transfer service based TSMREE - CSM Acilia.
Al Commissario Straordinario AUSL RM/D
Dr.ssa Graziella Ansuini
Al Direttore Amministrativo AUSL Roma D
Dr.ssa Giuiditta Del Borrello
At the Rome Local Health Medical Director Dr. Maurizio Vittoria D
to the medical director of the Municipality XIII - District 2
Dr. Pistolesi Climene
Al Head Executive Protection Unit
Children and Adolescents Mental Health and Rehabilitation
Dr. Henry Nonnis
The manager of CSM-2 District
Dr. Antonello D'Elia
the Area Director of Human Resources and General Affairs
Dr. Philip Coiro
and PC to / the Delegate / s of Coordination of MSW
Writer OS, with the means to express this deep concern over the failure to transfer the service TSMREE Acilia in via del Poggio Acilia No. 69, despite already been taken earlier by the management of past management, commitments to that effect.
Please note that quest'OS had in the past, with a note / Document 25/02/2010, Prot AUSL RM / D No. 18651, represented and urged, among the different and varied issues relating to the Shareholder Services Health Care Town Hall XIII - District 2, the arrangement, following the transfer of the Family Counseling Acilia and immunization services, which occurred during the first days of March this year, both of which the CSM TSMREE in the seat and the premises vacated by those services.
It is also this, that, even with an embarrassing delay, the premises of Via del Poggio Acilia, n ° 69 have been recently renovated to suit the needs of the Service TSMREE that would then, as commitment by Directorate Company, was assigned in order to improve working conditions and offering services to the citizens of both the service TSMREE, the CSM is adjacent both services, however, for years in situations of serious shortcomings with regard to structures, including, those even more serious, related to staffing.
For now, the garrison rebuilt, is free and unused nonostante i costi sostenuti dall’Amministrazione per la locazione, le utenze e, appunto, l’avvenuta ristrutturazione.
Pensiamo sia utile ricordare che il Territorio del XIII Municipio – Distretto 2, si collocherebbe, in quanto a popolazione residente, al 15° posto tra le città italiane, subito dopo Padova e prima di Trieste, con una delle composizioni più giovani e con un tasso di natalità tra i più elevati a livello europeo. Riteniamo, pertanto, impensabile che si possa procrastinare una soluzione, anche se parziale e solo strutturale, del Servizio T.S.M.R.E.E. di Acilia e del C.S.M. nella situazione di disponibilità immediata della risorsa necessaria.
Riteniamo indispensabile che, il Servizio T.S.M.R.E.E., per le caratteristiche dell’utenza – minori in condizione di disabilità e loro famiglie – sia pensato e progettato, e quindi strutturato, quale Servizio di prossimità, tanto più in un territorio tanto vasto quale quello del Distretto XIII° Municipio, in continua e progressiva espansione edilizio/abitativa.
Analogamente anche l’utenza del C.S.M. presenta caratteristiche che rendono indispensabile il rispetto del criterio ed il principio di Territorialità e Prossimità e, quindi, la necessità di un effettivo potenziamento anche attraverso l’ampliamento e la funzionalità dei locali.
Si deve, infatti, tenere presente che, nel territorio del Municipio XIII, l’entroterra has long past, by number of inhabitants, the area of \u200b\u200bthe coast and that, under the plan of building area, there are always the hinterland, tens of thousands of new residents in coming years.
Thus, if a reorganization of the district must be made, it must necessarily provide for a harmonious and functional balance of the reality of the hinterland, through a progressive strengthening of the presence and delivery of social services - health care.
Especially, writer OS observing the delays on the realization of the commitments made by the Company in respect of the transfer of the Service TSMREE, expresses concern, in consideration of the approach to delivery of the garrison S. Augustine, whose restoration is nearing completion, there is some "enterprise" hypothesis, never formally expressed and found to transfer and merge at the S. Augustine himself TSMREE all the staff of District 2.
This fear had already been expressed by the writer OS in a leaflet / document of 08 / 03/2010 - "... .. If not we will see a normal" relocation "of services and activities already exist (see Family Counseling, TSMREE.ecc . etc...) It takes into account what? If you want to create the conditions for a "The only center of excellence" by combining existing services renunciation and sacrifice, so that the principle of territoriality and proximity to the citizen / user ?......".
not give, therefore, just and suitable location for social and health services, seeking to achieve the necessary Network in the Territory can politely respond to the needs and social rights and health of citizens could lead to insurmountable difficulties in areas such as ours, where already are critical and important environmental and social issues. This can lead to strong restrictions on access to care and rehabilitation with serious consequences in terms of failure to reduce disability health and social care, with costs in human terms but also economic, in the long run, can not be quantified.
We hope we were bad prophets and being denied by forward-looking action by the current Executive Board should note that the health needs of citizens / users, especially the smallest and most people experiencing hardship, rejecting logic centralization and weakening of the services that today are too often come before the right to health of the population. In
confirm our readiness to dialogue and confrontation on these issues and hoping for a positive solution to the problems outlined above calls, send greetings.
n° 86566 del 23/09/2010
I Delegati R.S.U.
Laura Mazzarella - Cesare Morra - Antonio Nocera
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Impetigo From Toilet Seat
reporting - Request for inspection and verification at Via Umberto Cagni, No. 48.
Al Commissario Straordinario AUSL RM/D
Dr.ssa Graziella Ansuini
Al Direttore Amministrativo
Dr.ssa Giuditta Del Borrello
At Corporate Medical Director Dr. Maurizio Vittoria
The manager UOC Prevention and Protection
Dr. Vittorio Chinni
The manager UOC Property Assets Management
Ing Domenico Di Nino
To the Head of Department of Prevention
Dr. Claudio Fantini
UOSD The manager of immunoprophylaxis and Programs
Prevention and Health Promotion Dr. Daniela
UOSD the Medical Director. Immunoprophylaxis
Dr. Patrick Grammatico
the Area Director of Human Resources and General Affairs
Dr. Philip Coiro
and PC to s CEO / Co-ordination of the RSU
Writer OS, with the present, wants to point out that within the EAC ' UOSD Immunoprophylaxis and prevention programs and Health Promotion / Screening Coordination and Tobacco JRC, Via Umberto Cagni, No. 48, about a year and a half away from the end of the work, and the resulting opening, persists to this day, presumably due to a strong smell of chemical fumes.
Please note that this situation was already reported by the / I Operations / bulls in the service itself, which, however, seems to have also complained, at times, the onset of discomfort and irritation to mucous membranes, eyes, throat and respiratory tract. This
OS calls, therefore, with polite urgency in carrying out the appropriate inspections and all inspections and tests necessary to determine the reasons and nature of such issues and whether these might represent a risk to health and safety of the same professional / / bulls present there.
Some of your early reply shall I extend cordial greetings.
Prot AUSL RM / D
No. 82892 of 14/10/2010 p.
the s Delegate / MSW of Local Health MR / D
Laura Mazzarella - Cesare Morra - Antonio Nocera
Al Commissario Straordinario AUSL RM/D
Dr.ssa Graziella Ansuini
Al Direttore Amministrativo
Dr.ssa Giuditta Del Borrello
At Corporate Medical Director Dr. Maurizio Vittoria
The manager UOC Prevention and Protection
Dr. Vittorio Chinni
The manager UOC Property Assets Management
Ing Domenico Di Nino
To the Head of Department of Prevention
Dr. Claudio Fantini
UOSD The manager of immunoprophylaxis and Programs
Prevention and Health Promotion Dr. Daniela
UOSD the Medical Director. Immunoprophylaxis
Dr. Patrick Grammatico
the Area Director of Human Resources and General Affairs
Dr. Philip Coiro
and PC to s CEO / Co-ordination of the RSU
Writer OS, with the present, wants to point out that within the EAC ' UOSD Immunoprophylaxis and prevention programs and Health Promotion / Screening Coordination and Tobacco JRC, Via Umberto Cagni, No. 48, about a year and a half away from the end of the work, and the resulting opening, persists to this day, presumably due to a strong smell of chemical fumes.
Please note that this situation was already reported by the / I Operations / bulls in the service itself, which, however, seems to have also complained, at times, the onset of discomfort and irritation to mucous membranes, eyes, throat and respiratory tract. This
OS calls, therefore, with polite urgency in carrying out the appropriate inspections and all inspections and tests necessary to determine the reasons and nature of such issues and whether these might represent a risk to health and safety of the same professional / / bulls present there.
Some of your early reply shall I extend cordial greetings.
Prot AUSL RM / D
No. 82892 of 14/10/2010 p.
the s Delegate / MSW of Local Health MR / D
Laura Mazzarella - Cesare Morra - Antonio Nocera
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Coachmen Futura Folding Trailers
transfer activities and services Presidio Via Paolini - St. Augustine.
Special Commissioner AUSL RM / D
Dr. Graziella Ansuini
The Administrative Director Dr. Judith
Del Borrello
Business Health Director Dr. Maurizio Vittoria
The Director of Health District XIII Municipio
Dr. Pistolesi Climene
the Area Director of Women and Child Protection Dr. Pierluigi
UOCI the Acting Director of Women and Child Health Dr Patricia
the Executive Director UO
Protection Children and Adolescents Mental Health and Rehabilitation
Dr. Henry Nonnis
Al Direttore del Dipartimento di Prevenzione
Dr.Fabrizio Fantini
Al Dirigente U.O.S.D. Immunoprofilassi Programmi
Prevenzione e Promozione della Salute
Dr.ssa Daniela Reggiani
Al Dirigente U.O.C. Prevenzione Protection and Dr. Vittorio
The manager UOC Property Assets Management
Ing Domenico Di Nino Al
Area Director of Human Resources and General Affairs
Dr. Philip Coiro
and The Council of the PC / Delegates / ti MSW
Writer OS has become aware through the media (the Messenger of the September 2 U.S.) by the Executive Board of the intention to transfer, services and activities, especially those related to medical practice specialist from the place of the garrison Via Paolini renovated St. Augustine. Such a transfer would be determined by the need to carry out renovation work, particularly the securing of the structure of Via Paolini, work which is already budgeted and announced for some time. OS
This has got to be in the past, through various reports and complaints, the problem of shortage and inadequate sanitary facilities in the District Municipality of XIII (see notes of 30/09/2008 Prot No. 79158, Prot No. 103823 15/12/2008, 23/06/2009 57806 Prot, Prot No. 85039 of 21/09/2009 and 25/02/2010 Prot No. 18651).
This situation, mainly due to the profound transformations that have occurred in recent years, in the urban, social and cultural, accordingly, in particular, developing residential building still in continuous rapid growth, without which this development was accompanied, as is was necessary to identify and implement policies and structures of space and place in which to increase these social services - primary health care, the policies needed to protect health and, consequently, improve the quality of people's lives.
This condition has failed to get worse, especially in the thirteenth Hall, following the renovation of St. Augustine and the disposal of the garrison of Lungomare Paolo Toscanelli, No. 72, which has seen the transfer and placement services and activities, including existing sites and in areas not suitable (see Advisory bureau of Ostia, the immunoprophylaxis / Vaccinations, TSMREE, Spresal, SISP, Sian, etc.)..
She ended up weighing up all the absence, in these years of serious planning and organization and lack of an idea, an overview of the various and diverse issues related to the demands and needs, development Land, the proof is the approximation, the carelessness and the emptiness of the proposed time to time advanced, and is fragmented and inconsistent, not that they meet the functional needs of the departments concerned. Not to mention the complete lack of will, in addition to non-compliance of the commitments / agreements made (see Comparison Table) of the previous Executive Board, in seeking to keep open reasoning on the merits that would have better ensured, in times and useful ways, just by comparison, the examination and further development of scenarios and proposals, finding the most appropriate solutions to ensure more and better services to citizens / users Territory.
attitude, this has served to further aggravate the already difficult situation with the risk of further serious delays in relation to expectations, the expectations on the implementation of projects both announced and proclaimed (see House of Health of Women and Child ) and, particularly, on the final, suitable accommodation for all the services and activities concerned, these years, at various locations and transfers. This
OS, although aware that this attitude, he ended up weighing conditions, on the issues, the critical aspects, and choices, on the arrangement of the various services, expresses at the same time, concern about the hypothesis of the transfer St. Augustine at the services and activities in the premises of Via Paolini.
There is a fear, in fact, that this decision is likely in the near future, without the appropriate and necessary guarantees on timing, on how and, above all, on the temporary nature of the transfer in question, referring to the renovation of the place of Via Paolini, further delaying, if not undermine, not only the project of the House of Health of Women and Child (a project which, however, we believe, is yet to be defined, both with respect to services and specific activities that should take place, both for the lack of human and professional resources needed to carry out the project and the subsequent full and complete operation of the structure) but also prevent the relocation within the St. Augustine, services that were there and that currently operating with special difficulties and untold anguish for professional / / bulls, and especially for citizens / users. This
OS, expressing and in the state, once again its willingness and its desire to be initiated on these issues, a comparison, together with all social forces and the union territory, claims that, any temporary displacement, the principal of Via Paolini, activities and services at the renovated St. Augustine, will be providing at the same time, through the 'prudent and rational use of space, and ensuring the functionality of the various activities, the immediate and simultaneous relocation of those services, in particular, the Family Counseling of Ostia, for which this OS has presented a detailed and specific reporting / exposed On Prot 23/06/2009 57806 ASL of TSMREE and dell'immunoprofilassi / Vaccinations.
Waiting for a prompt and positive response is best regards.
Prot.AUSL RM D No. 80838 of 7.9.10
p. the COBAS AUSL RM / D
Delegates MSW
Laura Mazzarella - Cesare Morra - Antonio Nocera
Special Commissioner AUSL RM / D
Dr. Graziella Ansuini
The Administrative Director Dr. Judith
Del Borrello
Business Health Director Dr. Maurizio Vittoria
The Director of Health District XIII Municipio
Dr. Pistolesi Climene
the Area Director of Women and Child Protection Dr. Pierluigi
UOCI the Acting Director of Women and Child Health Dr Patricia
the Executive Director UO
Protection Children and Adolescents Mental Health and Rehabilitation
Dr. Henry Nonnis
Al Direttore del Dipartimento di Prevenzione
Dr.Fabrizio Fantini
Al Dirigente U.O.S.D. Immunoprofilassi Programmi
Prevenzione e Promozione della Salute
Dr.ssa Daniela Reggiani
Al Dirigente U.O.C. Prevenzione Protection and Dr. Vittorio
The manager UOC Property Assets Management
Ing Domenico Di Nino Al
Area Director of Human Resources and General Affairs
Dr. Philip Coiro
and The Council of the PC / Delegates / ti MSW
Writer OS has become aware through the media (the Messenger of the September 2 U.S.) by the Executive Board of the intention to transfer, services and activities, especially those related to medical practice specialist from the place of the garrison Via Paolini renovated St. Augustine. Such a transfer would be determined by the need to carry out renovation work, particularly the securing of the structure of Via Paolini, work which is already budgeted and announced for some time. OS
This has got to be in the past, through various reports and complaints, the problem of shortage and inadequate sanitary facilities in the District Municipality of XIII (see notes of 30/09/2008 Prot No. 79158, Prot No. 103823 15/12/2008, 23/06/2009 57806 Prot, Prot No. 85039 of 21/09/2009 and 25/02/2010 Prot No. 18651).
This situation, mainly due to the profound transformations that have occurred in recent years, in the urban, social and cultural, accordingly, in particular, developing residential building still in continuous rapid growth, without which this development was accompanied, as is was necessary to identify and implement policies and structures of space and place in which to increase these social services - primary health care, the policies needed to protect health and, consequently, improve the quality of people's lives.
This condition has failed to get worse, especially in the thirteenth Hall, following the renovation of St. Augustine and the disposal of the garrison of Lungomare Paolo Toscanelli, No. 72, which has seen the transfer and placement services and activities, including existing sites and in areas not suitable (see Advisory bureau of Ostia, the immunoprophylaxis / Vaccinations, TSMREE, Spresal, SISP, Sian, etc.)..
She ended up weighing up all the absence, in these years of serious planning and organization and lack of an idea, an overview of the various and diverse issues related to the demands and needs, development Land, the proof is the approximation, the carelessness and the emptiness of the proposed time to time advanced, and is fragmented and inconsistent, not that they meet the functional needs of the departments concerned. Not to mention the complete lack of will, in addition to non-compliance of the commitments / agreements made (see Comparison Table) of the previous Executive Board, in seeking to keep open reasoning on the merits that would have better ensured, in times and useful ways, just by comparison, the examination and further development of scenarios and proposals, finding the most appropriate solutions to ensure more and better services to citizens / users Territory.
attitude, this has served to further aggravate the already difficult situation with the risk of further serious delays in relation to expectations, the expectations on the implementation of projects both announced and proclaimed (see House of Health of Women and Child ) and, particularly, on the final, suitable accommodation for all the services and activities concerned, these years, at various locations and transfers. This
OS, although aware that this attitude, he ended up weighing conditions, on the issues, the critical aspects, and choices, on the arrangement of the various services, expresses at the same time, concern about the hypothesis of the transfer St. Augustine at the services and activities in the premises of Via Paolini.
There is a fear, in fact, that this decision is likely in the near future, without the appropriate and necessary guarantees on timing, on how and, above all, on the temporary nature of the transfer in question, referring to the renovation of the place of Via Paolini, further delaying, if not undermine, not only the project of the House of Health of Women and Child (a project which, however, we believe, is yet to be defined, both with respect to services and specific activities that should take place, both for the lack of human and professional resources needed to carry out the project and the subsequent full and complete operation of the structure) but also prevent the relocation within the St. Augustine, services that were there and that currently operating with special difficulties and untold anguish for professional / / bulls, and especially for citizens / users. This
OS, expressing and in the state, once again its willingness and its desire to be initiated on these issues, a comparison, together with all social forces and the union territory, claims that, any temporary displacement, the principal of Via Paolini, activities and services at the renovated St. Augustine, will be providing at the same time, through the 'prudent and rational use of space, and ensuring the functionality of the various activities, the immediate and simultaneous relocation of those services, in particular, the Family Counseling of Ostia, for which this OS has presented a detailed and specific reporting / exposed On Prot 23/06/2009 57806 ASL of TSMREE and dell'immunoprofilassi / Vaccinations.
Waiting for a prompt and positive response is best regards.
Prot.AUSL RM D No. 80838 of 7.9.10
p. the COBAS AUSL RM / D
Delegates MSW
Laura Mazzarella - Cesare Morra - Antonio Nocera
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