Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Causes Broken Capillaries On Chest
- P.zza Maria Montessori, 1 - Tel e Fax 090/9797797 - 090/9790367 Tel Cod mecc.MEEE07000C CF 90003500833 - e-mail: meee07000c@istruzione.it
98051 Barcellona PG (ME)
Prot No 1311/A15c Barcelona PG, 24/03/2010
the school website
of USP - Messina
dawn of the Municipality of Barcelona PG
school directors of each and levels of the Province of Messina
dawn of the school
Subject: Public Notice per il reperimento di esperti esterni – PON 2007/2013
“Competenze per lo sviluppo” Fondo sociale europeo - annualità 2009/2010
VISTA La nota prot. n. AOODGAI – 5368 del 21/10/2009 del M.P.I. di autorizzazione per l’attuazione dei progetti approvati per l’annualità 2009/10
VISTE Le delibere di approvazione del Collegio dei Docenti e del Consiglio di Circolo
VISTE le disposizioni e le indicazioni di attuazione dei suddetti piani
VISTE le disposizioni e istruzioni per l’attuazione delle iniziative cofinanziate dai fondi Strutturali
europei 2007/2013 – Edizione 2009- Prot. A00DGAI/2096 03/04/2009
VISA Integrated Plan approved by the Ministry of Education and co-financed by the ESF is necessary to find professionals for the training activities provided
The race for the recruitment of n. 6 experts through comparative analysis of curricula for the implementation of projects carried out by NOP during the school year 2009/2010:
Access title
Objective B Stock 1 (B-1 ESF 2009-1098): Innovative Interventions the promotion of key skills, particularly technical and scientific disciplines, mathematics, mother tongue, foreign languages, civics skills (legal, environment, etc...)
- “Didatticamente”- Conferimento incarico a n.1 esperto esterno per n. ore 30
Laurea in lettere o affine
Obiettivo C Azione 1 ( C-1-FSE-2009-3674): Interventi per lo sviluppo delle competenze chiave
- “New 2” “Potenziamento della Lingua Inglese” Conferimento incarico a n.1 esperto esterno per n. ore 50, rivolto a n. 20 alunni delle classi quinte della scuola primaria di questa istituzione scolastica .
Laurea in Lingua e letteratura straniera
- “Tecnologicamente 3” Conferimento incarico a n.1 esperto esterno per n. ore 30 rivolto a n.15 alunni delle classi della scuola primaria
- “Tecnologicamente 4 "Assignment No. 1 position in external expert for No 30 hours, facing No. 15 pupils of primary school classes
degree in computer science or similar.
Experiences in the field of primary school.
Action Objective C 4 (C-4-ESF 2009-1015) individualized interventions to promote excellence
- "Bike School and 3" for the Appointment n.1 No outside expert to 30 hours of teaching, facing No 15 pupils of primary school classes
experience in the field of action (competitive spirit, technical workshops related to previous experiences in the office or similar) ..
Action Objective D 1 (D-1-ESF 2009-1325): Training aimed at teachers and school staff, new technologies of communication.
- "New technologies for teaching" the Appointment n.1 No outside expert to 30 hours of teaching
Degree in Computer Science or related experience in the field of teaching
Titles evaluable
Degree (Specialist or four "old order") (Foreign language and literature in English, for the path "Enhancing Language English ");
other academic, cultural, academic and professional:
university level Diploma in English Language and Literature awarded in English speaking countries;
Altre lauree;
Abilitazione all’insegnamento della lingua inglese nella scuola primaria;
Diploma di perfezionamento;
Dottorato di ricerca;
Esperienze lavorative:
Docenze in corsi di lingua inglese;
Docenze in corsi PON;
Insegnamento in corsi finalizzati al conseguimento delle certificazioni Cambridge ESOL University (PET,FCE,CAE) Trinity;
Il Gruppo Operativo del Piano valuterà la documentazione prodotta e selezionerà i Curricula presentati , sulla base dei seguenti criteri di valutazione:
Titoli di Accesso
Laurea o diploma riferibili al tipo di insegnamento richiesto:
Voto da 66 a 80 Rated 22 points
81 to 90 points 24
rating from 91 to 100 points 26
rating from 100 to 110 points 28
Grade 110/110 cum laude
30 points Other qualifications: study, cultural, professional and academic
Up to a maximum of 15 points
3 points for every publication up to a maximum of 13 points
Work experience teaching assignments related to the course 3 points up to a maximum of 15 points
teaching assignments in courses PON Teaching experience and 4 points up to a maximum of 16 points
The training will take place entirely in the afternoon, during the period from April to June 2010 according to a schedule to the course activities
functional type of task and reward
The allocation of office shall be effected by the signing of contracts for the provision of intellectual work under Article .2230 of the Civil Code, paid an hourly rate comprehensive as required by the Guidelines. The fees will not lead to welfare and social treatment or to treatment of termination payments.
If civil servants, experts will be formally approved by the membership of
Functions and duties of the expert staff recruited to carry out its activities over teaching, will be available at:
- collaborate with the Group Operational Plan (GOP),
- identifying, in collaboration with the tutor, the organizational structure of the training module
- perform the tasks of preparation, administration and tabulation of material
training, assessment tests in entry, mid-and end-of documentary material;
- prepare the final report on Intervention and played the card
analytical skills - acquired for each student;
- support the / s Contact Person / i assessment in preparing the material necessary for the detection
skills including for the final certificate
- assist animator of the action plan with regard to the documentation of their
- competence;
- include all the documentary material on the platform of its competence.
- present, at the end of the project, the statement of hours worked as an expert.
Selection procedure Applicants to these positions will have to produce according to the application form attached, addressed to the Headmaster.
will be considered submitted on schedule, and therefore valid, only applications received by hand delivery or by registered mail in a sealed envelope by 12:00 on 09.04.2010 at the office of the Institute protocol established in Piazza Maria Montessori, 1 Barcelona Pozzo di Gotto The envelope must bear the words selected experts with the index for 2007-13 PON REQUEST
will not be considered in any case, the applications received after the deadline.
This application, fill out the attached form must be accompanied by curriculum
staff in European format showing the qualifications and professional experience and the declaration of commitment on time to document all work performed through the information system "Project Management PON ".
If you wish to apply for the grant of commission for several courses, the request must be submitted for each course. Selection criteria
Will be considered cultural qualifications relating the type of intervention, experience and professional skills
consistent with the professional service request.
The recruitment of experts will be at the discretion of the Group Operational Plan by giving an assessment of the facts contained in the curricula according to the criteria laid down in the grid properly prepared.
The list of competitors with its score will be made public by the DS through the inner circular and notice board of the institute.
are open to appeal against the ranking within days. 5 of the publication, after which, the Headmaster will give tasks to the experts who will occupy the rank list. Formalization of office
The teachers so identified will receive timely notice and will be called for the allocation of specific duties, provided that in case of failure to start the courses the school reserves the right not to proceed with the custody of the tasks.
The assignment will be given even in the presence of a single curriculum fully meets these demands.
The data provided will be treated in accordance with existing legislation (DL196/2003).
This notice is published on the website of the institute www.4direzionedidattica.blogspot.com
Prof. Antonio Rosario Princi
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