Thursday, October 28, 2010

Infertility Condition_symptoms

issues and concerns of MSM Via delle Sirene - Ostia

the DSM
Director Dr. Andrea Balbi
the Acting Director DSM XIII Municipality - District II
Dr. Antonello D'Elia
the CPSE XIII Municipio
Ms Manuela Ialongo
the Day Centre Manager Dr.
XIII Municipio ssa Rosina Cursi
Al Responsabile U.O.P. C.S.M.
Dr. Massimo Di Colantonio
Al Coord. Del Servizio delle Professioni Sanitarie e Sociali
Dr. Andrea Tranghese
Al Direttore Area Risorse Umane e Affari Generali
Dr. Filippo Coiro
e p.c. Al Direttore Generale f.f. USL ROMA D
Dr. Maurizio Vittucci
Managing Director at USL ROMA D
Corporate Medical Director at USL ROMA D

Writer OS is aware, the move by the CSM of the Day Centre Via delle Sirene Via Tagaste of CPSI Moghetti Roberta. This measure has been adopted by letter prot. 95220 of 20/10/10, signed by the CPSE XIII Municipio Ms Manuela Ialongo, with respect to the reorganization of psychiatric services, "consequence" of the 'failure in the request for "voluntary" subject to "internal Bandino" of 12/10/2010, disclosed no formalization Journal, but above all, without identification of the preference criteria, requirements and qualifications that you possibly consider necessary for the nursing staff to be assigned to the Day Center for Street Tagaste.
E 'so unique, that its reasons for such a "shift" may refer generically to the criteria of experience and expertise, not shown, however, that in "Bandini" issued to carry out the duties required and never even evaluated, previously, at the time of 'the allocation of staff at the CSM.
And we wonder why, if deemed necessary special "knowledge and skills", these have not previously been mentioned and explained, as was desirable and necessary, and possibly, if it was not, however, should be adopted in the time and useful ways, specific policies for training and retraining of all employees in the service, just to answer the this "need."
Please note that a reference, as has been highlighted in this note, relating to recognition, and generic "skills and experience, not only shows a lack of clarity in the planning and design in the address of the service, but it is a mortification of professionalism, expertise, and the same dignity, delle/gli operatrici ed operatori del servizio che, si ricorda, hanno lavorato, ed ancora lavorano, in condizioni difficili, per garantire la funzionalità, l’efficacia e l’umanità del servizio.
Un servizio che, non bisogna dimenticare, svolge la sua azione e la sua attività in un territorio dove molteplici e profonde sono le condizioni di disagio e di malessere umano e sociale, anche in virtù di una esponenziale crescita edilizio abitativa e che, per l’appunto, necessita di interventi e progettualità capaci di affrontare e contenere tali difficoltà.
Tale crescita ha determinato un forte aumento della domanda di salute da parte dei cittadini/utenti, non accompagnata by a strengthening of services, this also due to a heavy shortage of staff covering all the professionals involved (psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, nurses).
In this regard it would be interesting to know the data on the clinics CSM XIII Municipio, in particular the waiting time of the first visits, and took charge of its patients, in order to have an overview of the situation and that in order to better to consider, depending on the shortcomings of existing bodies, a more suitable distribution and positioning of operators in relation to the overall needs of all Service.
Writer OS is aware, certainly the difficulties and critical issues that impede the effective enhancement of the Service in relation to the needs and health needs of citizens / users, but for that reason, you feel even more necessary policies Human Resource Management and Professional based on principles and objective criteria , fairness and transparency of decisions made.
Unfortunately, in the Company ASL RM / D, like this one OS has already been able to report and denounce the policy of Human Resource Management and Professional (transfers, assignments, commands, etc..) Was carried out in the recent past, outside of any rule of law and transparency, without objective criteria and priorities and programming, from the Executive Board and, in particular, from some of its joints, through a precise "Management Strategy" (see note COBAS ASL RM / A, 29/05/2008, Prot Company No. 44753 and 17/11 / 2008, Prot No. 94759) ... .. ", an idea and feudal ownership of" public ": a network of small / large business interests, details, clientele, who does not hesitate to use subtle forms of" pressure "and of "blackmail" used, even outside of any rule of law and transparency, the Management of Human Resources and Professional, as a means of "total control" ...., "and also" ... ... The non-compliance, the systematic violation, failure to comply with union agreements, the inadequacy, if not the very lack of rules, regulations and instruments that provide transparency and legal certainty, determine, in fact, discretionary behavior in generating Employees, conditions of complete subservience and submission, forcing them, in this way, to seek "strategies" personal and / or exclusively personalistic relationships, "prisoners" perhaps, of zealous officials and business executives who think they possess, and thus exercise, so often authoritarian, absolute power in the life and destinies of people working and / or political and trade union representatives in the hope in the expectation of being able to see and recognize and affirm the needs and rights otherwise denied. "
Such policies of Human Resources and Professional could not, precisely because of the heavy shortage of staff, not further exacerbate the difficulties and weaknesses in existing all services, departments, and offices.
This state of affairs, we believe, has come to influence, affect and disrupt the functionality and effectiveness of the various departments within which they certainly can not be ignored choices and decisions made at City Hall and in the MSM of the XIII - District 2 .
It is not clear how during these years, despite becoming sempre più complessa la richiesta di interventi da parte dei cittadini/utenti, non si sia provveduto ad integrare e potenziare il personale anche in ragione dei trasferimenti avvenuti dal CSM di via delle Sirene (circa nove unità infermieristiche) in altri servizi (compreso il Centro Diurno). Ci si domanda con quali criteri e con quali priorità si sono decisi in tutti questi anni trasferimenti, collocazioni di personale da un servizio e/o reparto ad un altro lasciando che, progressivamente, il CSM di Ostia, Via delle Sirene, venisse impoverito di risorse umane e professionali e, di fatto, depotenziato.
Ci si dovrebbe peraltro interrogare sulle molteplici domande di trasferimento giunte in questi ultimi due mesi, come quelle degli nurses, a social worker, two psychologists and a UOS charge of the CSM. We think that when a phenomenon is so large, this may be a sign of discomfort and a deep malaise. These difficulties have emerged, in fact, the Assembly held on 18/10/2010 at CSM Via delle Sirene, as represented largely by some operators / bulls through an open letter. This situation is exacerbated by a lack of communication, dialogue, a 'no path of confrontation and sharing in the absence of clearly defined procedures and transparent manner, within the Service. In addition, a weight, we think, have it also had some choices about l’organizzazione e la funzionalità del servizio stesso, in particolare la revoca e l’assegnazione di diversi incarichi: come la revoca all’incarico dell’Assistente Sociale D.ssa Rosaria Forte e del Dirigente Psicologo Dott. Francesco Sollai, nonché l’incarico affidato al Coordinatore pro-tempore facente funzioni U.O.S. assegnato ad una figura professionale di recente inserimento al CSM nonostante nel Distretto ci fossero operatori con maggiore anzianità di servizio e, quindi, con quel legame, quel radicamento nel territorio di riferimento fondamentale nella complessa rete di relazioni umane, sociali e professionali.
La Scrivente O.S. ritiene che l’impegno, l’umanità e la professionalità operator / matrix elements are essential and indispensable to avoid, or at least contain, inconvenience and disruption to users, especially in times when a service is not able to respond fully to the needs and health rights of users, difficulties for even a shortage of staff and a general impoverishment in terms of quantity and quality of Social Services Public Health.
If, therefore, fail the comparison, the involvement of those directly involved and working on prevention, treatment and care of people, this can not determine malfunctions and difficulties which may however, be prevented through paths sharing and participation. This is what has been represented, in fact, by some People active in the open letter, where, in this regard has been asked to open a table of permanent confrontation, while respecting the roles and dignity and professionalism of everyone, especially interests of citizens / users.
Writer OS Is therefore concerned about the status of this deep malaise and discomfort more in the MSM Via delle Sirene and the tensions it created already with the Shareholders 'Meeting of 28 September and also increased after' Next Meeting of 18 October last. In this framework leaves
"Perplexed" the attitude of those leaders who, with "democratic spirit", participated in a time of discussion and debate wanted by the same operators / machines, without grasping, however, the sense and the needs expressed, and that, having ownership, the powers and responsibilities, not only were able to capture that unease, malaise, and the critical present, but contributed with actions taken without compliance with the rules and the criteria of fairness, transparency and professionalism, to a further worsening of relations and relationships as opposed to the idea of \u200b\u200bparticipation and democracy that should underpin A proper management of public service.
Writer OS, maintains, finally, his opposition to all those transfers and assignments of positions taken and / or under development occurred without regard to procedures, rules of transparency and fairness.
regard, specifically, movement of the CPSI Moghetti Roberta, insists that this allocation has proceeded in a highly discretionary, not only because of the absence of a path of confrontation and sharing within the service, but also for the generality, if not pretext, by which the measure was adopted, regardless of any ranking, and without any comparison and / or evaluation of professional titles and specificity. In this context it is also clear that a request for participation and discussion was answered by implementing behaviors and actions without sharing with the operators of the service.
Writer OS when reporting and report the above interventions, and initiatives hopes to restore a climate of dialogue and confrontation in defense of human dignity and professionalism of each operator / her and in the interests of citizens / users. Sincerely

Delegates MSW
Laura Mazzarella - Cesare Morra - Antonio Nocera

Prot ASL RM / D No. 97432 of October 27, 2010


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