Great party at the Casa del Parto Ostia, as he toasted the extension of the activity, suspended last July 16 for lack of accreditation and re-opened there were assurances that the President Polverini, Barbara, woman included in the path of delivery of Demedicalization "acqualuce" entered into labor.
At the same time during a press conference was convened by the "Committee to defend the House of the Delivery Services and Maternal and Child" composto dal Coordinamento donne di Ostia, dalle mamme e i papà, dai Cobas ASL RM/D e dalla RdB/USB Sanità che da giorni presidiano
La lotta di questi giorni è riuscita a segnare un punto di non ritorno a difesa e speriamo rilancio, del servizio pubblico e di qualità. La sperimentazione – assicurano dal comitato – garantirà certamente il superamento delle inadempienze burocratiche ma resta il gravissimo been faced by the Maternal and Child Service of ASL RM / D, characterized by narrow and inadequate premises and lack of personnel (midwives, nurses, pediatricians, etc..) resulting in a lowering of standards of care in a densely populated and which requires appropriate responses.
Opening the discussion table with the Directorate General
Casa del Parto - Ostia, 29 luglio 2010