application form - Experts - ANNEX 1
the Headmaster
IV Circle Of Teaching
Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto
Piazza Maria Montessori, an
Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto
Subject: Project PON "Skills Development" _
Application for participation in the selection as the "experts" for the award of temporary care for an opera performance.
I, the undersigned _____________________________________________________________________
born in ___________________________ ___.___.____, the resident
_____________________ Prov. N
Via____________________________________________ ___________ _________________ (Telephone Number :_____________________ Fixed, Mobile :__________________________)
E-mail :______________________@_______________. ____
to participate in the selection of experienced staff, within the Project
PON "Skills Development" annuity for 2009 concerning the provision of temporary care work
To this end, states:
- to be a citizen a_______________________________________________;
- have no pending criminal proceedings (Ie have the following criminal proceedings
- to have political rights;
- having never suffered dismissals or dismissal from jobs and services for its own willful
their own fault;
- of have no criminal convictions (or to have suffered the following sentences
- to be / not be employed by other public / private (
delete words not applicable);
- the service of :____________________________________________;
- not in any position of incompatibility with the civil service;
is attached to this curriculum vitae in European format. SIGNATURE __________________________
statements made regarding the processing of personal data, sottoscritto_______________________________
belief that such treatment is carried out in compliance with the Code for the protection of personal data to ofwhich D. Legislative decree 196/03, expresses its consent to the processing of personal data, including sensitive ones,
including their disclosure to third parties for institutional uses.
SIGNATURE __________________________
Address Telephone Fax
Country Place and date of birth [Day, month, year]
WORK EXPERIENCE • Dates (from - to) [starting with the latest information separate entries for each relevant
covered. ]
• Name and address of employer job
• Type of business or sector • Occupation
• Main duties and responsibilities
EDUCATION AND TRAINING • Dates (from - to) [starting with the most recent list separately ciascun corso pertinente
frequentato con successo. ]
• Nome e tipo di istituto di istruzione
o formazione
• Principali materie / abilità
professionali oggetto dello studio
• Qualifica conseguita
• Livello nella classificazione
nazionale (se pertinente)
PRIMA LINGUA [ Indicare la prima lingua ]
[ Indicare la lingua ]
• Capacità di lettura [ Indicare il livello: eccellente, buono, elementare. ]
• Capacità di scrittura [ Indicare il livello: eccellente, buono, elementare. ]
• Capacità di espressione orale [ Indicare il level: excellent, good, basic. ]
Living and working with other people, in multicultural environments
in positions where communication is important and
situations where teamwork is essential
team (eg. Culture and sports) etc..
[Describe these competences and indicate where they were acquired. ]
coordination and administration of people, projects and budgets;
of work, in voluntary work (eg.
culture and sports) and at home, etc..
[Describe these competences and indicate where they were acquired. ] SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES
With computers, specific kinds
machinery, etc..
[Describe these competences and indicate where they were acquired. ]
Music, writing, design, etc..
[Describe these competences and indicate where they were acquired. ]
AND COMPETENCES Competences not mentioned
[Describe these competences and indicate where they were acquired. ]
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION [Include here any other relevant information, for example contact persons, references, etc.
. ]
Annexes [List any annexes al CV. ]
Data _________________________ IN FEDE
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Ohio Drivers Licence Renewal
Ministry of Education, University and Research for the Planning Department
Directorate General for International Affairs Office
IV - Planning and management of European Structural Funds and national development and
social cohesion
Ministry of Education, University and Research for the Planning Department
Directorate General for International Affairs Office
IV - Planning and management of European Structural Funds and national
development and social cohesion
European Union European Regional Development Fund
Via del Mare, 139 / 1 - Tel e Fax 090/9797797 - 090/9790367 Tel Cod mecc.MEEE07000C CF 90003500833 - e-mail
98051 Barcellona PG (ME)
Prot No 1006/A15c Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, March 4, 2010
School enrollment at the school website
the USP of Messina in the Register of II.SS. the province of Messina
At the dawn of the Municipality of Barcelona PG
SUBJECT: PON 2007/2011 "learning environments"
ERDF integrated plan "B-1A-ERDF-2008-502"
Invitation to tender for the supply and installation operates equipment for the construction of No. 1 science laboratory "Exploring."
VISTA Circular prot. No AOODGAI 8124 of 15/07/2008;
VIEWS guidelines issued by the MIU.R. for the implementation of projects ERDF
HAVING REGARD to the authorization of the MIUR prot. No 27/05/2009 Announcement of 2796 AOODGAI
integrated plans ERDF - Annuity 2008/09 - ERDF-B-1A-2008-502;
VISTA note of the Headmaster prot. n 2879/A15c 16/06/2009;
CONSIDERING the resolution of the District Council of 28/12/2009 in which the said funding was included in the Annual Programme 2010, HAVING REGARD TO
No 44/2001 on the "General Instructions on administrative management - accounting of educational institutions;
VISA DLvo n.163/06 in the field of procurement and supplies.
to proceed to the award of "Supply and installation of equipment for the construction of a science laboratory, and configured with minimum technical characteristics described in detail in the following pages:
Laboratory" EXPLORING 'funding amount € 13,738.49 including VAT
Description Item No.
Intel Core i7 720QM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 240M
Screen: 16.0 inch, 16:9, 1366x768 pixels
Rain-maximum and minimum thermometer-hygrometer-barometer - and wind speed indicator - index of UV radiation - moisture indicator-Wireless connection to laptop included for graphic representation in real time.
fossil collections
geological processes
the volcanic eruption
KIT cloud formation
Size 77 "direct supply from USB (30m) METAL CABINETS <100MA, super. Lavabile, staffe per fissaggio, portapenne e cancellino, carrello trasportabile con ruote, cavo USB CD software con connessione a PC e videoproiettore
L. 120 X H. 200 X P. 45
Windows 7 Professional (64 bit)
Intel ® Core ™ i7-620M Screen
NVIDIA ® graphics GeForce ® GT 330M + Intel ® HD
The supply will be awarded to the candidate who provides the most advantageous to the Directors pursuant to Art. 83 paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree 163/06, as assessed by the criteria specified below:
a) Quality and specifications
b) Price
c) Warranty Terms
d) Technical
after warranty will not be taken into account , otherwise excluded from the tender offers with specifications lower than those shown in the datasheets.
award will proceed even if there is only one valid bid.
Are not allowed to increase the amount of financing deals.
Any savings made in the implementation phase will be used to increase the purchase of additional equipment
The time for the delivery of the supply is fixed at day 39 (thirty), and natural succession, from the date of receipt of the letter of expectations which will be sent by fax to the Company allotted and then via registered mail
Payment will be in the best manner and terms specified in Art. 17 of the specifications. The
Companies wishing to participate in the competition, have to attach hand delivered no later than 12.00 hours 16/03/2010 4 days of the DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION of Barcellona PG (ME) Via Del Mare, 139/1- 98,051 - the package containing the required documentation, duly sealed and countersigned on the closing flaps, which should be clearly reported corporate name and shared the following words:
"Supply and installation of equipment for science laboratory" -
PON Code Project - B-1A-2008-502-ERDF
will not be assessed the tenders received after the deadline indicated, even if sent in advance, no postmark.
This package must contain no. 3 envelopes containing respectively:
A. ENVELOPE NO. 1, properly closed, sealed and countersigned on the closing flaps, on which he is clearly the corporate name competitor and include the statement "Documents relating to the supply and installation of equipment for n. A science laboratory and must contain - a penalty of exclusion - only and exclusively:
1) DECLARATION IN LIEU - according to the art. 46 of Presidential Decree No. 445 December 28, 2000 and subsequent amendments - signed by the legal representative of the company, attached to this announcement (Annex 1) The registrant must attach a photocopy of an identity document.
2) TERMS OF REFERENCE, duly signed for acceptance by the legal representative of the company; (Encl 2);
3) Model completed, pursuant to Law 286 of 24.11.2006 Art. 48 - bis of DPR 602/73 Economy and Finance Ministry Circular No. And No. 28 of 06/08/2007 29 of 04/09/2007:
"Provisions on payments of amounts over 10.000,00 (ten thousand) € by the Public Administration" (Attachment 3);
4) Model self DURC (Attachment No. 4 ).
B. ENVELOPE NO. 2, duly closed, sealed and countersigned on the closing flaps, on which he is clearly the corporate name competitor, it must bear the words "Technical offer on the supply and installation of equipment for n. 1laboratorio scientific "shall contain - on pain of exclusion - only and exclusively:
1) technical report - signed by the legal representative of the company - with detailed specification of the technical characteristics of products offered - indicating make and model. These technical specifications - on pain of exclusion - must not be lower than required;
2) The offer for the warranty period - whether they date from the manufacturer or company in the competition - which, however, shall not be less months to 24 (twenty four) testing from taking place.
3) The offer on the term of delivery, specified in days, that day shall not exceed 40 (forty), and natural succession, from the date of receipt of the Letter of expectations.
C. ENVELOPE NO. 3, properly closed, sealed and countersigned on the closing flaps, on which he is clearly the corporate name competitor, it must bear the words "Business Proposal on the Supply and installation of equipment for n. A scientific laboratory "shall contain - on pain of exclusion - only and exclusively:
- OFFER comprehensive income - which should not be greater than the Base of the race (including VAT) - to be drawn on the appropriate tab (Attachment No. 5) and shall be expressed both in words and figures must be signed in full, legibly, the legal representative the Company.
is understood that:
delivery of the package remains at the sole risk of the sender, for whatever reason it does not reach its destination on time;
the tender submitted can not be withdrawn;
elapsed time will not be taken into account any even if offered in lieu of a previous
conditional offer will not be accepted or expressed in an unspecified manner or by reference to other supply;
in the event of a discrepancy between the tender in figures and in the letters, we will refer to the most advantageous for the Administration;
if the race remains one valid bid, even if they are the only bid received, the ' award will be made to the sole competitor;
offers equal if the supply will be awarded by drawing lots in a manner which will be determined by the jury;
the omission or incomplete in any of the documents and / or certificates required, the the exclusion from the tender process;
determines also the exclusion also the fact that the bid has not been inserted into the envelope duly sealed and countersigned on all sealing flaps;
Although not specifically mentioned in this announcement and in Chapters' s expense, the provisions referred to Accounting Regulations of the State and the rules of the Civil Code.
This notice will be advertised as follows:
- notice board of the school;
- Publication on the website of the institute
- Transmission electronically to the Office of the Provincial School for the Messina
publication on the website;
- Transmission electronically to educational institutions for the publication of the Province
- the dawn of the Municipality of Barcelona PG
The Headmaster
Prof. Antonio Rosario Princi
1) Declaration in lieu of affidavit
2) Terms of Reference
3) format covers "Arrangements for payments of amounts over 10.000,00 (ten thousand) € by Public Administrations ";
4) Self-Durch
5) Business Proposal
Information ex art. 13 Legislative Decree no. The Legislative Decree 196/2003
. June 30, 2003, No 196, "Code for the Protection of Personal Data provides for the protection of persons and other subjects regarding the processing of personal data.
La normativa indicata prevede che tale trattamento deve essere improntato ai principi di correttezza, liceità e trasparenza e di tutela della riservatezza e dei diritti degli interessati.
Ai sensi dell'articolo 13 del citato D.lgs. n.196/2003, pertanto, si forniscono le seguenti informazioni:
i dati resi saranno trattati per adempiere alle prescrizioni contenute nell’art. 48-bis del D.P.R. 29 settembre 1973, n. 602;
il trattamento potrà essere effettuato sia con modalità manuali sia informatiche;
il trattamento riguarderà tutti i dati contenuti nelle dichiarazioni sostitutive di atto di notorietà i quali potranno essere, dunque, comunicati ad altre amministrazioni per i controlli previsti dall’art. 71 of Presidential Decree No. 445/2000;
these data will not be disclosed outside the case above, nor will it be circulated;
the requested data is mandatory in order to obtain the required payment and the refusal to provide the data makes it impossible to arrange the payment;
holder and accountable is the office manager who has to pay for government departments or the general manager for public sector bodies;
at any time you can exercise the rights provided by the D . Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 regarding the holder of the treatment, pursuant to art. 7 of that decree.
(Annex 1)
Article 47 of Presidential Decree 28 December 2000, n. 445)
.... The undersigned ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...................... ....
(surname) (name)
a nat ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. (... ... ... ...) on ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
(place or foreign country) (province)
residing at ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... (... ... ... ...) Being ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... n ... ...
(Place) (Province) (address)
tax code ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
in the quality of the legal representative of the company / association .............. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
based in ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... (... ... ... ...) being ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... n ... ...
(Place) (Province) (address)
VAT ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Fiscal Code ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
aware of the penalties referred to in art. 76 of DPR 28 December 2000, n. 445 for cases of falsification of documents and false statements, and knowledge that will be also random checks on the veracity of statements made
the effects of applying the provisions of art. 48-bis of Presidential Decree of 29 September 1973, no 602,
1), which to date has not been suspended or revoked registration with the Chamber of Commerce;
2) to be in good standing obligations relating to the payment of taxes in accordance with Italian law;
3) to be in compliance with its obligations regarding the payment of social security contributions in accordance with Italian law,
4) not to be at the inability to negotiate with public authorities, under Articles. 120 et seq. Law 24/11/1981 n. 689;
5) to be registered at the Chamber of Commerce for the activities relating to the contract number iscrizione___________;
6) are not addressed by the measures included in the criminal courts;
7) are not in state administration by the end of assets, liquidation, bankruptcy, and any other equivalent situation.
addition, pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, No 196, to know that the personal information contained in this declaration will be treated, including by computer, only in proceedings to which this statement is made.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... In witness
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ...
Warning photocopy of the identification document
(Appendix 2)
Article 1 - OBJECT OF
Acquisition relates to the "Supply and installation of equipment nr. A scientific laboratory "
2 -
PARTICIPATION Participation in this competition implies that the competing companies to accept all the terms contained in these specifications.
The technical specifications of products - referred to in this race - and their quantities are reported in detail in the notice;
La fornitura sarà aggiudicata in favore della Ditta che avrà formulato l’offerta più vantaggiosa per l’Amministrazione, valutata in base ai criteri previsti nel bando e di seguito specificati:
Qualità e specifiche tecniche
Termini di garanzia
Assistenza tecnica dopo garanzia
L’Amministrazione procederà all’aggiudicazione anche in presenza di una sola offerta valida.
L’aggiudicazione, mentre è impegnativa per la Ditta affidataria, lo sarà per l’Amministrazione subordinatamente al perfezionamento dell’iter amministrativo per l’affidamento definitivo della fornitura.
L’affidamento è soggetto all’esatta osservanza di tutte le leggi vigenti in materia di forniture pubbliche emanate nel Territorio Nazionale e dalla Regione Siciliana, in tutto ciò che non sia in contrasto con le condizioni stabilite e riportate nel presente Capitolato d’Oneri. La ditta si impegna a fornire eventuale documentazione che sarà richiesta per la regolarizzazione dell’affidamento.
La Ditta è altresì tenuta alla piena ed incondizionata osservanza:
· delle norme in materia di assunzione ed impiego della mano d’opera;
· delle norme emanate per la lotta alla delinquenza mafiosa.
Le attrezzature dovranno essere conformi alle norme europee.
Il tempo massimo per la consegna e per la posa delle attrezzature informatiche e di quanto altro – oggetto della presente fornitura – sarà quello proposto nell’offerta della Ditta partecipante e decorrerà dalla data di ricevimento della lettera di affidamento trasmessa a mezzo raccomandata A.R., fax e/o brevi – manu, che – comunque – non potrà essere superiore a giorni 40 ( quaranta ) naturali e consecutivi. La consegna della fornitura avverrà a cura, spese e rischio della Ditta affidataria.
Ogni e qualsiasi onere relativo al trasporto, facchinaggio, assemblaggio, posa in opera, smaltimento del materiale di imballaggio, etc. nei locali che sono indicati nell’art.8, rimangono a totale carico della Ditta fornitrice.
La Ditta dovrà prendere tutte le precauzioni necessarie perché il materiale – oggetto della fornitura – non subisca danni durante il trasporto ed è obbligata a sostituire – a suo totale carico – il materiale che dovesse pervenire danneggiato e/o difettoso. Nessun risarcimento potrà, pertanto, essere preteso per la merce smarrita, deteriorata o resa inservibile durante il trasporto.
All’atto della consegna, la Ditta fornitrice deve presentare un documento di trasporto, in duplice copia e debitamente sottoscritto, dal quale risultino le quantità, la natura dei beni consegnati, and a copy of the order.
L 'Administration reserves the right to use any savings made to increase the purchase of additional equipment.
The Company is obliged to give effect to foster order, while at the same price and terms in the offer, but that this may draw the same reasons to make claims and / or compensation of any kind.
The provision must be made to 'address, 1st Department Education "L. Capuana "Via degli Studi, 2 Barcellona PG (ME).
The purpose of this competition is also the laying of the supply. With that foster the company undertakes the installation and its operation in a workmanlike manner. It also promises to provide specific information, if any were needed, the use of products supplied.
10 - TERMS
Bid prices and other contractual terms are fixed, immutable and binding, even in the event of force majeure, for the duration of the supply.
These prices - including all expenses, liabilities and obligations under the letter of invitation and present Tender 'expenses - means offered for goods delivered regularly packaged, and installed free of charge at the premises indicated at 'Article 8 or in another room that will be designated by the Administration in the note of expectation.
Testing of equipment covered by this provision will be made within 10 (ten) days after completion thereof, certified by a special report.
The favorable results of the test does not exonerate the company from defects not detected during testing operations. If
in investigating, is therefore necessary to arrange for partial or total replacement of damaged goods received and / or made unusable during transport, the company will make la sostituzione del materiale, nel più breve tempo possibile; tale periodo verrà considerato – agli effetti di eventuali ritardi – come tempo impiegato per la fornitura.
La ditta dovrà garantire le Attrezzature fornite per almeno mesi 24 (ventiquattro) assumendosi l’obbligo di ripararle o sostituirle senza alcun addebito.
Il servizio di manutenzione in garanzia, compreso nel prezzo complessivo d’offerta, decorrente dalla data di collaudo, comprenderà:
- la manutenzione correttiva, regolazione e riparazioni in caso di guasto e conseguente ripristino del loro funzionamento ottimale. Il ripristino della piena functions of the equipment must be made within 48 working hours after reporting the fault;
- the supply of all parts of the highest quality, if any produced by the same Manufacturer of equipment and execution of interventions by the staff of the Company same;
- where the supplier delays in carrying out the repairs and restorations, the 'Directors shall have the right to enforce the necessary action by a third party provider charging the expenses incurred and any costs and / or damages resulting from loss of use of equipment.
If it turns out - al momento della consegna – che le caratteristiche delle attrezzature non corrispondano a quelle specificate nell’offerta formulata in sede di gara, la Ditta affidataria è obbligata a provvedere alla loro sostituzione entro e non oltre giorni 15 (quindici) dall’avvenuta fornitura.
Qualora la Ditta non ottemperi a tale obbligo, la stessa sarà tenuta al pagamento dell’eventuale maggiore spesa che l’Amministrazione dovrà sostenere per l’acquisto da altra ditta del materiale di che trattasi.
La merce contestata sarà restituita alla Ditta fornitrice, anche se manomessa o comunque sottoposta ad esami di controllo, senza che la stessa possa pretendere compensi a qualsiasi titolo. Le spese di restituzione della merce contestata restano a carico della ditta fornitrice. La mancata sostituzione entro i predetti termini, senza motivazione alcuna, comporterà, ad insindacabile giudizio dell’Amministrazione, la rescissione del contratto. Il periodo sopra indicato, verrà considerato – agli effetti di eventuali ritardi – come tempo impiegato per la fornitura.
E’ assolutamente vietata ogni cessione di contratto o subappalto, totale o parziale, pena la risoluzione del contratto ipso jure.
Per tutto quanto non previsto nel presente Capitolato d’Oneri, si fa rinvio alle leggi e regolamenti in vigore in materia.
Art. 16 - PENALITA’
Qualora l’amministrazione registri ritardi nella fornitura rispetto ai tempi di cui al precedente art.6, verrà applicata alla Ditta affidataria per ogni giorno di ritardo – sino ad un massimo di giorni 15 (quindici) – una penale pecuniaria pari all’1% dell’importo di aggiudicazione.
Detta penale verrà applicata sulla liquidazione finale senza preavviso alcuno.
Decorsi ulteriori dieci giorni di calendario dalla predetta scadenza, senza che sia stata effettuata la consegna del materiale, l’Amministrazione dichiarerà decaduta la Ditta affidataria e la stessa non potrà avanzare pretese di sorta. Il termine di consegna potrà essere differito soltanto per motivi connessi a cause di forza maggiore, debitamente comprovati con valida documentation and - still - recognized by 'Administration.
The consideration for the supply will be paid by this administration in a single day within 30 (thirty) from the findings of inspection or verification of the continued supply of the material provided, upon presentation of an invoice letterhead this educational institution, and not to credit the financing by the Ministry of Education. and the European Community, subject to the possibility of advance consistent with the holdings of cash .. Payment will be prepared in the manner required in the bill of the following:
- Payment at the counter of Bank to the legal representative;
- bank draft sent by the Institute cashier;
- Bank Transfer.
The Administration reserves the right to terminate the contract in damages, pursuant to art. 1456 cc to persistent delays in delivery or poor quality of established products with a right to damages against the contractor.
19 -
DISPUTES All disputes which may arise regarding the interpretation and execution of the contract subject to this provision, the competent Court of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto.
La fornitura è soggetta all’esatta osservanza di tutte le normative vigenti in materie di pubbliche forniture emanate nel Territorio Nazionale e della Regione Sicilia, in tutto ciò che non sia in contrasto con le condizioni espresse nella Lettera – invito e nel presente capitolato d’Oneri.
L’Amministrazione si riserva la facoltà di non aggiudicare la fornitura, ovvero di aggiudicarla solo parzialmente, qualora il materiale offerto non dovesse rispondere a quanto richiesto, ovvero dovessero venire meno i motivi della fornitura stessa.
Per quanto non espressamente contemplato nel presente Capitolato d’Oneri, valgono le disposizioni di cui al Regolamento di Contabilità State and rules of the Civil Code.
___________, ____________ DATE For The Legal Representative
(Attachment 3)
(Art. 47 of Presidential Decree 28 December 2000, n. 445)
.... The undersigned ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...................... ....
(surname) (name)
a nat ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. (... ... ... ...) on ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
(luogo o Stato estero) (provincia)
residente a ……………………….(…………) in via …………………………………………. n…...
(luogo) (provincia) (indirizzo)
codice fiscale ………………………………………………………..
in the quality of the legal representative of the company / association .............. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
based in ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... (... ... ... ...) being ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... n ... ...
(Place) (Province) (address)
VAT ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Fiscal Code ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
aware of the penalties referred to in art. 76 of DPR 28 December 2000, n. 445 for cases of falsification of documents and false statements, and knowledge that will be also random checks on the veracity of statements made
the effects of applying the provisions of art. 48-bis of Presidential Decree of 29 September 1973, no 602,
or not at fault for the payment obligation resulting from the notification of one or more folders or payment
or be in default of payment obligation for a total of euro ... ... ... ... ... ........., resulting from the notification of payment of the following folders: Folder No
... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .... notification date ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... amount ... ... ... ... ... .. No
folder ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .... notification date ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... amount ... ... ... ... ... .. No
folder ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .... data notifica ……………… importo …………………..
cartella n. …………..……………. data notifica ……………… importo …………………..
inoltre, ai sensi dell’art. 13 del decreto legislativo 30 giugno 2003, n. 196, di conoscere che i dati personali contenuti nella presente dichiarazione saranno trattati, anche con strumenti informatici, esclusivamente nell’ambito del procedimento per il quale la presente dichiarazione viene resa.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... In witness
(place, date)
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ...
( All.4 )
Spettabile Committente
Il sottoscritto _____________________________________________ C.F. __________________________ in qualità di
legale rappresentante dell’impresa ____________________________________ sede legale ___________________________
c.a.p. __________ P.I. _____________________________ C.F. ____________________________ con specifico riferimento
alla gara di appalto per la fornitura* ________________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________ cod. _______________________
indetta da (indicare il Committente) ________________________________________________________________________
autocertifica quanto segue:
• Imprese con lavoratori dipendenti
Matricola ____________________ Sede ________________________ Lav. Dept. No. ____________ (average of the last six months)
claims to be in order, even if authorized deferment, with the payment of contributions due to all the ________
• Sole proprietors
PI _________________________ Coll. No Fam __________
declares to be in compliance with the payment of contributions due to all the ______________________
• craft businesses in corporate form
PA PA _________________________ _________________________
declares to be in compliance with the payment of contributions due to all the
______________________ POSITION INAIL
Customer Code _________________________________ Pat. _________________________________
Den. Retribuz. Prev. (Model 10 MS)
Payment by installments:. YES. NO F24 Mod: amount owed to the ______________________ to the position above.
I also state that the last two years has not been the subject of investigation reports by the Authority responsible
(INAIL - INPS - DPL - ASL - GdF) and has no pending verification by the Authority first described
**. ____________________ _______________
them stamp and signature of the declarant ***
___________________________ * Please indicate the subject race
** If yes, please specify the outcome or the Authority who is under investigation
*** Attach a photocopy of the identity
(Appendix 5)
offer economic
Laboratory "Explore"
Unit cost including VAT
fossil collections
geological processes
the volcanic eruption
KIT cloud formation
l.. 120 X P. 45 X H. 200
NOTES :_________________________________________________________________________
The Legal Representative for acceptance